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As a child, whenever Sasuke had a nightmare he would crawl out of his bed and sneak into Itachi's room and clamber into his bed. There had been, on occasion, where Sasuke had sleepwalked into Itachi's room. Regardless of how exhausted he was, Itachi would wrap Sasuke up in his quilt and cuddle him, making sure that any demons couldn't get to him.

He was his Nii-san and he was mind blowingly awesome.

Even as he got older (and eventually taller than Itachi), if he had had a particularly stressful mission and couldn't sleep, he would crawl into Itachi's bed and within moments he was drifting off into nod whilst Itachi found himself wide awake.

He'd have to invent a jutsu for nasal issues.

Today was no different.

Despite his prickly disposition, Sasuke was a sensitive soul. Like his brother he felt everything; the difference was he knew how to regulate his emotions as opposed to repressing them. But sometimes, even as an adult, he just needed his big brother. But considering he had just come out to his parents and turned his sharingan against his father, Sasuke had slept like a log.

A little too well as he began to sleepwalk towards Reina's room. Perhaps he had an internal tracking system where Itachi was concerned, or perhaps the red string of fate just knew when he needed to be led to his big brother.

Either way he found himself in Reina's room.

Sasuke unconsciously allowed his feet to carry him wherever they pleased, which in this instance was across the floor of Reina's bedroom. Now, because he was unconscious, his usually sharp as fuck shinobi awareness was temporarily out of order.

And because of this? He failed to notice the small menagerie of Uchiha branded clothing littered on the floor. (Including a pair of underpants that brandished a familiar red and white fan.)

The younger Uchiha found the edge of the bed, feeling about for the quilt. Reina and Itachi slept blissfully unaware [and naked], their bodies tangled in a mixture of limbs and blankets.

Sleepy Sasuke gave no regards to their bare bodies, and proceeded to climb into bed with them, schooching up beside Reina, much like she had done the night of Tomo's funeral. They were very much a bunch of weirdos.

It was all peaceful until Reina opened her eyes and screamed.

"SASUKE WHAT THE FUCK?!" The [naked] Hitori Leader shrieked, instinctively kicking Sasuke out the bed whilst attempting to cover her naked body.

Sasuke flopped onto the floor, flailing about like a fish out of water, he suddenly hyper aware of the situation he found himself in. "Nii-san?!"

"Sasuke get out!" Itachi acted on instinct, adrenaline rushing around his body as he pulled Reina behind him, his own cheeks flushing a new shade of red.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Reina repeated, throwing a pillow at Sasuke over Itachi's shoulder.

Sasuke, now awake, grinned viciously and stood and dusted himself off, allowing the pillow to hit him. "I hope you were both safe." Sasuke parroted, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he plucked Reina's bra from the floor, jingling the lacey item seductively.

"Oh God..." Itachi uttered, completely mortified.

"You know, a little birdy told me that safe sex was obligatory regardless of sexuality." Sasuke added, a little too chirpily.

"What? Do you want to see the condom?! Because I'll happily slap you with it!" Reina shouted over Itachi's shoulder, the body part perfectly placed to stop the younger Uchiha from getting an eyeful of breast.

Sasuke grinned. Itachi wanted to die. And Reina was ready to hurdle over the elder Uchiha's shoulder.

Sasuke's smirk widened as he snaked out of the room, only after pinging Reina's bra at the raging kunoichi.

"I'm going to kill him." Reina said as she flopped back into the bed, her eyes wide and her mouth ajar. "I'm actually going to kill him." She was partially glad Baa-chan was dead and not here to see this particular debacle.

Itachi didn't reply, instead he laughed.

When Reina heard Itachi laugh, her stomach leaped with an overwhelming sense of glee and pride. This was the man, who not so long ago had given up on life. He hadn't wanted to exist anymore let alone live. And here he was, naked, and laughing freely in her bed.

It was a beautiful sight to see.

Reina propped her head on her hand and watched as Itachi chuckled to himself, running a hand through his hair that she had taken out of his tie the previous night.

"You know this means war, don't you?" Reina added casually whilst she began to draw random shapes on the back of his hand.

"How so?" Itachi replied, laying down beside her and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"If Sasuke ever brings Naruto here overnight, I'm totally waking them up with a foghorn and a cold bucket of water."

Itachi smiled, drinking in Reina's face. "You'd let Naruto stay over?"

Reina rolled onto her back and toyed with Itachi's hair, stroking his cheek with the loose locks. "If you both were to call here home? Then of course I would. He would be entitled to have his partner with him whenever he liked? Because that's what families do. They ignore each other's obnoxious sex noises." Reina flushed, avoiding eye contact and focusing on the strands of Itachi's hair.

"Family?" Itachi questioned, a smile beginning to crack onto his lips. "You consider Sasuke family?"

"When he's not trying to cuddle me naked, because that shit's just weird." Reina pouted. "In fact, maybe I should return the favour when he has Naruto over?" She thought aloud.

Itachi laughed again, his face alight and happy.

"Do I have your consent to cuddle you naked?" Itachi asked, chastely kissing her jaw. Reina couldn't help the giggle that erupted past her lips as she held him against her.

"You have my consent to do more than cuddle me naked."

"Hitori-sama, how salacious you are." Itachi purred against her throat, running his hand down the length of her bare waist.

"I'll show you salacious, Uchiha." Reina retorted slyly, rolling over to straddle and kiss him, the quilt falling away from her body.

"I hope you asked for consent Nii-san!" Sasuke poked his head through the door, purposely antagonising the bull.

"Go away Sasuke!" The naked pair shouted in unison.


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