Silver Haze and Banged Up Skateboards

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Eddie Kaspbrak sat against his windowsill looking down at the cars passing by from his second-floor room with a cigarette hanging out of his ragged and badly manicured nails done up with clear nail polish from Beverly Marsh. He sighed as he watched a silver-gray car pass by and looked at the cancer stick he so hated to love. After he'd learnt his asthma was a load of shit, he decided to try a smoke or two to beat the psychosomatic leftovers he was so pleasantly gifted with after quitting his inhaler cold turkey. "Jesus fuckin Christ man, these taste like shit. How the fuck Bev and Bill smoke these beats me. Need to get better ones." Eddie shook his head and smashed out the butt of the cigarette on the windowsill and hopped out. A quick glance at the alarm clock on his nightstand and decided it was time to start getting ready to go to the quarry with the rest of the Losers Club. He threw off his plain black hoodie and threw on a pastel green t-shirt, and black skinny jeans with yellow slip-on shoes. He always found it amusing that his outfits always seemed to clash yet worked so well at the same time. He grabbed his "pink ass skateboard" as Bev would call it, and made it out the door past his sleeping mother towards his friends riding on his Christmas gift from Bill Denbrough. On his way there, he damn near had a heart attack from catching sight of Henry Bowers and his gang, but luckily he wasn't spotted. He continued on his skateboard and pulled out his phone and called Bev. "Hi Bevvie, I just wanted to call you to let you know that I'm probably gonna be late getting to the quarry. I spotted Henry and his idiots on my way, luckily they didn't see me but I'm gonna have to lay low. See ya." He hung up and began to put his phone away when all of a sudden,


"Ow! What the fuck dude! Didn't anyone ever teach you not to walk straight into a fucking guy on a skateboard?"

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