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Reina tried to keep her mind clear. She tried to keep the images of Baa-Chan's lifeless body on the mortician's tray from entering her head. But if it wasn't her grandmother's corpse assaulting her thoughts it was Itachi's; his cold form sprawled on Shisui's bathroom floor alongside his pills. He should have been surrounded by friends and family, not stray anti-depressants.

Sasuke followed behind Reina silently. He wanted to say more, to change her mind about leaving. But that was not a conversation for the middle of the Uchiha compound. There were too many eager ears listening, too many loose lips that would use the information for their own gain.

But it didn't mean he wouldn't try to stop her.

"Reina, please." Sasuke murmured lowly, speeding up a little so he was in earshot.

Reina didn't answer immediately, her reply wasn't verbal; instead a series of hisses and pops filled the air, they varying in volume and pitch. She tried to concentrate. To answer him with her words. Her kekkai genkai however had other intentions.

"Aww are you having a lover's tiff?" A voice called out across the street. "I see you've moved on from one brother to the next? Was one not enough for you, whore?"

Reina halted, Sasuke stopping beside her. This was not good.

Kuso. Sasuke thought, grinding his teeth together to stop his tongue from lashing out. This could end badly if Izumi wasn't careful. Uchiha compound or not Sasuke knew that Reina could level the surrounding area if she wanted to. And the morning they had had, he was pretty sure she was itching to punch someone.

"Say that again." Reina said softly. "I didn't quite hear you the first time around."

"Reina don't." Sasuke warned. They were so close to home. So close. So close in fact he could see the steam from the extractor fan rising into the air just a few paces away.

Izumi smirked. She was even more brazen than usual, surrounded by her friends and fellow clansmen. One Hitori against a handful of Uchiha. The Hitori whore was toast.

"I said," Izumi began, pushing herself off of the wall and sauntering over to Reina, she standing directly in her path. "was one brother not enough, whore."

The air continued to hiss and pop around Reina, all the while the images of Baa-chan and Itachi continued to plague her mind, they switching from one to the other quicker and quicker until they were no more than a blur of colour and emotion. She wasn't strong enough to save Baa-chan. If Ojii-san has been here he may have been able to use their kekkai genkai to repair the damaged cells of her heart. Reina hadn't been strong enough. All's she could do was sit there and watch her die. In fact she couldn't even do that right. She couldn't even say goodbye properly. No wonder Itachi didn't want to concern her with anything. She was weak and useless.

"Are you deaf as well as stupid?!" Izumi spat, stepping forward. "I said, was one brother not enough you stupid whore!" Izumi punched Reina hard in the face, her lower lip instantly splitting.

Reina staggered back, the punch dragging her back to her current situation. Sasuke's sharingan sprang to life, his surrounding clansmen mirroring his actions. Izumi smiled darkly, watching the blood dribble down Reina's chin; the red mirroring the colour of her own eyes.

"Back off Izumi!" Sasuke spat, his fingers hovering over his kunai pouch.

Reina spat out the blood that had accumulated in her mouth, the sand below her feet instantly soaking up the crimson liquid. Perhaps if she had fought a little harder, Baa-chan would still be a love and her clan wouldn't be under threat. Perhaps if she had made the effort with Itachi earlier then he wouldn't have suffered so much to the point where he didn't want to live anymore. If only she was stronger to save the both of them.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" One of Izumi's posse called out.

"That's who Itachi left you for? Is she retarded or something?" Another called out. Izumi had never felt so powerful. Itachi would have to come back to her now. Afterall, like calls to like, as his mother would say.

"Reina come on, let's go." Sasuke murmured, attempting to pull her away from the growing scene.

"Ha! Look at her! She can't even fight her own battles!" The crowd continued to hiss and taunt. Reina couldn't think. Everything was just a blur. Her thoughts. The crowd. Even her fingers felt tingly and blurred as though they didn't quite belong to her.

"How did she even pass the academy exams if she couldn't even block a simple punch! Loser!"

Reina heard that though. Something in her snapped. Like a rubber band that had been stretched too far for too long.

In the blink of an eye Reina was gone as was Izumi. A crash behind the crowd was the only indication of where they were. Or where Izumi was for that matter. Reina stood above Izumi, she crumpled on the ground, it concaved from her body hitting the floor. Izumi coughed, blood trickling down her own chin. People ran to assist Izumi, their weapons drawn and poised.

But for some reason they stopped in their tracks - frozen.

"If I so much as feel your chakra signature anywhere near Itachi's home, I'll kill you." Reina whispered, crouching down to hover over Izumi. "And you see all your friends behind me?" Reina asked, glancing over her shoulder as Izumi followed her eyeline. "They'll die too. And the Uchiha Clan will significantly drop in numbers."

"You wouldn't dare. The Uchiha would wipe you off the face of the earth." Izumi retorted, taking a swipe at Reina with a kunai she pulled from her pouch. Reina grabbed the blade, the metal cutting her palm before it began to glow orange, the metal heating up and scalding Izumi's hand. She cried out in pain, clutching the injured appendage to her chest.

"You Uchiha are so arrogant." Reina replied, her tone uncharacteristically devoid of emotion. "But," Reina sighed. "as arrogant as you are, you all bleed like the rest of us."

Izumi watched in horror and pain as blood began to trickle from her friends' orifices: their eyes, their nose and ears all began to leak vermillion whilst their bodies remained frozen where they stood. Even Sasuke stood frozen, despite no blood touching his own skin.

"Stop! Please!" Izumi cried out, tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. At first Reina ignored her plea, then she finally acknowledged her request.

"Remember this," Reina said, standing up. "the next time you attempt to bully someone. Because next time, you might just bully the wrong person."

And with that Reina walked away from Izumi, passing her friends who were either crying or howling in pain.

All the while, Sasuke, Itachi, Mikoto and Fugaku looked on in shock.

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