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Reina stood at the threshold of the Hitori compound, the keys still jangling in the keyhole. Her clones stood behind her, suitcases in hand since she refused Sasuke's help despite him asking numerous times; each time his tone had grown more agitated and less patient.

So she left.

Itachi had said nothing, skulking at the top of the stairs out of the way. As had Fugaku who was clearly still ass-sore from Reina putting him in his place. The Uchiha Head had remained perched at the dining room table, pretending to read over his paper whilst he seethed. Mikoto had been as kind and loving as ever, hugging her at the genkan and kissing her on the forehead.

Her hand trembled over the door knob, the metal sticking to her palm. She couldn't bring herself to cross the line of the front door. Noone was waiting for her in this wing of the compound. Baa-chan wasn't waiting in the kitchen. Ojii-san wasn't playing Go on the engawa.

She was alone. Completely alone.

Reina vomited into a nearby bush, the bile stinging her throat and making her eyes water. She wretched again, the takeaway she had shared with Itachi coming back up to say hello. She spat the remnant vomit from her mouth and wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve, hissing when it stung her lips.

"Bastard Uchiha." She muttered, unsure if she was internally referring to Izumi or Itachi. Either way they came under the same category. Reina inhaled deeply, straightening herself up. She had to do this. She needed to stop pussyfooting around with herself. She needed to be strong.

After she had a panic attack that was.

Reina ran inside, not even bothering to kick her shoes off at the genkan. She ran down the hallway, knocking over a vase of dead flowers as she went, they crashing into pieces on the floor. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. Nothing was tangible. Reina stumbled into the bathroom, fumbling with the cabinet door whilst she tried to catch her breath. She knocked numerous pill bottles off the shelf in blind panic; the majority were Baa-chan's heart tablets, the orange bottles clattering into the sink like lemmings off a cliff.

Sweat accumulated in the dip of her back and between the swell of her breasts as she fumbled with her own pill bottle. "Come on, come on, come on!" Reina hissed as she popped the lid of the sedatives, stray pills jumping from her palm when she shuffled them into her hand.

Reina took two pills and palmed them into her mouth, sticking her head under the running tap to wash them down. She swallowed hard and stared at herself in the mirror, leaning against the sink to keep herself upright. Her head and chest continued to pound and her breaths were still erratic whilst she waited for the pills to kick in.

This was it. She was all alone.

She had really fucked up.

She was completely useless.


Itachi stared at the ceiling, his hands folded across his stomach. His bed, their bed, felt so empty without Reina laying beside him. Technically it was his bed, he had literally bled blood, sweat and tears putting it together; yet despite being a single, solitary bed, it felt so much fuller with Reina squished in with him. Even if she did hog the pillow whilst he stole the quilt.

Kami he missed her and he knew she would never speak to him again.

Itachi couldn't sleep. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed he sighed and padded down the hallway to Sasuke's room, listening for the deafening snores. Nothing.

"For an ANBU Buntaichō you're pretty shit at sneaking about." Sasuke called out from inside his room. Itachi sighed, pushing open the door, leaning against the frame. Sasuke looked up from the scroll he was attempting to read, having gone over the same line kami knows how many times. He stared at Itachi and scowled, pulling back the quilt. "Get in."

Itachi nodded and crawled into the bed, focusing on a single spot on the ceiling. "I fucked up didn't I?"

Sasuke glanced sideways. "You told her it didn't concern her. After everything she has done for us. You pushed her away when she needed you the most." Sasuke scowled, folding away the scroll and laying down beside his brother. "Not to mention she threatened to kill Izumi if she ever came near you again."


Sasuke nodded, folding his arms behind his head. "You should have seen her Nii-san." Sasuke murmured, staring at the ceiling as if he was rewatching the scene. "I can see now how she passed the ANBU exams."

"What do you mean?" Itachi questioned.

"They oozed blood. From their eyes, their nose - everywhere. She could have killed them all without so much as looking at them or using a single seal. And she would have," He paused, looking at Itachi. "if it meant keeping you safe."

Itachi was stunned to silence. Sasuke did not lie. His pulse did not waver and his pupils did not dilate. He was telling him the truth. Reina was willing to wipe out a chunk of the Uchiha clan for him. She was willing to risk her own life for him, even possibly starting a feud between their clans.

And he pushed her away.

"You know Nii-san, for someone who is so honourable and strives to do the right thing by people. You really did do the dirty on us, on Reina. She literally ignored the duties of her clan to look after you, to make sure that you didn't do anything stupid again. And you spoke to her as though she was inferior to you. You were a right bastard to her." Sasuke muttered, tugging the quilt up over his chest.

"I'm so sorry Sasuke-kun. I'm so sorry." Itachi whispered, his eyes beginning to sting.

"It's not me you should be apologising to Nii-san." Sasuke replied, taking hold of Itachi's hand. "After all, I know you love me. She doesn't."

"W-what?" Itachi stammered.

Sasuke scoffed, turning out the light. "Kami, you're annoying. Reina was right. For someone on par with the Hokage you have the emotional intelligence of a fetus."

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