Chapter 4

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        "There must be a way to bring all of them back Steve, What if we try to bring together all the people that we can? New York may lose half of its population but there is the other half of New York that might actually be able to do something about it and we may save everyone" Natasha said
"Nat please don't get me wrong but I don't think it's possible. We lost friends, family even a part of ourselves that we are never going to get back. Plus it won't be easy to gather the new yorkers we have, their self-esteem is very low and I think it's over, Thanos did what he wanted and finally won" Steve told very sad to his best friend and his only family "But whatever you decide to do I'm going to help you and I will always will" Steve said once again
         "Well, I want you to promise that if something happens to me you're going to achieve your biggest ambition, to finally be with Peggy okay?" She half smiled " you will probably need a badass lady to look after you Cap and I don't think that anyone can cover that placement except me and Peggy"
     "Oh come on! nothing's going to happen to you" Steve said "You never know. But please promise me that one thing, I need you to be happy again because you're never going to be happy if we don't succeed. And if we succeed, you won't be happy as you won't have your one and only true love and I really care about you." Steve sighed "I promise you that IF something happens to you I am going to find Peggy"

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