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Itachi felt awful. Reina was black and blue, her arm a palette of shades. She was so dehydrated he couldn't locate a single vein to insert the cannula. Yet she didn't complain once. Even when she winced as the needle pierced her skin yet again, she just sat there watching her grandmother's heart monitor. 

"Gomenasai, Reina-chan. I didn't think it would be this difficult." Itachi whispered, holding a piece of folded gauze to the crook of her forearm. 

"It's ok, it's my own fault for not drinking enough water." Reina replied, a weak smile breaking onto her lips. 

"I'll give it one more go then will leave it." 

Reina nodded, continuing to watch the heart monitor rise then fall. For someone who was in a profession where they were trained to use sharp, pointy objects, Reina wasn't actually the best when it came to needles. It wasn't a phobia, not in the slightest; she just couldn't watch the needle go in. Once it was in she was fine. It was the anticipation that rendered her an anxious mess. 

This time however, she was too exhausted to care. 

"And there we go." Itachi said, finally managing to locate a suitable vein. He watched intently as the tube immediately began to run red, it twisting and turning its way into the empty IV bag. He just prayed that the vein didn't collapse - or Reina did for that matter. "I'll go get you something to eat and drink. You'll need the sugar once the bag is full."

"Hai." Reina replied, nodding in his direction. Itachi cleared away the equipment, being sure to dispose of them in the biohazard bin. He took one glance over his shoulder, watching how Reina held Tomo's hand whilst her other hung limply on the arm of the chair, the IV bag slowly but surely filling up, incarnadine. 

Perhaps Riichi stood a chance afterall. 

It didn't take much persuasion to commandeer some spare food from the nurse on shift. One look at him and he could see the whites of their eyes and the sweat immediately begin to accumulate on their foreheads. Even without uttering a single word he terrified people. He dreaded to think how people would react to him if he were part of the Akatsuki. They would likely drop dead where they stood. 

And that would likely be before he activated his Sharingan. 

Food and drink in hand Itachi made his way back to Tomo's room. The only things available were some miso soup and boiled rice alongside a cup of matcha that looked more like pond sporn than tea. He very much doubted Reina would consume any of it, let alone complain about the quality. Still he needed to try. He'd try to persuade her to allow him to hook her up to a saline drip. If she wouldn't eat or drink anything, he'd at least make sure she got her fluids one way or another. 

Shouting made his Sharingan spring to life of its own accord. The hairs on the back of his neck stood to attention and his muscles coiled, ready for action. He abandoned the tray of food, leaving them on a nearby nurse's station before breaking out into a sprint. 

The shouts were coming from Tomo's room - it was Reina. 

"Get him out of here!" Reina hissed, her eyes wild and her teeth bared in a snarl. Atsushi stood at the doorway, his prison guards stood on either side. 

"I have every right to be here. She is my sister." Atsushi replied, ensuring that he stood well away from Reina. She was wild. Unhinged almost. "It's not like you've done a very good job of looking after things. In fact the Clan is better off falling into disrepair than letting you attempt to run it."

Itachi stepped into view behind Atsushi. His chakra immediately grabbing the attention of the guards. 

"If you don't take him away now, I'll make sure he ends up in the ICU. And it won't be just for a dislocated shoulder either." Reina spat back, leaning against Tomo's bed to steady herself. Despite her lack of energy, her resolve was unwavering. 

"I suggest you take him back to his cell. Tomo-sama is in no condition for this type of commotion." Itachi murmured lowly, his Sharingan still burning. 

"Oh, I see you have an Uchiha doing your bidding now. How much did that cost? A night between your legs? Ha!" Atsushi cackled, throwing his head back in laughter. Reina narrowed her eyes, her nostrils flaring with contempt. Itachi took his eyes off of Atsushi, noting how the air around Reina began to pop and hiss. 

"Hold your tongue." Reina said, her voice devoid and dripping with venom. Atsushi, his face once alight with fiendish delight was suddenly darkening with each passing second. "I suggest you walk away now, before I continue to boil you from the inside out."

Seeing Atsushi's state, the guards immediately ushered him out as he began to cry out in pain, a mixture of profanities and painful promises falling from his lips in one fluid stream. The moment Atsushi was out of sight Reina's feet wobbled beneath her, her knees buckling and caving in. Thankfully Itachi caught her before her head hit the ground. 

"Bastard." Reina muttered through gritted teeth before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she lost consciousness. Her face was devoid of colour and she was practically a bag of bones beneath her scrubs. Itachi adjusted her in his arms, mindful of the IV bag that trailed behind him, her blood still filling up the bag. 

"Easy now." Itachi murmured softly, his Sharingan nowhere to be seen. He carried her to the couch in the corner of the room, laying her down carefully, she now out for the count. "You've done so well, Reina-chan." Itachi whispered, as he covered her with a blanket and undid the tubing of her cannula. "Rest now, I'll watch over Tomo-sama."

Itachi stood guard over the sleeping pair, his chair midway between the two. Reina showed no sign of rousing; that final surge of chakra she used on Atsushi had finally tipped her over the edge. He was a vile man. Itachi disliked very few people. Atsushi however was most definitely on that list. It was a wonder how someone so conniving could share the same blood with those who literally had hearts and eyes of gold. 

It baffled him. 

The fluctuation of Tomo's monitor broke Itachi's line of thought. She was coding. 

"Nurse-" Itachi began, his voice trailing off when he spotted three letters that made his stomach drop. 


Do Not Resuscitate. 

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