Chapter 13

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Percy, she was very tired after all the events of that day. He was so tired that he fell on the ground. Percy was sure that he wouldn't make it, he had never felt so weak. "Percy talk to me! Percy look at me!" Annabeth was screaming while Percy was completely losing his senses. "I love you, Wise Girl," he said and then fainted.
They went to the closest open hospital that they could find, that could actually help his condition. Percy's wound was big, infected with alien poison and all of his internal systems were shutting down, He couldn't feel a thing. He had already vomited 6 times and he didn't want to get any medication as his condition wouldn't get better, he was in a critical and terminal condition. "Percy you can not leave me now, please Percy" Annabeth cried in front of her true love but Percy was too weak that he couldn't fight his own body.
"Today is my last good day," he said so quietly that he could barely get heard by Annabeth. "Percy, my love you can't die, you can... you can survive. You can't leave so soon, please Percy, stay strong. You've been through more difficult situations than this. This is nothing for you, please Percy" She said with her eyes looking like shattered glass. "Please, can you tell all them to come in. I need to talk to them one last time. To all of them, new and old friends" he said and Annabeth ran outside to make true her boyfriend's last wish.
"You all taught me how to care, how to love, how to dream, how to live for others, how to seek for adventures. You helped me look at life from a different perspective, find my real friends and a part of myself that I didn't want and you helped me and brace it. Thank you all of you for it. Everyone was into tears at the end of his speech.
Reyna and Piper were crying along with Pepper and Nebula who had actually had a friendly relationship for Percy and they really cared about him. Steve and Clint couldn't hold their tears any longer and they started filling the room with Manly tears as they lost not only another member of their team but a member of their family. Leo and Grover realised that their best friend had a big personality and character development. He had gone from 'I am not going to die to the embracement of his fate, he greeted to death like an old friend.
He really loved his mum and his sister. And he really loved his friends and he would do anything for them and he did save them. All of them, his mission was over. He had finished his last battle which he won. It was all over now. Well, he didn't want his life to end so soon as he was in his early 20 but that's life. You never know when you are going to die. But the son of Poseidon didn't complain about being in pain or about the fact that he died. He had lived a life filled with memories and Adventures. He had found true friends that he could really rely on. And he had also made enemies who stabbed him in his back multiple times. He laughed, he cried, he suffered, he had great moments and bad moments. He had felt fear, pain, anxiety but above all everything else he did live a life an average demigod can't.
It didn't matter he will join Zoe, Bianca, Jason, Tony and Natasha.  He will be awarded eternal happiness. He didn't need anything else. He felt very guilty for letting Annabeth down but he was tired. He couldn't fight any more. He had suffered enough for a lifetime, he didn't need any other living days in his life. " Well done, Percy Jackson you will be remembered forever," Captain Marvel said. "Can you please all leave? I want to talk to him a bit" Annabeth said and everyone left the room a little heartbroken as they knew it was the last time they would see Percy alive. "Percy tell Jason I miss him" Piper cried hugging her boy best friend One Last Time. "Goodbye Percy"
         "I need to tell you something" Annabeth sobbed "hold my hand and you can say to me anything you want" and Annabeth did as he said. He held his hand and she started talking "The day before the snap I went to the doctor's office as I was very sick and I needed to know what I had. In the place that we went when we got snapped you didn't grow up a say. Anyway, I'm pregnant Percy." she cried and then the daughter of Athena realised that the son of Poseidon took his final breath. "I will always love you," she said and gave him their Last Kiss. She couldn't proceed with what just happened with her love. "Rest in Peace Seaweed brain" and she left the room.
       "he is dead" Annabeth announced sadly, putting on her bravest face but it was nearly impossible for her as soon as Grover whispered to her ear that everything is going to be fine, she started sobbing like crazy about her lost love.
     Percy was definitely dead. He knew that he couldn't be more dead than what he was. In front of him, he saw the palace of Elysium."Percy, why are you here? You can't be dead" A blonde guy with blue eyes and a scar on his upper lip said to the guy with the sea-green eyes  "I died after I saved everyone along with the Avengers, nice to see you again Jason Grace" Percy hugged his best friend that hadn't seen since he was 27 "Jackson you shouldn't be here. You should be alive with everyone else. What happened to you?" A female voice said "We saved all of them and had my mission has finished. My job was done in the world of the alive" he said and Natasha hugged him

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