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When it came to his wife, Mikoto was an open book; Fugaku knew exactly what his wife was thinking even before she did. Even in their younger years, before the grey hairs had begun to spring at the edges of his hairline, Fugaku knew what Mikoto's quirks were. 

For example, any time she twirled her hair she was looking to get her own way. (And obviously he couldn't say no). However when she tucked her hair behind her ear, Fugaku knew to run for the hills because Mikoto was going to let her temper fly with no restraints.

But one thing he didn't know about his wife, was why she sent Itachi to accompany Reina. 

Fugaku had heard the commotion in Itachi's room the previous night; he had heard the clash of blades and the rough and tumble of taijutsu. He had drawn the kunai he kept beneath his bed, his own Sharingan itching to be activated. So hearing his wife tell their eldest son to accompany the golden eyed kunoichi to the hospital bamboozled him. 

They had been inches from killing each other. 

Yet upon hearing the front door slide open, Fugaku expected to hear his youngest son's snarky remarks alongside an unimaginable tension that was beyond awkward. Instead he found Itachi holding Reina, she leaning into his arms rather than avoiding him and pretending he didn't exist. 

He suddenly understood why his wife had done what she did. 

"Is everything alright?" Fugaku asked, taking off his glasses. 

"Hai, Otou-san. I'm just going to escort Reina-chan to bed." Itachi curled around Reina, making sure she didn't fall up the stairs. She had spoken a word since they left the hospital. She had kept ahold of his hand the entire walk home as though if she were to let go she would float away from the world. He had no idea that was exactly what she wanted. 

Everything moved in slow motion for Reina. She allowed Itachi to herd her up the stairs and into his room. His actions were delicate and careful as though she would shatter if he applied too much pressure. It was too late though. She had shattered the moment the medical-ninja peeled back the sheet and revealed her grandmother's swollen and bruised cadaver. 

"Get yourself comfortable and I'll go see where Sasuke went with your tea." Itachi whispered, noting how Reina's eyes were glazed over. As he attempted to let go of her hand, her grip tightened. 

"I'm so sorry." Reina breathed out, the sound more like a whoosh of wind than actual speech. Itachi paused, his brows furrowing on instinct. "You were only trying to protect me and I lashed out at you as though you were the one who had taken Baa-chan away from me. And for that," Reina looked up at Itachi, her eyes seemingly leaking liquid gold as she began to cry. "I am so so sorry."

Reina covered her face with shame, guilty of how she had treated him, when he had been nothing but courteous towards her. He had looked after her from the very beginning and she had thrown his kindness back at him. She was riddled with guilt and grief. Itachi was stunned. He hadn't expected her to apologise. He had expected her to deny he existed and go about her life. 

"Reina…" Itachi sighed, taking the place beside her and tucking her into his arms. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and held her to him, her tears dripping against his neck. "It's alright. You don't owe me an apology." He whispered into her hair as she continued to cry, her entire body shaking with each passing sob. 

"I…do." She sobbed. "You were," Hiccup. "only trying," A weepy breathe caught in her chest. "to protect me." 

"Shhhh…" Itachi cradled her, managing to scoop her up in his lap and reposition himself against his headboard of his bed. 

"I'm so sorry Itachi." Reina squeaked, her voice groggy from crying. 

"I know you are." Itachi replied, rubbing her back in long, soothing strokes. "Just sleep now and everything will be ok, I promise." Reina nodded in response, leaning her head in the crook of his shoulder. He was so warm. It was like lying under a kotatsu in the winter. "Shhhh…" Itachi continued absentmindedly, his own eyes closing. 

10 minutes, 10 minutes and then he'd move and crawl into his futon and hopefully fall asleep before Sasuke started snoring. 

When Sasuke came up the stairs, tea tray in hand, he expected Reina to be sleeping. That was a given. The poor girl had came face to face with the corpse of her grandmother. She was bound to be exhausted from the sheer trauma. What he  didn't expect was Itachi to be sleeping in the bed with her. 

Itachi was out for the count. In his arms Reina dozed quietly, the occasional hiccup squeezing past her lips. Sasuke couldn't help the smile that slithered onto his lips. Itachi, despite the bags beneath his eyes, looked content; his ankles were crossed idly and his fingers were linked as he kept hold of the heiress in his lap. 

Sasuke silently closed the door behind him, whilst Mikoto attempted to peer over his shoulder. 

"Are they sleeping?" She whispered. 

"Hai." Sasuke eyed his mother, her dark orbs twinkling. "You planned this, didn't you?" Mikoto smiled coyly, smoothing out his unruly tufts of hair. 

"You'll learn Sasuke-kun. Like calls to like."


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