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Reina had been asleep for around 16 hours. Not that Itachi was counting. In fact he had basically transformed his room into a hospital bay; he had managed to swipe some bags of sodium chloride from the hospital, alongside some other supplies. Between himself and his Mother, Reina was well cared for. He regularly monitored her blood pressure, which was still quite low for his liking, and made sure she hadn't knocked her cannula in her sleep. 

He was basically Nurse Uchiha. 

Not that he minded. It made a change, him trying to preserve someone's life as opposed to ending it. Although he had a feeling Reina would likely try kill him the moment she regained consciousness. He had used his Tsukuyomi on her afterall; she had been vulnerable enough as she was and he had caught her off guard. She was going to hate him when she woke up. 

He was in deep shit. 

"Do you not think it's a bit creepy?" Sasuke asked from the doorway. "I mean, keeping her all hooked up in your bed?" 

"I didn't want her waking up all alone in the hospital. She's been through enough." Itachi replied, absentmindedly making notes on his mission report. Sasuke nodded, watching silently. 

"You know, Izumi won't be happy if she finds out you've had another woman in your bed." 

"Sasuke…" Itachi warned, pausing from his notes. 

"I'm just saying, you know how she can be. Girlfriend or not, she can be a little psycho. She even sets Otou-san on edge." The younger raven shuddered, knowing all too well the temper Izumi possessed. She was very much like Sakura in that respect. 

"Right, it's time for you to leave now. Don't you have a cat to capture or a fox to look after?" Itachi retorted, quirking a brow as he ushered Sasuke out the room leaving Reina to rest in peace. 

That boy was going to be the death of him one day. 


Cinnamon. That's what Reina could smell. It was warm, comforting, the smell of autumn and the oncoming winter months that were spent tucked up under the kotatsu with Baa-chan. 


"Baa-chan?!" Reina cried out, springing from the depths of sleep. She was breathless, completely discombobulated. This wasn't her room. It wasn't Baa-chan's room either. And, despite the IV bag that hung above her head and the cannula that protruded from her arm, it certainly wasn't a hospital room. 

Then where the hell was she?

Reina hung her head in her hands, massaging her temples. The last thing she remembered was everything bleeding red before her body fell into a chasm of blackness. 

"Fucking Uchiha…" Reina hissed under her breath, as the memory of the Tsukuyomi came flooding back. Before she could utter further profanities a squawk startled her. "What the…"

A raven. 

The bird squawked again bobbing its head and shaking its tail feather as though it didn't take kindly to her choice of words. "What? Are you an Uchiha spy?" Reina retorted, rolling her eyes. Another squawk. Reina watched as the raven pecked at a piece of paper on the bedside table, she couldn't make out what was written on it despite the close proximity. 

"Kami he really did a number on me." Reina moaned rubbing her eyes before attempting to read the note. The raven merely watched with its onyx orbs, fairly surprised the golden eyed kunoichi hadn't thrown a book at it yet.  Reina adjusted the pillows behind her, settling into the bed as she began to read the note. 

"Dear Reina-chan, 

Please don't panic. You're safe. You're currently in the Uchiha compound in Fugaku and I's home. Please don't be too angry with Itachi. He simply thought he was doing well given the circumstances and the extent of your condition. The IV bag simply contains fluid to keep you hydrated as you were severely dehydrated when Itachi brought you here, and he didn't want you to wake up alone in the hospital. 

On the desk are some clean clothes of Itachi's as Sasuke is a growing boy and his clothes would have likely hung off of you. I left you in your scrubs so you didn't feel any more violated. The bathroom is down the hall and the last door on the right. There are clean towels in there and I took the liberty of getting you a toothbrush so you could feel a little more human.

Please come downstairs for some tea and food whenever you're ready. There is no rush, whenever you're ready and feel comfortable. 

All my love, 

Mikoto x"

When Reina finished reading the note she hadn't realised she was crying until she felt the tears slide into the divots of her all too bony collar bones. The raven hopped from the table and into her lap, pecking gently at her fingers as if to distract her from the growing stream of tears that proceeded to roll down her cheeks. 

"She's gone, isn't she? She's really gone." Reina whispered to noone in particular. Her grandmother was dead. She was all alone. And she had no idea what to do. 

Reina didn't realise she had fallen back asleep until she felt something tug at her hair. Every now and again something pulled on the baby hairs that sprouted around her forehead. Groggily, she opened her eyes to find a beady black pair staring back at her. "Leave me alone." She moaned, turning over whilst attempting not to tangle her IV line. 

The raven, unrelenting in its endeavours, continued to peck carefully at her hair, continuing to squawk until she finally sat up, huffing in defeat. "Fine, I'm up." It was a wonder the raven hadn't made a home in her hair, between its unwavering pecks alongside kami knows how many hours sleep her hair was more bird's nest than updo. 

Perhaps the corvid had a point. 

Unchaining herself from the IV, Reina peeled herself from the bed, her legs wobbly as she took her first steps. The raven watched from the desk, squawking its encouragements from a safe distance. She was lethargic, but still lethal, afterall. Her legs didn't feel like her own; the clock on the writing desk indicated she had been down for going on a day. 

An entire day she had lost sleeping whilst her grandmother lay cold in a morgue, all alone. She felt ill. Grabbing the spare clothes Reina staggered out of the room, haphazardly knocking random knick-knacks off of a nearby shelf. Any ninja prowess was soon forgotten as she stumbled into the bathroom to vomit her non-existent stomach contents into the porcelain bowl of the toilet. 

The raven watched in pity from its perch upon the shower rail. 

Itachi was in so much trouble as soon as Reina could stand without puking. 

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