Chapter 10

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       "See you in a minute" Natasha said and then they disappeared in the blink of an eye. "I hope it works" Percy said  "I hope it works too. My life without Calypso is empty" Leo answered "The hair is legit by the way Aquaman. But i would never pull it off" Leo laughed "I call it revenge haircut"  "They got back" the Hulk/Bruce Banner said to the two boys.
            "We got the stones!" Ant-man said. Time for the Snap" War Machine  announced the team "I'll do it" Hulk said bravely and he did the snap.
           But nothing happened. Percy was something much more than disappointed. It was like the pavement after he realised that nothing happened. "As I expected. I should have taken the situation in my own hands" Percy said "Hold on where is Nat?" Leo said really stressed Percy's tears were rolling on his face uncontrollable "Stark you are such a hypocrite you knew that she would do it! And you let her go!" Percy said while trying to attack Tony and being held back by Hawkeye and Captain America "what are you talking about Percy" Steve said calmly to the furious son of Poseidon "I heard their  conversation the other night. She told him not stop her when she would sacrifice her life." And then Percy kicked the chair on his way out. "It's true but you all know Natasha. If something gets in her mind you can't change her mind and I am sorry" Tony cried in front of his friends. "It should've been me! It shouls have been me" Clint began hallucinating "And none of them are saved! it should have been me! if It was me who exchanged my soul I would be with my family right now. I would be with  Laura, Lila, Cooper and Nate" he cried
       But Suddenly an explosion happened. "Avengers you were fools. You thought that you would defeat me, that you could win back what you've lost. To make everything normal once again but you are idiots that you even considered it. You didn't learn from your mistakes and you have to pay for what you have done!
Thanos said with his bombarding, rusty, loud and manipulative voice "I am going to destroy every single human, every single animal and every insect that may be a threat to me. You are all filthy, annoying and arrogant and I am never going to show any mercy to you. Never again.
And his laugh started echoing all over the tower. The unexpected happened, the earth started shaking, big cracks started coming out of the ground and a hurricane came towards Thanos' direction and made him choke some water giving to our time to our heroes.
             It was Percy who did it. With his eyes bloodshot and looked like a shattered mirror "THANOS YOU TOOK AWAY FROM ME EVERYTHING IMPORTANT. YOU KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER. YOU PIECE OF A GRAPE ARE GOING TO REGRET THE DAY YOU DECIDED TO GO IN MY WAY" Our hero said heroically. His hair where everywhere and his nose was bloody "Perseus Jackson do you think that I am afraid of you? You haven't watched anything that I can do yet" And Percy uncapped Riptide
      "Well you should be scared of me grape face. I don't think you can actually hurt me without your weird colourful glove. I am ready to fight you and do whatever it takes to get Annabeth back. I am Percy Jackson a hero of Olympus, titan slayer, the demigod that defeat the god of time Kronos and I am going to kill you and take revenge, Thanos. I AM PERCY JACKSON" He screamed to the guy that twice his height "I like his energy" Clint said watching his actually trying to succeed his mission. "I am proud of him. And i am sure Nat would be too" Tony said smiling sadly "Avengers let's win this fight and Thanos."

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