Chapter 14

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Tony Stark's funeral was the saddest event the Avengers assisted. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon with small waves hitting the pier. Maybe it was so sad because it was their best friend's ceremony for burying his smart body. It's been a tough week, first Natasha, Tony and Percy died and then it was Tony's funeral.
            Harley and Peter were resting at the edge of the pier talking like the true brothers they were. "I really miss him, Harley. And I still believe that it is my fault that he isn't with us right now." Peter said with a face filled with tears. Then the little Stark that was spying the two teenage boys. "It isn't your fault Peter! My daddy loved you very, VERY, VERY much. And he wouldn't let you say that it was your fault." Morgan complained to her 'Big Brother' "I love you Peter" she said again "Aw, I love you too Morgan. I promise that I will never say that it was my fault again" Peter tried to fake a smile. "Come and sit with us," Harley told to the young Stark "Sure, Harley" She tried to smile and sat next to her two brothers.
       Peter, Harley, are you my big brothers? Because I would really need to Big Brothers right now." Morgan said with tears in her eyes. But they didn't let her finish, what she wanted to say as they could answer "we always were and we will always be your Big brothers, no matter what happens Morgan." The two boys said in unison and then they got tackled by a big hug that was coming from there the little not in Blood but by heart sister.
      Bucky can I talk to you for a second? Steve asked his best friend "Yes sure. Steve, what is wrong? I can tell something is wrong" Bucky answered. "Do you want to be the next Captain America Buck?" Bucky was speechless. He couldn't believe his eyes  "Explain Steven" Bucky told to Captain ready to freak out "I am going to meet with Peggy. Well, actually I will use the time machine so I can have my life with her. I would tell you to come with me but I know that you wouldn't want to to go with me in the past and someone has to be the next Captain America." Bucky was still very quiet "I am sorry Steve but no, I can't be the next Captain America. I almost can't control my own mind because of the whole Winter Soldier situation. I can't become Captain America because I may put the whole world in danger but I think the next Captain America has to be Sam. He may be an idiot but he is capable of doing stuff" "Bucky one more thing don't do anything stupid while I am gone" Steve said and hugged his best friend "Of course I won't Steve, don't worry about me. I hope you have your dance with Peggy" "Captain can you please return the Stones now that we are ready?" Bruce Banner said "yes sure I am coming. goodbye Bucky sees you in a minute" Steve said and disappeared.
       Steve returned and the last infinity stone. Then he went to a different universe, he saw himself who he later kidnapped "What is going on? Who are you? I mean you are me but who are you" Then Steve from our timeline touched him and he disappeared "I am ready to live my second better life. Let's do this" he whispered to himself "Peggy I love you. Do you want to dance with me" Steve asked his one and only "of course I will dance with you Steven"
Long story short Steve lived a happy life with Peggy Carter. He had children, he got a not so dangerous job and he was finally peaceful. The day Peggy died he explained to his children that he was a time travel to and then he returned back to our time.
       "Sam do you like my shield?" An older Captain said. "Of course I do. Why do you ask Steve?" Sam asked his friend "Because it's your Sam. I want you to be the next Captain America. Now that I can't, I grew older and you are my best friend" Steve said smiling "Really? Are you sure? You could give it to anyone. To Barnes or even to that Spider Kid-" Sam started saying as he was apprehensive whether he would fulfil his position. "Sam, look at me. I chose you because you can do it, I want you to be my legacy. You are going to make an amazing Captain America, I know it. And you are going to have the most capable person to help you." He said smiling to Bucky "He comes with the shield and he is the only one who I trust and can help you out. Do you want to be the next Captain America, Sam Wilson" Sam smiled sadly to Steve's direction "Of course, it will be an honour for me"   And they hugged.
       Annabeth was sitting alone wearing a black dress. She was still mourning after Percy's death "Mind if I sit next to you Annabeth?" Captain asked very politely. Annabeth wiped away her tears and responded: "No, of course, I don't mind Captain." She paused a bit as she was choking "How was it? Did you have your dance? Was it nice living a completely different life?" She said trying to be nice. Steve stared at the lake in front of him " It was amazing Annabeth. I spent my life with Peggy and it was a dream coming true. Although I missed all of this" Annabeth smiled with a deep sadness in her eyes "I am glad you had your happy ending Captain. You deserved to be happy." "You know I wanted to tell you something. I named my second son after him. You deserved to know" Steve told her with his blue eyes remaining timeless. Annabeth started crying " What I am supposed to do except move on? Do you have any suggestions?" Annabeth asked "You can join S.H.I.E.L.D. You are smart and a very capable person that S.H.I.E.L.D can rely on. They will help you out" "Thank you Captain it really helped me. Its one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received" "Percy always said the absolute best about you. He really, really loved you. When he was asleep he was saying your name. He even tatties your name on his hand." Annabeth started sobbing "How can I become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D? I want to join as soon as possible" "I think I can help you out. I owe it to Percy Jackson".
      "Leo what is wrong. You haven't left the workshop since we came back. You haven't eaten or changed or did anything in the last 5 days." Annabeth said really caring about her friend "I went to Olympus today, to discover why she hasn't returned yet. They told me that she on her island. Thanos didn't take any mercy on her. He hated her for abandoning him and Dr Banner did the best to save everyone. I will never see her, ever again" Leo said sadly "Can't you do the same thing you did the last time?" "Sadly no Annabeth. Festus is broken and the other parts got stolen when we all left. But it doesn't matter. You lost Percy, Piper lost Jason, Hazel lost Frank and I lost her. The only thing that is bugging me it's that I didn't even say goodbye. But that's nothing to complain" He cried. "Come hear," Annabeth said and hugged him "I am leaving tomorrow. I am going to Washington, to make a fresh start" Annabeth said to Leo feeling guilty for letting him all alone "Do you want to watch finding Nemo?" Leo said with that movie bringing loads of memories "Sure" They opened the television and watched their Aquaman's favourite movie. Smiling sadly and remembering

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