Soft Touches of Lightning

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Eddie, Richie, and Clarissa all strode into the diner that was on the edge of town bearing smiles a mile wide each. Richie of course, had an arm strung around Eddie's shoulders while Eddie felt like lightning at every contact point with Richie. Clarissa stood off to the side with a look that knew all too well. Eddie led the trio to a soft and squishy corner booth where menus already lay before them. Clarissa looked at Richie- both of them seeming to have a conversation with their eyes before turning to Eddie. "Thanks for taking us out Eddie, even if it is your celebration and not ours. So thanks, from both of us." Eddie's heart leaped at such gratitude. He blushed and ducked his head down. "Well, uh, as much as I love our other group- The Losers Club, that is, I feel like you guys are the people I should be celebrating with. Richie is the only person who knows the truth about how my mom treated me, well and now you. But point being is, I've only shared with you guys and it seems right that I celebrate with you guys so, yeah." Eddie finally brought his head up to look at Richie, who was smiling so softly yet oh so fondly, like he was just given the best thing one could think of- and in Richie's eyes, he was. All Richie had ever wanted his entire life was to have friends, and now he has a whole group of them. But most importantly, he has Eddie. Him and Eddie have been steadily growing closer with the time that Richie has spent as a new member of the Losers Club, and Richie couldn't be happier. Before his brain could catch up with his body, Richie's long and lanky arms were wrapped around Eddie's petite body in an instant. Really it was just Richie's way of saying thankyouthankyouthankyou without having to utter a word. Eddie hugged back, and just like that, the world decided it was the perfect time to send the waiter over to their table. Of fucking course. Clarissa cleared her throat and the two boys pulled apart and turned to face the waiter.


Eddie was laughing like a madman at Richie, who decided at random to shove two french fries into his nostrils and make a funny face at Eddie who just lost it while Clarissa was cackling even harder because she managed to snap a picture on Eddie's phone. "Oh- my- GOD Richie! Doesn't that feel weird?" Eddie had managed to ask in between breaths of laughter. Richie just smiled coyly and shrugged. He then decided to make things even worse by pulling a fry out of his nose and dipping it into his vanilla shake and proceeded to eat it. Both Clarissa and Eddie gagged. "Gross Richard, seriously, like EW." Clarissa said while laughing. Eddie, also laughing, agreed. "Yeah 'Chee it's almost like you have no respect for that french fry. Poor thing." Richie had a quizzical look on his face for only a second before smiling and shaking his head at Eddie. Clarissa smirked. "Chee huh? What's next? Cheeta?" Richie burst out laughing and started slapping the table, as some do. Eddie just looked at his lap with a faint smile. Abandoning his plate of already forgotten food, he stood up. "C'mon Rich. I gotta go, I told my dad I wouldn't be out long and it's already sunset." Eddie stuck his hand out to help Richie up and Richie just gave him a big puppy-eyed pouty face while Clarissa booed him. Eddie laughed. "Seriously guys, if I could, I'd sleepover but I like my bed more than Richie so really I'm fine either way. Plus I'll pay the tab." That last part got both Richie and Clarissa bounding out of the corner booth they'd been occupying and towards the front door. Eddie just laughed lightly and shook his head at them. "Cheapskates. I can't believe those two." Eddie payed the bill and went outside where the siblings awaited him. They began their return walk barely making it five feet before Eddie turned towards Clarissa to ask a question. "So uh, do you guys want me to walk you home or are you guys good on your own? Cause I'm okay with either, I just wanna know." Clarissa stole a glance at Richie who's attention was anywhere but there. "Well Eddie, frankly, I'm so tired I could be Sleeping Beauty, but I'm sure Rich here wouldn't mind accompanying you home. Right Richie?" Richie finally brought his attention back to the here and now before looking at Clarissa for a minute and then nodding. He turned to Eddie with a smile and threw an arm around Eddie and ruffling his hair. Eddie began to feel those familiar stings of lightning at all the contact points of him and Richie. Clarissa waved the two goodbye before breaking off and started on her way home. That left the two boys, an unusual sense of electricity in the air around them. Eddie recognized it as the lightning he felt every time Richie put an arm around his shoulders. They continued walking in silence for a bit before Richie dropped his arm to adjust the soft-woven gray beanie that perched atop his mop of curly hair. Richie's arm did not return to his original spot around Eddie's shoulder, but instead let his hand loosely hang, just barely grazing the knuckles on Eddie's hand. Eddie felt like his hand was on fire, but in a good way. Like his hand had been dead his entire life and it was just now coming alive, or whatever. Eddie thought that analogy was stupid. Out of nowhere, Eddie had procured a dangerous idea. Eddie wanted to try to link pinkies with Richie. Sure, it probably sounded stupid, but Eddie liked the idea of sharing such a subtle form of affection. Eddie had also been questioning his identity lately, all because of Richie, no less. Eddie hadn't really been able to come to a conclusion, mostly just pushing away any and all thoughts of the possibility of him maybe liking Richie. No way. There was no need to like Richie, or change anything or whatever. Eddie liked things the way they were now. But still, Eddie wanted to try it nonetheless. So, slowly but surely (and hopefully subtly), he began to extend his pinky finger out towards Richie. Grazing his finger a tad bit more than they'd originally been, Richie seemed to get the message and completely linked their pinkies. Eddie could've swore he felt his soul go aflight. Richie made no moves. No turning his head to smile at Eddie, no pulling away from Eddie, nothing. He just kept his head forward staring ahead. Eddie nearly frowned. Nearly. Soon after, they'd finally arrived at Eddie's house. Eddie turned towards Richie, still keeping their smallest fingers locked together. Eddie smiled at the boy who stood, awaiting his message. "Thanks for walking me home 'Chee. Really. I had a great time with you and your sister today. You guys are wild fun." Richie laughed softly. He brought his other hand up to link his pinky with Eddie's other hand, so now they stood with both pinkies linked, both smiling. Eddie reached forward and hugged Richie tightly. "You don't understand how much you really mean to me." Eddie spoke into Richie's shoulder. Richie sighed happily and brought an arm up to gently pet Eddie's hair. Eddie wanted to melt like ice cream right then and there. The two stood like that for a minute or two before Eddie sighed and pulled away. "I gotta go home Richie. 'M sorry. If it's any consolation, the Losers are all meeting at the quarry tomorrow at noon. Be there or be square." Eddie giggled at his last statement and looked at Richie for an answer. He nodded with a grin wider than the Kenduskeag river than ran through their small town nearby. "Bye Rich. See you tomorrow." Eddie waved, and Richie stayed until he was completely inside before walking home to Clarissa in the rapidly darkening twilight feeling happier than he has in months.

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