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"Reina get off my back!"

"Sasuke take your fucking knee out my kidney!"

"Then tell us what's in the damn scroll and I will!"

"Then tell Suicide-Squad there to tell me what the psychologist said!"

"It doesn't concern you!"

"Doesn't concern me?!" Reina snarled. "That's it!" Reina stopped grappling with Itachi and wriggled out from underneath Sasuke; who previously had his knee in her back, pinning her down on top of Itachi.

The three of them a stack of the most bizarre and misshapen pancakes ever.

"You promised me that you wouldn't shut us out?! That you wouldn't shut me out!" Reina cried, wiping her eyes before they had a chance to leak. "You know what? Go fuck yourself! And you can shove that scroll up your ass whilst you're at it!"

And with that she left, slamming the front door as she went.

Sasuke stood there in a silent rage. His nostrils flaring and his fists pulsating. "What did they say Itachi?"

Itachi sighed, pushing himself off of the floor and dusting off his pants. "Nothing."

"Bullshit." Sasuke hissed. "What. Did. They. Say." He repeated, his Sharingan springing to life. "Reina may be too nice to actually hurt you, but so help me kami I will beat it out of you if I have to, Itachi."

Itachi turned to Sasuke, scroll in hand. He saw the look in his eyes. He wasn't joking. It's like when Sasuke had beaten Naruto up to get information out of him. Or to keep him in the hospital but that was a separate situation entirely.

"I've been suspended for refusing to participate in sessions." Itachi deadpanned, staring Sasuke down.

Sasuke ran his tongue over the front of his teeth, it lingering over the point of his incisor.

"What does the scroll say." Sasuke asked, ignoring the vein that had begun to throb on his forehead again. Itachi expected him to shout and lose his temper. Instead he diverted his anger and attention to the scroll in his hand. Itachi cleared his throat and opened the knot that held the scroll together, scanning the document silently.


"What?" Sasuke asked. "What does it say?"

"We need Okaa-san and Otou-san." Itachi muttered, his stomach beginning to simmer with rage.

"What is it?!" Sasuke shouted, taking a step towards Itachi.

"Come on." Itachi pushed past Sasuke, running down the stairs and into the dining room, Sasuke a second behind him.

"Itachi-kun?! What was all the commotion?" Mikoto asked, frowning at her eldest son.

"Reina has had her right as clan head contested by Atsushi." Itachi murmured, slamming the scroll on the table for his parents to see. "He has invoked a duel for her right to lead."

"What?!" Mikoto and Fugaku exclaimed.

Sasuke stood at the doorway, his face draining of all blood as the words left Itachi's mouth.

"Where's Reina-chan?" Mikoto asked. "Where did she go?"

"Itachi, you need to find her and bring her back immediately." Fugaku ordered softly, however Itachi could hear the urgency in his tone.

"Hai Oto-" The slamming of the front door cut Itachi short.

Sasuke was gone.


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