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"If you so much as mention the word suppository, I'll make sure you never see a tomato again in your life." Reina hissed from her place in the hospital bed, her cheeks a little rosier in comparison to her previous pallid demeanour.

Sasuke smirked from his perch in the chair, the word he was forbidden to mention dangling dangerously close to the tip of his tongue. "Are you sure? You might enjoy it?"

"Sasuke..." Itachi warned, resisting the urge to blush.

"You may like certain items up your back passage. But I for one am not inclined to such activities." Reina shot back, crossing her arms matter of factly. Sasuke's smirk disappeared at that remark.

"You two are going to be the death of me." Itachi sighed as he arranged Reina's clothes at the end of the bed.

"I think you'll find that you already beat us to that." Reina said sweetly, as though she wasn't discussing Itachi's previously thwarted suicide attempt. "Spoil sport."

Sasuke blurted out a laugh and Itachi glared at her.


Back at the Hitori compound Reina could breathe a little easier. It wasn't due to her being able to breathe without an oxygen mask, it was metaphorical ease. Her chest was not as heavy, that familiar sense of dread having crumbled away the moment her reality set in.

Her clan was safe.

Her family was safe.

She was safe.

Her situation was by no means perfect, in fact she never expected them to be. She didn't ever expect to be living with the infamous Uchiha brothers however, let alone have them wait on her hand and foot.

Yet here she was, cooped on the engawa, in her and her Grandfather's favourite spot, playing Go with Itachi Uchiha whilst Sasuke stirred a pot of what smelled like tomato soup. Life had certainly dealt her a strange hand.

Not that she was complaining.

"Your move, Itachi-kun." Reina drawled the honorific, the sound muffled by the rim of her teacup.

Itachi rolled his eyes, taking his sweet time. He had witnessed Reina play Go against his Father; his usually stoic parent had visibly been irked by his defeat, resulting in a fairly substantial amount of money leaving the family coiffers that night - much to Fugaku's and Mikoto's dismay.

He was not about to rise to the bait.

Reina studied the elder Uchiha from her place across the board. The light from the kitchen cast a buttery sheen on the gridlines of the board, the circular pieces glinting from their places at the intersections of the lines. Something had been on her mind since she came home from the hospital, something she had wanted to ask him but didn't know how.

"What is it?" Itachi asked without so much as taking his eyes from the board.

Reina shuffled on her cushion, adjusting the blanket around her shoulders. "What are you going to do with Shisui's eye?"


Even Sasuke stopped stirring to listen.

Itachi dragged his eyes from the board, staring at Reina. No anger or hurt filled his eyes, he had been waiting for someone to ask him since the moment she laid the item at his feet at the training ground.

"Are you going to implant it?" Reina asked, taking another sip of her tea. "I mean, don't you Uchiha have a special dojutsu for that kind of thing? When you take another's Sharingan for yourself? What's it called? The um..." She clicked her fingers searching for the phrase that was on the tip of her tongue. "The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - that's it!"

Itachi quirked a brow in surprise. "How do you even know about that?"

Reina grinned, sinking further into her pile of pillows. "Instead of playing for money one night, I played your Father for clan secrets."

"You're shitting me?" Sasuke stood at the edge of the engawa, bowls of soup in hand and Tomo's apron tied neatly around his waist.

"I shit you not." Reina replied.

"So you're telling me, that our father, the head of the Uchiha clan and police force, willingly gave away sensitive information regarding our clan's kekkai genkai because he lost a game of Go? To you?" Sasuke asked, handing the pair the steaming bowls of soup. Reina nodded whilst Itachi blinked.

"You make it sound like it's impossible." Reina mumbled into her teacup taking another swig of tea.

"You're impossible." Sasuke muttered, the exasperation clear in his voice.

"Your face is impossible." Reina mimicked whilst jabbering her hand like a mouth.

Itachi simply sighed.

WANTED: Itachi Uchiha Where stories live. Discover now