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Sasuke was an excellent liar. He was as slippery as a snake and could weedle his way out of most situations with that sharp tongue of his. However lying to his mother, one of the few people who could see through his bullshit absolutely killed him. 

He had told her that Itachi was away on another mission, having received his orders suddenly the other day. He wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to tell her that her eldest son, the one who adored her so much, didn't want to come back home. 

And almost didn't. 

If Reina hadn't reached into Itachi's chest and physically pumped his heart again, Itachi would have been dead. And the Hitori heiress would have had to attend two funerals in such a short time period. Sasuke didn't understand how she was keeping it together so well; she had been a complete wreck the other night at the hospital to the point he thought she might become a mute. 

He had no such luck. 

Sleep deprived, Reina possessed a sharper tongue than him. He had expected her to force Itachi to tell her why he did what he did, to whip him with her remarks until he caved. She did no such thing. She didn't force him to talk, or interrogate him as to whether he was going to do it again. 

And he didn't understand why. 

"Why won't he just tell me why?" The younger Uchiha asked, a long winded sigh passing his lips as he plonked himself on the couch beside Reina. "I just want to understand so I can help him."

Itachi, wanting to stretch his legs, padded down the hallway, Sasuke’s clone in tow. He paused at the threshold of the living room hearing Sasuke’s plea. Reina wordlessly handed Sasuke a box of matcha flavoured pocky with one hand, the other making notes on what looked like a trade agreement. Sasuke reluctantly took one of the sweet treats, leaning his head on the back of the couch. 

"Have you ever heard the saying: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink?" Reina murmured, circling something she didn't like the look of numerous times (and rather aggressively). "Well in this instance your brother is the horse."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, making his way down the bright green biscuit bite by bite. "How am I supposed to help him though?" He asked in between mouthfuls. 

"You can't." Reina replied curtly, pausing from her scribbling to stretch her fingers, they beginning to cramp. Sasuke raised a brow for her to continue. "You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped." Reina softened her tone, crossing her legs and swapping her paperwork for a cup of tea. "I know you want to help your brother, and Itachi knows that too. But trying to forcibly fix someone who is so broken and fragile is only going to make them fall apart again. It's like fixing the cracks of a bowl with butter. The moment things get heated the bowl will completely fall apart again."

Itachi listened, the clone scowling behind him at his lack of conversational decorum. 

"Your brother," Reina paused, searching for the right words. "your brother is a highly intelligent man, Sasuke, don't get me wrong. But despite that he has the emotional intelligence of a fetus." Itachi blinked. As did Sasuke. 

"A fetus? Really?" 

"Hear me out." Reina took a sip of her tea, savouring the warm liquid fall down her throat before continuing. "Itachi is an ANBU Buntaichō, he needs to have a clear mind as he not only has to look after himself but he also has to look out for everyone else on his team. So imagine, you've made all the arrangements, gone through every possible scenario in your head and taken extreme precautions, only to have some of your closest friends perish regardless. That weight is eventually going to have an impact on you. And because of the role that he is in, he doesn't have time to linger on emotions such as guilt or fear. But in doing so he has squandered those emotions and they have done nothing but linger and fester to the point where they become unbearable and the only logical action is to end your life because you have no idea how to deal with them. All because you have been told religiously that you cannot be weak for fear of failure or dishonour."

Sasuke was stunned to silence. His mouth wide in shock. Itachi too was bamboozled. Considering she had spoken to him so coarsely the day before, as though she didn't care whether he lived or died, Reina in fact had a better understanding of what was going on in his life than he did. Which begged the question: what exactly was going on in her own head? 

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Itachi asked, stepping into the room from his hiding place. Not needed any longer, Sasuke’s clone disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Since you seem to have a better insight into my head than I do."

Reina quirked a brow, clearly the elder Uchiha's rest had revitalised him a little - alongside his attitude. Sasuke waited silently, they were on the edge of a precipice that could lead to a full scale war. And Reina's sleep deprivation was merely a catalyst in the equation. 

"Right now Itachi, I don't have the mental capacity to tell you what to do." Reina retorted sharply. "I haven't slept in almost 36 hours, I can still smell your blood on my hands and I'm burying my grandmother tomorrow." Reina stood, teacup in hand. "I want to help you, and I will help you in anyway I can. But in this moment, I don't have the time nor the patience for your attitude."

"Reina…" Sasuke murmured, a little in awe and shocked at her honesty. 

"I'm sorry Sasuke, but I can't wave a magic wand or perform some miraculous special jutsu that will fix the situation. We can't force you to take your medication, Itachi, and we can't make you see a therapist - which you clearly need to, might I add." 

Reina didn't hold back. "But what I can do is be here if you want someone to listen to you," Reina's voice lowered, softening in tone. She placed her teacup on the table and made her way over to Itachi, he watching her like a hawk. "If you want to cry, I'll hand you the tissues. And I'll fight your corner even when you don't have the energy to."

Reina took Itachi's hand between her own. "But I can't do this alone, Itachi. We can't do this for you." Reina motioned to Sasuke with a jerk of her chin. "You need to want to help yourself otherwise no matter how much we try for you it's futile. So if you promise me, promise us, that if you ever feel like it's getting that bad again that you will call us, hell, send Karasu to find us for that matter." Reina smiled weakly, squeezing his hands. "Just please don't try that again, because I really don't fancy having to stick my hand in your chest again and I really really need to sleep."

Itachi stifled a chuckle, it catching at the back of his throat whilst his eyes burned. Sasuke stood and hugged the pair before Itachi could say a word, the younger Uchiha slightly taller than his kin. 

"Please promise, Nii-san." Sasuke whispered, clutching the pair close. "Because I really can't take anymore of Reina's sleep-deprived sarkiness." Reina rolled her eyes and nudged him in the ribs. Itachi nodded, wiping his eyes on the back of his hand. 

"Hai, I promise. Now please go take a nap or something."

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