Macaroni Dinners and Scary Movies

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Richie waltzed into his home with a star-shine smile stuck on his face. He failed to notice the absence of his parents as he was too caught up in thinking about the cute boy with paint splatter freckles and a golden smile. He padded up the stairs towards his room when he was attacked from behind by a mysterious figure. He smiled even wider and turned around. "Richie Tozier! Where have you been? It's been hours since you left and mom and dad have been gone all day! How am I, an 11 year old girl, supposed to take care of myself when no one is home?" Richie rubbed his neck sheepishly at the girl who scolded him with a smile. His sister. Clarissa Tozier was the only sibling of Richie Tozier and she looked exactly like him. Wavy brown hair, glasses, and almost as tall as him at only 11 while Richie was 16. Richie pulled out his customary form of communication and wrote his explanation. Sorry Rissa. I made new friends and lost track of the time. Maybe you can come with next time? Richie awaited patiently as Clarissa read it over with a smirk on her face. "New friends huh? You're never out this long with friends. Meet anyone, oh I don't know, special?" She unknowingly teased Richie. He smiled lazily and shrugged just to mess with his sister. He took back the notebook and began writing again. It's starting to get dark and we haven't eaten yet. Wanna eat cheap macaroni and watch scary movies? You get first pick this time. Clarissa read it over and responded at lightning speed. "DUH! Of course I do, who do you think I am? Last one down the stairs has to make dinner!" And with that Clarissa sped down the stairs with Richie at her tail, both just trying to make best of the night with neglectful parents in a new house, in a new town, in a new state.

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