Maybe Someday Eds

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Eddie sat on the edge of the quarry trying to clear his head from what had occured earlier. His parents, Frank and Sonia, had gotten into an argument about god knows what this time and Eddie had barely managed to sneak out without notice. He shoved his hands into his sweater pocket for his pack of cigarettes he had filched from the drugstore last week, only to remember he'd left them at home in the rush to get out. He huffed angrily and shouted. "Fuck! Why is today such a shitshow? Things have been fine this past month, well not the best they could be, but hey not everything is perfect. I made friends with Richie, and of course it's NOW that my parents decide to hate each other!" Eddie sighed and sat back down. "On top of that, I don't think Richie will be talking anytime soon. All I want is to hear his voice." Eddie whispered that last part to himself in a defeated voice. He got up and turned around to leave when he was pleasantly surprised. "Rich. Uh, hi. What are you doing here? It's been awhile." He just shrugged and walked over to where Eddie stood. Richie nudged Eddie's shoulder and raised a brow. In the time that he'd been there, Eddie had learned that doing so was Richie's way of asking what was wrong. Eddie tried staying angry at his parents but he couldn't. He couldn't be anything but happy when Richie was around. "Nothing important really. Just my parents arguing. I guess it just got to the best of me, I don't know." Richie looked sympathetic before writing in his readily open notebook at hand. Eddie took this as an opportunity to stare- erm, look at Richie's features yet again. He had yet to notice that while Eddie was admiring, Richie had finished writing and nudged him again, only with a knowing smirk painted on his face. Eddie blushed profusely before barely managing to spit out an apology and grab the notebook. Parent problems huh? I know those all too well. Don't let them get to you Eds. It's not worth getting worked up over someone else's problems. Eddie cringed at the nickname but decided it could maybe grow on him. "Okay first of all, don't call me Eds. I hate it. Second of all, I hate to break it to you, but this handwriting is horrible. Like seriously, I think Bill's brother Georgie can do better! Come on dude." Richie just laughed at Eddie's outburst against his nickname and Richie's handwriting. Richie slung an arm around Eddie and opened his mouth as if to say something, but then just closed it and gestured to the edge of the quarry where Eddie had been sitting previously. Eddie nodded and they both sat on the edge. Eddie sighed and layed his head against Richie's shoulder. "I wish everything wasn't so fucked up at times. And I know this is probably really selfish of me, but sometimes I wish you talked just so I could hear your voice." Richie just sat in thought for a minute before pulling out his notebook again. Maybe someday Eds, maybe someday. And with that, Richie decided to try something new. He apprehensively wrapped an arm around Eddie's waist, and when Eddie didn't move or make any comment against him, Richie relaxed for the first time that day while they both just sat with each other watching over the quarry enjoying each other's presence a little more than what they would call friendly.

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