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Reina desperately wanted to sleep, she quite frankly didn't care if it was on the Uchiha's couch or dining room table. She just wanted to sleep. But she couldn't. Not until she had gathered her things including her mofuku. The black kimono had been resized a few weeks ago at Tomo's request; her grandmother clearly knew the end was coming and wanted to prepare Reina for the inevitable even before she was in the grave. 

It didn't make it hurt any less though. 

Reina folded the sleeves of her mofuku carefully, the seams of the garment sharp as a razor's edge. Tomo would be proud of her ironing skills at least. Safe in its box, Reina added a sheet of lavender paper to stop the fabric smelling of damp within the box. That's all she needed tomorrow, to walk around smelling of damp. 

"Do you have everything?" Sasuke asked, poking his head into Reina's bedroom. "We can always come back if you've forgotten anything."

"I don't think I want to come back," She paused, closing the lid. "not for a while at least." Sasuke nodded in understanding. There were too many memories, too many ghosts that lingered in the hallways. He didn't blame her for not wanting to be permanently haunted. 

Being ever the gentleman, Itachi had carried Reina's things to the front door, he waiting patiently for her to collect anything else she might need. He wasn't sure how long she would be staying with them, but it would be nice to know he had an ally in the golden eyed kunoichi - even if she did speak to him as though he was one of her students. 

In a sense he was. 

He was still learning when it came to emotions. Logically he knew what they were and how they affected his body, he simply didn't understand how to deal with them. He was such a matter of fact person that if the information wasn't written down in black and white he didn't pay attention to it. But the way Reina had worded things made sense to him and if anyone was to understand what he was going through, it was her. 

He just had to trust himself to trust in her. 

"Are you ready to go home?" Reina asked, pausing at the edge of the genkan. "I can go alone tomorrow, and you can stay here with Sasuke if you wa-" 

"I'll be fine." Itachi cut in. "I'm going to be right by your side tomorrow. I promise I'll make sure you're ok."

Reina felt her eyes prickle, she blinking a few times to stop them spilling over. "Well then," She sniffled. "I guess that's settled then."

"Let's go, because I don't know about you two but I can't wait to eat and go to bed." Sasuke muttered, sliding on his shoes whilst juggling Reina's luggage. "Not that I mind Reina, but do you really need to bring so many clothes?" 

Reina paused at the front door, holding it open for the younger Uchiha. 

"Unless you want me to walk around naked, then yes." 

Itachi couldn't help but smirk. 


The moment Reina arranged her shoes at the Uchiha genkan, Mikoto swooped her into an embrace, her ribs crying at the sudden intensity. 

"Reina-chan! I'm so glad you're ok, I was so worried when you didn't come home." Mikoto cried into her hair, her concern obvious. Reina smiled weakly, returning the embrace but with less fervour. 

"I'm fine, Mikoto-san." Reina managed to say despite the lack of air. "I just needed a day or two to collect my things."

Mikoto nodded, holding her at arms length to inspect her. "Did you eat at home?" She asked, her dark eyes boring into hers. "Silly question, you wouldn't have had any groceries in. I'll whip you something special up. Get some meat back on your bones." Mikoto held her Reina's face between her hands, her cheekbones too sharp against her palms. "Now then," Mikoto shifted her attention to her sons. "where are my favourite boys."

"Okaa-san." The pair said in unison as Mikoto squeezed them both at once, planting kisses all over their faces, much to their dismay. Reina couldn't help but smile a little. She missed that type of motherly affection. The unconditional love that came with loving a child. Baa-chan never let her leave the house without hugging and kissing her cheek. It was like tradition. 

"Come on then, let's get you three washed and fed."

This was definitely home.


Reina sat on the edge of Itachi's bed, towel in hand as she dried off her hair, the smell of Itachi's blood finally gone. She sat for awhile, if she attempted to stand she would likely fall down as quickly as she stood. 

"Are you alright?" Itachi asked from the doorway, his own towel draped over his head. 

"Hai, just a little lightheaded from the hot water." Itachi nodded, lingering by the door, rubbing the towel over his wet locks. "You should take your bed, I took it last time." Reina murmured, absentmindedly drying her hair. 

"It's fine. I'll have the futon in Sasuke’s room."

"You need to rest. Not lay there contemplating your brother's murder because he snores too loud." Reina retorted, a shadow of a smirk ghosting her lips. Itachi couldn't really argue that point. "Bring the futon in here? You take the bed and I'll sleep on the futon, if you don't mind sharing your room, that is." 

Itachi contemplated her offer. He could either lay beside Sasuke’s bed and literally ponder smothering him all night. Or, he could actually sleep in his own bed for once. 

"Hai." Itachi disappeared from the doorway only to return, futon and pillows in hand. "You keep the bed, you need the rest more than me."

"Are you saying I look like shit?" Reina asked, brow quirked in question. 

Itachi knelt beside the bed, rolling out the futon, methodologically ironing out the creases. "Considering 36 hours ago I was dead," Itachi paused, making himself comfortable on the bedroll. "I look peachy in comparison."

"You're an asshole." Reina scoffed throwing her towel at him. 

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