Quarry Diving

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Eddie and Richie came sprinting down the path towards the quarry while Eddie's friends sat and waited for him impatiently. The boys slowed and came to a halt, slightly sweaty and panting for breath. Stan Uris, a member of the Losers Club, stood up and rushed over to him. "Eddie! Where the hell have you been? We've been waiting and waiting for you, we thought Bowers caught you!" Stan rushed out all in one breath. He wasn't angry so much as nervous- anxious really. Eddie tensed up and screwed his eyes shut. Deep breath in, exhale out. "I'm so so sorry Stan, at first I had to lay low because I saw Bowers and his gang but they didn't see me, then I practically hit someone on my skateboard- this is Richie by the way- and then we got distracted talking to each other sorta, and then afterwards I finally noticed the time. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait on me. Really." Stan saw the guilt so clearly written across Eddie's face and softened. "It's okay Eddie. We were just worried about you. And who did you say that was again?" Stanley pointed to Richie while Eddie watched on. "Oh! That's Richie! He's the guy I crashed into- well more like walked into me but it's all the same right? Anyways he's new in town and I thought it would be okay if I brought him along to make new friends. If that's okay with you guys of course." Eddie looked around hopefully. Bev smiled and nodded. "Of course that's okay, we're always welcome to new members of the Losers Club." She turned to Richie. "Hi Richie, I'm Beverly but you can call me Bev. And those are Ben, Mike, Bill, and Stan." Each face nodded respectively to their names. Richie looked completely and utterly intimidated. And pale. Very very pale. Eddie was looking at him, hoping he wouldn't freeze up like he did when Eddie spoke to him. He nudged Richie. "C'mon Rich, don't freeze up, I swear they don't bite." Richie turned to Eddie and blinked slowly before nodding and getting out his notebook. Eddie turned around only to be greeted with a sea of confused faces. Eddie sighed. "Richie doesn't speak. He writes in his notebook to communicate. He says it's a personal reason. But I don't mind." Before any of them could speak, Richie handed Eddie the notebook. I'm Richie, I'm new and I like the 80's more than anything in the world. Nice to meet you guys. Eddie read aloud to the group. "Well now that everyone has been introduced, let's go in! I've kept you all from it long enough. Let's go Rich! We're jumping into the quarry!" Eddie grabbed Richie's hand and jumped in, clothes and all. Soon after the others followed in. They played for hours just swimming and playing chicken and all the other swim games you could think of. Finally after awhile they all sat against the bank of the quarry just sunbathing and lightly conversing. Not long after the sun began to set and when the stars came out to play, the Losers had to go home. And home they went but each had a bright smile on their face knowing that they had made a new friend that day. Especially Richie.

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