Chapter 5

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     The dark Percy was a monster. He was stealing money from banks, killed in cold blood whoever that was on his way, torture people and would do everything an assassin or a Hydra soldier would do.
         But that's life the one day you're everyone's saviour but then when everyone that loved and respected you is gone you suddenly become a big fat nothing. And sadly that nothing has to change to something so you feel good for yourself even thought you don't really need to and that something isn't usually good.
         Percy trying to steal money from a shop in North Korea. He lifted his black shotgun and was ready to fire on at 78 year old lady who owned the shop but then he heard the sound the bullets do when you put them in the Gun.
        "I wouldn't do it if I were you, sweetie" A woman that was wearing a black fitted suit said. Her two guns were ready to fire at Percy's direction  "You are probably new at this stuff. You look nervous, you are trembling and your knuckles are white and you're not holding the trigger the right way and you arent wearing something to hide your face, which means you used to be a hero" Percy was staring weirdly at her as she knew half of his life "what do you want from me? I am trying to do a robbery here" The annoyed  ex-son of Poseidon shouted to the lady which was ready to kill him "Natasha Romanoff also known as the Black Widow. I 've been watching every move you were making. Every of your moves since the snap, from the moment you decided to stop being a good kid and you did that ridiculous haircut in an alley in Brooklyn "So basically you were stalking me for the last few months?" Black Widow laughed "You can say it that way too.I want to talk to you"
          "I am sorry but I don't Black Spider or who you call yourself" Then Natasha did a flip and landed right behind Percy and put her gun on his right temple. Percy's sea green eyes even though they had a big sadness widened to the size of a plate. " We are going to talk  or I will pull the trigger and then it's over" "I am not afraid of you but you should be of me" She tackled him and he ended on the floor with his nose bleeding. "This is the least I can do to you so you suffer. Percy being headstrong didn't want to go talk with a weird lady he found in a supermarket North Korea. He choked his pride "I guess a talk would be fine but you didnt win this arguement" Percy stated and Natasha raised her eye brow "Let's get out of here" She said and helped Percy get up " What do you want to talk about" "I think I found a way to get everyone back" She said and Percy's jaw dropped.

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