Sonia Makes A Decision

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Eddie and Richie sat together on the quarry's edge for not much longer before Richie had to leave. He did have a younger sister to take care of after all. That left Eddie with 2 choices: either continue to sit there all alone and keep pouting that his parents were fighting, or suck it up and head home so he could fill his hollow stomach. Eddie mulled it over before ultimately deciding on something. He was going to head home to eat, seeing as he was broke and was too gracious to bother the other members of the Losers Club. He begrudgingly made his way towards home, his mind too distracted with the likes of Richie Tozier to notice one less car in the driveway that fit two. He walked inside straight to the kitchen to get himself a bowl of strawberries when he noticed the disconcerting silence that rang throughout the house. He frowned. Normally when he walked inside from doing anything, he was barraged by his mother asking him all sorts of ridiculous questions and always assuming the worst of everything. That made him frown even more. "Mom? You there?" Eddie warily asked aloud. Silence. Then he heard the door to the bathroom open and visibly relaxed. His father Frank stepped out and smiled at Eddie, only a bit sympathetic, but Eddie didn't seem to notice. "Hey dad. Where'd mom go? She at the store?" Eddie asked through a mouthfull of strawberries. Frank's smile dropped. His throat cleared. "Listen um, Eddie? You might wanna sit down for this one." Eddie started to get nervous. "What why? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Was it Nana? Did Nana fall down the stairs again?" Eddie began to spew questions out of his mouth like bullets. Frank sighed. "No Eddie it's nothing like that. You know how me and your mom were fighting earlier?" Eddie's mouth went dry. "Y-yeah." Frank was struggling as how to tell Eddie without destroying him. "Well uh, that was a pretty big argument and this time we couldn't really agree with each other. Eddie, your- your mom left. We got into an argument and she left." Eddie stopped eating. "W-what? She left? Just like that?" His dad nodded. "Yeah, just like that." Eddie broke out into a smile. "Oh my GOD YES! Yes yes yes yes! Dad, you don't understand how much this makes me happy. Oh my god I can't believe this is really happening!" Frank was just utterly confused at Eddie's outburst of happiness at Sonia's leave. He did see how "protective" she was of him, but Frank always thought that was normal parenting. Regardless, she was gone and things were in dire need of change. "I definitely did not expect this reaction, but still nonetheless, things are going to change around here Eddie. You're going to have to help out alot more as well okay? I can't do this by myself." Eddie nodded in understanding. "Can I erm, use my phone dad? I wanna call someone." Frank nodded and walked away. Eddie began rifling through the kitchen drawers looking for the City of Derry Phonebook. Finally he found who he was looking for. Tozier. He grabbed his cell phone and rang. "Hello? This is the Tozier Residence." A young and feminine voice came through the line. "Um, hi. Is Richie there? I'm Eddie, a friend of his. I was wondering if it would be okay if I could come over?" The line went silent for a minute before the girl's voice came through again. "Yeah that's fine. Rich seems bored anyways. Come on over. I'm Clarissa by the way." Eddie smiled widely. "Sweet! Thank you so so much. I'll be over soon!" And with that, Eddie hung up and looked at the address next to Tozier, left the house with a quick goodbye to his dad and went on his way to the Tozier household bearing good news. After 10 minutes of walking, Eddie finally reached the house. A lavender, 2 story house with rose bushes surrounding the sides of the house and a lattice leading up to a window on the left wall. Eddie bounded up the stairs to the porch and knocked. "Clarissa right?"

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