Chapter 8

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            "That's the plan? This is how we're going to bring everyone back?" Percy said looking that his mind was blown after hearing the plan The Avengers had "Because this is totally going to work! We are going to bring them all back" Percy said more excited than ever to the new family that made him understand never to give up. " Son of Jack you're going to get your life back. You are going to get your life back and the girl you love. You're going to be everyone's Savior once again." Thor said joyfully.
            Percy hadn't heard someone calling him a saviour for the past few years. He was red from his anger so he decides to live the room. He didn't want to be the hero anymore, he didn't want to be the centre of attention ever again, he didn't want to be again a toy of the gods again and again and again until he dies. He was climbing the stairs to the roof of the top of the Avengers tower.
          Clint Barton was there sitting all alone "For a while after I lost my family because of the snap. I wanted to make everyone suffer twice as much as I did but what I couldn't understand was that everyone was suffering very much already and they didn't need me just make them suffer more. I was torturing all of the population like a terrorist. Percy, you look lost disorientated and trapped in a lethal sadness. I was just like you two months but those people downstairs helped me out. Stark, Cap, Thor, Bruce, Nat and even Scott, we can all help you out and we can make you find that part of yourself that you lost when Annabeth disappeared.             
              Percy was crying very loud " Clint please don't get me wrong but I don't want to find the piece of me that I lost. I don't want to be any longer a Hero of Olympus and I prefer it the way, everything is now. I simply want to be a retired hero and just get the family that I always wanted with Annabeth. Why is this so hard for some people to understand? I want to be all alone with Annabeth and nobody asking me to go to ridiculous quests and other weird things to do" Percy started crying very loud "I am so sick of all this" He screamed
             "Percy. I totally understand what you are going through.  I want the same thing but duty called me back, I had to come back and then I lost what I wanted more than everything, more the life itself and now I am all alone. I promise you and me are going to get the life we want at the end.  But we just have to work really hard about it and save the planet one last time before we both go and live our lives.

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