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When Reina awoke to shouting she thought she was dreaming. She didn't really remember falling asleep, she just  remembered a vague blackness creeping into the peripherals of her vision before it clouded her sight completely. When she woke her head ached from crying; the ache began at the base of her skull, working its way up behind her eyes where it stayed and festered. 

The shouting escalated, and her head pounded in response. 

There was no sign of the Elder Uchiha, he must have gotten her off to nod before creeping back to his own futon. Little did she know that Itachi had spent the entire night with her, she remaining tucked safely in his arms. Where it not for Karasu pecking at his hair, he would have still been dozing peacefully, sleeping surprisingly well despite the oddness of his position. 

Quickly brushing her teeth Reina crept downstairs the stairs, her bare feet not making a sound on the smooth, wooden boards. It wasn't the usual brotherly bickering or parental scoulding like she had become accustomed to. This arguing was vicious, malicious almost, with the sole intention of inflicting pain. 

"You son of a bitch! I turn my back for one second and you start carrying on with some whore?! And not only that, she isn't even from our Clan?!" 

"Izumi, please." Itachi pleaded, his palms raised in armistice. 

"Don't Izumi please, me!" Izumi hissed, her teeth bared with venom. "You well and truly fucked me over! You're nothing but a worthless, lying," Izumi pushed Itachi hard in the chest. "piece of shit!" 

Itachi did nothing. He didn't defend himself. He was a human soundboard for her hurt. Nothing new there. 

"Izumi you've got the wrong end of the stick, Itachi hasn't done anything wrong." Sasuke attempted to defuse the situation, his muscles coiled and ready to spring should the situation go sour like it had done in the past. 

"Fuck off Sasuke, he was saw walking hand in hand with another girl just last night!" Izumi was frantic, like a cornered animal. "I mean what next? Is he gonna start bringing whores home and expecting your poor mother to make them breakfast?"

Reina paused on the stairs, the board creaking and giving away her position. Everyone turned in sync. Itachi winced inwardly and Sasuke sighed. Perfect. 

Izumi laughed. "Well, if it isn't the whore herself?! Reina Hitori." Izumi took a step towards Reina and Itachi instinctively stepped in between them. "Caught in the act. You're even wearing his clothes. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Hm? Homewrecker."

"Reina, you don't have to answer that." Itachi added, his voice deathly stern. 

"You're defending her?" Izumi asked, her mouth agape with astonishment. "You would choose her over me?" Reina watched wordlessly, Sasuke moving towards her silently. Not that she needed protection, Reina had proved she could hold her own. He just really didn't want to get in the middle of a cat fight between those two. 


Izumi slapped Itachi. Hard. 

Reina gasped, covering her mouth. Itachi just stood there. He didn't try to defend himself, he hadn't even attempted to stop her attack. He was more than capable. He was an ANBU Buntaichō afterall. 

"You are worthless. Nothing. You're not worthy of the Uchiha name." Izumi spat, tears streaming down her face. "When you're finished bedding her, you'll come back to me and realise I am the only person who could ever understand you. Not some outsider. You need me. We were made to be together."

"Get out." Sasuke snarled, his eyes lit up dangerously. "Get out of my house and don't EVER come back or I'll kill you on sight." 

Izumi smiled through her tears knowing full well her words were already on repeat in Itachi's head. They were Uchiha. Like calls to like as his Mother would say. She held her hands up in defeat, sauntering off as Sasuke ensured she left the premises. Reina hesitantly approached Itachi, looking up to check his face.

"Are you alright?" 

"Hai." Itachi replied, his voice devoid of any emotion. His cheek stung and his teeth ached but wasn't anything he wasn't used to. 

"Let's get you a cold compress and take a proper look." Reina began, placing a careful hand on his arm. 

"I'm fine. I just need some fresh air." Reina nodded, weary. Something in his eyes was off. They were too cold. Too empty. It unnerved her. "I'll see you later to collect your things."

And with that, Itachi left. 

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