Chapter 15

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"And here is your badge, Agent Chase you completed your training. Congratulations. You are free for the rest of the day and I am pretty sure Charlie is waiting for you" Hill said smiling.

"Thank you for everything. I wouldn't get through that year. I promise I won't let you down." Annabeth replied.

"We are glad to have you with us and I am sure you won't let us down. Now you are free to go. See you tomorrow morning" Hill said to her new agent and Annabeth drove towards her apartment.
"Hi Molly, how is Charlie?" Annabeth asked her son's babysitter.

"Everything is fine. He woke up, I fed him, we went for a walk and then he took his nap and then you came" Annabeth gave Molly her 20 bucks.

"You are free to go".

Molly was thinking something "A Clint called and he told me to tell you to call him as soon as you can because the thing he wanted to tell you it's Urgent" Annabeth got anxious as Clint doesn't easily say that something is urgent.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow"
Annabeth found her baby boy playing with some legos "Mommy" he said and Annabeth took him with her and then she dialled Clint's number. "Clint? It's Annabeth. What's up? Is everything alright?" Clint sighed "Actually no. Are you sitting? If you aren't, please sit so I can tell you." Annabeth was getting very nervous "How soon can you come to Brooklyn?" Their conversation couldn't become weirder "Very soon? Clint, you are freaking me out" "Steve died last night. His funeral will be tomorrow afternoon in Brooklyn. Will you make it? I am sure it would mean a lot to him" "Of course I will come. I will be there thank you for calling me Clint" Annabeth was astonished, her guardian angel and lifesaver was dead "Mommy you kay?" Charlie asked very worriedly even though he didn't understand much. Annabeth just kissed him letting him know that everything was going to be fine"
Someone knocked on her door. It was Nick Fury "Are you coming with us, Agent? We are living with Hill in 30 minutes for Brooklyn. Bring your kid with you. Meet you in the rooftop" And then he disappeared.
Steve's funeral was very depressing for every one who assisted it. Everyone was there. Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Thor, Clint with his family, Pepper, many agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and loads of other people. "Steve was my best friend. I owe to him who I am today. It is because of him that every one of you is here. He loved, cared and admired every one of you. I loved him very much
I would give my life for him in any way If I could. He saved me and Wilson so many times that I can't even count them and one of the many ways we can honour his dead soul is to remember him and smile as he would want us to do so. It's going to be very hard waking every morning knowing that my best friend is dead. But I have to get used to it." Bucky said with his face filled with sobs.
"He was not only a great person but he was also a great friend. He was always by my side and he would always be no matter what was going on. Steve would always stand by me when all the others would turn their backs. He was amazing, he saw the best in people and he would never ever judge someone without knowing their story. He will forever be in my heart and I will never forget him. " Steve said until he started choking and sobbing.
Annabeth was waiting for her taxi to come and get her after the funeral. It was pouring outside so she decided to go inside until the weather gets better. Sam was sitting inside and smiled sadly when he saw Annabeth. "How are you, Captain America?" She asked her friend "I am okay, I guess. It's pretty hard being Captain America. And stressful but I owe it to Steve as he chose me to be his legacy." He sighed "How are you feeling Annabeth?" "I don't know. I am going to miss him. He wasn't only my friend But he was also my guardian angel and my lifesaver after you know... Percy died. Steve was the one who saved from my eternal sadness. He helped me move on and do something with my life except grieving" The blonde girl said with a sad smile attached on her face. "How it's your new life? A baby and a job in S.H.I.E.L.D. How are you picking up the pace?" "I seriously don't know. It's hard being a single working mother but I am trying my best. I love my job and I care so much about Charlie but I don't have enough time to actually do everything I want But I am surviving" Sam looked a bit worried "If you ever need help you can just give me a call" Annabeth smiled and hugged him for goodbye "Thank you for everything. It was great talking to you, goodbye" Annabeth exited the room and she found a taxi outside.
"Wait for me," A boy behind Annabeth said. He was incredibly handsome although he seemed tired by life. He did seem to be in his early 20s and he appeared to have really hard adolescence. Annabeth couldn't understand him at first but then she remembered from where she knew that Queens accent. "Peter-?" Annabeth wanted to ask him but he signed her bot to say his name out loud. They both entered the taxi "What happened to you?" Peter sighed "Mysterio revealed my secret identity. I went to the jury for 6 months and then I had to be homeschooled as the parents weren't feeling safe having their children in the same school with me and I had a lot of troubles getting in a university as I have a criminal record. I still got in M.I.T as Mr Stark had given me a scholarship but I get loads of bullying. And who isn't bullying me is afraid of me. But I didn't get in jail and S.H.I.E.L.D. is kind of protecting me. Enough about me. You look fine, I mean the hair cut, the hairstyle, the hair colour, the outfit are all amazing but honestly are you fine?" Peter asked very worriedly for his friend who stood by him. "I really don't know if I am fine. It's really tough moving on. I cut, straightened my hair, change for blonde to strawberry blonde, changed my style and got a tattoo but nothing is really helping me out. I don't think that I will ever find someone else for me. And I miss Percy so much, I still dial his number sometimes but I don't get any answer. I also had to give birth to my baby with nobody by my side. I have this brilliant baby boy doing amazing things every day and nobody else but me in this world. He has Percy's sea-green eyes which are constantly reminding me what I lost. But I have to move on. I am an adult, I have to deal with changes and I will try my best for my poor little baby. But at least I am better than before. I become the person but this is life. With its ups and downs. I wanting something more stable and permanent. Do you get it? Or am all alone at this?" Annabeth asked "I completely understand you. You just want a simple and happy life after everything you have been through. I wanted exactly the same but Beck destroyed my life but at least I have my girlfriend with me. Hope to see you again Annabeth, goodbye has a safe flight back" Peter smiled softly with his caramel curls in his eyes and then he left.
Annabeth went towards Sally's house to take Charlie and leave as Fury was waiting for them. "Annabeth why can't you stay a little longer?" Sally said sadly as she was missing her, well supposed to be daughter -in -law. "My boss will take us home in an hour but I guess 25 more minutes wouldn't unhurt anybody. "Of course they won't hurt anybody," Sally said and hugged Annabeth "I will be in Percy's room" "Of course" Annabeth held the doorknob and took a deep breath. Percy's room still smelled like him as Sally wouldn't let anyone touch her long-gone son's in her words 'nobody would ever stay in that room as long as I and my family have this house'. It was still messy with things all over the place. She opened his drawer and took his favourite sweater that she knew it would be in its place. She wore it and went in the bedsheets that were like heaven to her. It was like Percy had slept in there the night before. She closed her eyes and imagined Percy was still alive. She imagined that Percy was still with her and they were staying ten minutes from Central Manhattan. She imagined that in her finger she was wearing a wedding band and that Charlie was playing with Percy as it had to be. But it was just a dream. It was just Annabeth's imagination, nothing that had a slight chance of happening in the future. But she smiled knowing that Percy was proud of her and everything she had done. This wasn't how their story would end but everything was okay.


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