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Reina stared at the clock on the wall, the ticks and tocks acting as a metronome and keeping her in a low key trance. Mikoto and Sasuke had ushered her inside whilst Fugaku and Itachi attempted to placate the rising mob of Uchiha parents that had filtered out onto the streets.

"Reina-chan." Mikoto whispered, first aid kit in hand. "I'm going to clean your lip up before I take a look at your hand - is that ok?"

Reina tore her eyes from the clock momentarily, catching Mikoto's eyes and nodding in silent compliance.

"Sasuke-kun, will you put a fresh pot of tea on please?"

"Hai, Okaa-san."

Reina allowed Mikoto to dab at her lip and chin, the antibacterial lotion stinging and causing her eye to twitch when she winced.

"Gomen." Mikoto murmured, dabbing a fresh cotton wool bud in the antibacterial lotion.

"It's ok."

"Where is she?!" Fugaku bellowed from the genkan. "What did you do?!"

"Fugaku please." Mikoto pleaded, setting the cotton wool bud down.

"Do you have any idea what you've done? The trouble you have caused?"

"Fugaku please?!"

Itachi stood behind his father, his face grave and his knuckles white. Reina had done this because of him. She had defended him and spilled blood for him. And she was being made out to be the villain in the equation.

And he couldn't stand it.

"That's enough, Otou-san." Itachi murmured, taking a seat opposite Reina. Fugaku's nostrils flared, looking between Reina and Itachi, only to sit down when Mikoto glared at her husband warningly.

The sudden silence was broken when the kettle whistled on the stove. Sasuke arranged the tea tray and poured a cup for everyone, taking a seat next to his mother.

"Reina-chan, what were you thinking? Attacking clan members in the middle of the street? You can't go about picking fights like that just because you're upset about something." Fugaku murmured, a lot calmer despite the vein that continued to throb on his forehead.

Reina didn't defend herself. She didn't counter his accusation, she just sat there as Mikoto cleaned the wound on her palm.

"Reina didn't start the fight, Otou-san. Izumi did." Sasuke countered, looking up from his hands, they uncharacteristically clammy. "She did finish it though." He added, muttering into his cup of tea so his father couldn't hear.

"She may not have started the fight, but she has injured many people. And now I have to clean up the mess." Fugaku sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Please don't speak about me as though I'm some rebellious teenager who has been found scrapping in the academy." Reina said, peeling her eyes from the clock. Everyone froze.

"Then don't act like one." Fugaku retorted, clearly salty.

Itachi winced inwardly.

Reina straightened her back and cleared her throat. "I mean no disrespect Fugaku-san, but ever since Itachi brought me home from the hospital I have been nothing but verbally abused by Izumi. I have been branded a homewrecker and a whore despite not instigating any such relationship with your son. I even witnessed Izumi physically attack Itachi with no prior instigation. So you'll forgive me, if I think you should be perhaps having this conversation with her instead of me. Because I do not make a habit of hitting people simply because I am upset."

Silence overcame the room, the ticking once again the self appointed metronome. Mikoto occupied herself with cleaning Reina's palm, her own hand glowing a pale jade as she closed the wound.

"Reina-chan," Mikoto began, closing her hand over Reina's. "Itachi-kun showed us the scroll."

Reina glanced to Itachi, he cautiously meeting her gaze, fully expecting her to glare at him. But she didn't. Instead she turned her attention back to his mother; Fugaku stewed wordlessly, crossing his arms and allowing his wife to take the reins.

"I'll be taking my belongings home tonight." Reina answered. "I've neglected my duties as Clan head these past weeks and I need to start looking after myself."

Itachi stared at Reina, his chest beginning to ache. She had neglected her clan for him, to look after him. She was in this position because of him. And he hated himself for it.

"Do you think that's wise? To go home and deal with this alone?" Mikoto asked, glancing at her husband.

"Hai. I need to deal with these issues before they become worse an~."

"No, you will stay here and we will assist you with the issue with Atsushi." Fugaku interrupted, nodding at his own plan. Reina tore her gaze from Itachi, quirking a brow at Fugaku, the audacity written clearly on her face.

"No." Reina emphasised slowly. "I mean no disrespect Fugaku-san but I am not one of your children. Nor am I a member of your clan, so I won't be following your orders, I'll be following my own, because I am the head of the Hitori Clan, not a  rebellious teenager looking for attention or approval from her parents. So I will be returning home tonight and you, as head of the Uchiha clan, should have words with Izumi because in the Hitori clan, we do not tolerate bullying."

Everyone stared at Reina, their mouths agape in a mixture of awe and shock. Mikoto squeezed her hand discretely, secretly proud of the young woman that sat beside her. Both Itachi and Sasuke sipped their tea, waiting for their father to explode in a ball of flame and anger. Except no such thing occurred.

"Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. I won't forget it." Reina did not address Fugaku or Mikoto when she uttered those words; her eyes were locked with Itachi's, they glazing with tears as she stood and bowed before excusing herself from the table.

All the while Itachi watched her walk away for the second time that day.

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