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"I trusted you." 

"You took advantage at a time when I was most vulnerable and needed someone." 

Reina's voice echoed in Itachi's mind, her pain guttural, making his chest ache with regret. He hadn't wanted to hurt her. That was the last thing he wanted. He liked Reina. She had always been kind to him growing up, checking in on him whenever she came to play Go with his Father. 

Especially after Shisui passed. 

He should have understood what she was going through in that moment. To lose someone so precious and not be able to say goodbye. He should have known better. Done better. 

"Do you think she will ever forgive me?" Itachi whispered into the dark. 

"Maybe," Sasuke answered, rolling to the edge of the bed to face his brother on the futon on the floor. "you kinda did do the dirty on her."

"I didn't do it to hurt her. You should have seen her Sasuke, she was a mess."

"I know. But right now she's hurting. She's basically an open wound. Raw and tender." For someone still so green, Sasuke was wise beyond his years. Beneath the sarkiness and wry humour, Sasuke was incredibly in touch with other people - even if he didn't like to admit it. 

"She's never gonna forgive me, is she?"

"Probably not."


Given that Itachi spent most of the night listening to Sasuke snore alongside counting the incessant ticks of his alarm clock, it was safe to say that Itachi did not have a pleasant night's sleep. He was grouchy, still tender from overexerting himself on his last mission and really not looking forward to his next interaction with the Hitori Heiress. 

"Are you just going to hide in here all day?" Sasuke asked from his place in the doorway. 


Sasuke rolled his eyes and sighed, pushing himself off of the doorframe. "You know, sometimes you can be such a child." Spying Itachi's foot poking out beneath the blanket, Sasuke yanked - hard. 

"What the-. Sasuke!" 

"Get up and stop moping on my floor." Sasuke pulled Itachi off of the futon, knowing too well he was attempting to hide from his problems (as per usual). "Be a man and go downstairs!" 

Meanwhile downstairs, as the commotion upstairs began to escalate and the ruckus grew louder, Fugaku sighed and Reina sipped her tea. 

"Are they always like that?" Reina asked, listening as the raven haired pair continued to bicker. Loudly. Fugaku nodded. 

"They get their rowdiness from Mikoto's side of the Clan." Fugaku murmured from behind the safety of his paper. 

"What was that, Dear?" Mikoto chimed sweetly, the spatula in her hand suddenly more weapon than kitchen utensil. 

"I said they get their vitality from their beautiful mother." Fugaku replied, waiting for Mikoto to loosen her grip on the spatula; Reina suppressed the ghost of a smile that twinged at the corner of her lips. 

"I thought that's what you said." 

The Uchiha were exactly like their namesake. They were truly the children of fire, strong-willed and tempers that were quick to flare and burn at a moment's notice. 

Then there was Itachi. 

Reina couldn't quite pin the Elder Uchiha down. Despite stoic like his Father, Itachi's stoicism was a lot colder. Fugaku had a spark in his eyes that could be mistaken for his Sharingan were it not for the sharp wits that left his mouth. Considering Itachi was indeed a child of the fire, he was awfully…well passive. 

Even the previous night all's Itachi did was defend himself. Not once did he attempt to harm her, he simply diverted her attacks. And, for the briefest of moments, Reina could have sworn he wanted her to slit his throat. The look in his eyes hadn't been of fear or the frustration of being bested. 

It had been a silent plea. An invitation. 

The sliding of the kitchen door broke Reina's train of thought. As if on cue, the Uchiha brothers entered the kitchen, both a little roughed up from their sibling banter. 

"It's a wonder I still have a house with you two." Mikoto said without turning her attention from the frying pan. 

"It's not my fault he's an ass of a morning." Sasuke replied, taking the empty cushion beside Reina and pouring himself a cup of tea. 

"Okaa-san." Itachi murmured, kissing his mother on the cheek before helping her dish out the breakfast. The Elder Uchiha was definitely a mummy's boy. 

"Your brother has been very busy as of late, Sasuke. Show a little compassion. That will be you soon if you pass the ANBU exams." Mikoto chided as she placed the food on the table. Sasuke rolled his eyes in response. Itachi however didn't join the conversation, he simply began his breakfast in silence and avoided looking in Reina's general direction. She needed to get out. It was stifling. 

"So, Reina-chan," Mikoto began, passing Reina a bowl of rice topped with a fried egg. "do you have any plans for today?" Reina didn't answer right away, but she could feel their dark eyes on her skin as they waited for an answer. Even without the Sharingan, the Uchiha gaze was unsettling. 

"I…uh," She cleared her throat. "I'm going to see Baa-chan." Silence. Everyone, even Itachi stopped what they were doing. A collective clatter of pausing chopsticks echoed about the room. Kami it made her chest ache even more. 

"By yourself?" Fugaku asked, setting down his paper. He and Mikoto exchanged glances, a silent conversation already brewing between the pair. 

"Hai." Reina nodded, squeezing her thumbs between her fingers in an attempt to quell her nerves. "It's no bother though." She added, plastering a fake smile on her face for good measure. A futile action if she ever did see one. 

"Nonsense, you can't do something like that alone." Mikoto said, straightening her back in a matter of fact manner. "Itachi will go with you."

"Awkward…" Sasuke crooned into his teacup. 

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