Watching A Silent Dawn

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A month.
A month had passed since that frigid day that burnt through the boys's hearts more than could be put into words. As every day passed, they grew to know and trust each other even more. Any relationship was destined to crumble and fall apart if it wasn't built on communication, trust, and just overall knowledge of the person you were putting your faith in. Both Eddie and Richie knew that well enough, so they decided to build on the friendship that had already been there before rather than diving headfirst into a relationship. Romance could wait for them. So every day after school, Eddie walked over to the Tozier's house to spend time with his two favorite siblings he'd ever met. After finally learning what made Richie to go mute, his heart ached for Clarissa. It ached for the sister, the best friend that she'd never get to grow up with. Her twin. So he made it his personal mission to let Clarissa know that he loved her like she was his own sister by hugging her tightly in his arms every time he came over, regardless if she even remembered having a twin or not.


The weekend had rolled by and the boys were absolutely ecstatic to spend the entire weekend again with their best friends, but were timid to spend time with each other as mutual crushes. Regardless, it was something they were looking forward to. As Eddie bounded down the stairs after school ended that Friday with the Losers by his side, they were all pleasantly surprised by Richie leaning on the bike stands where all the Losers' bikes stood, waiting for all of them to finally make an exit. "Ri-Richie? What are y-you doing here?" Bill had asked, letting the words trip and fumble out of his mouth. Before Richie could scribble down anything on his notebook, Mike cut in for him. "Obviously he's here to see Eddie. They're in loooooooooovveeee, remember?" Both Eddie and Richie blushed and looked away from the group as a cacophony of bubbly laughter lilted away from their mouths and into the gray, overcast sky. Eddie rolled his eyes and scoffed, his cheeks and the tip of his nose glowing a soft pink from embarrassment. "Oh shut the fuck up, at least I have the balls to admit to someone when I like them." Eddie spoke while glaring smugly at Stan and Bill, who have yet to make any moves on each other even though they were in over their heads with feelings for each other. Stan's eyes lit up in obstinance while Bill just hid his shock in a cough. Bev, Eddie, and Richie snickered at their reactions while Ben and Mike patted the boys backs in sympathy while trying (and failing) to hide their smiles and laughter behind their hands. Once Eddie calmed down from all the laughter, he turned his head towards Richie and reached out a hand. "Ready to go yet and leave these idiots already?" Richie mirrored the smile and grabbed his hand. As they turned to leave, Richie turned around towards the group and flipped them the bird with a mile-wide grin on his face, sending everyone into another round of laughter that left them heaving at the chest. Eddie bellowed and threw his head back, unaware of how Richie watched him, his facial expression softened and his eyes aglow with everything he couldn't find the words to say.


Later that day, the afternoon had come and gone, filled with the boys playing video games, reading comics and raiding the kitchen together, Clarissa popping her head in a couple times to see what they were doing, the absence of their parents all but forgotten. As the evening came forth and the night greeted the boys with a clear sky littered with stars like paint splatter, Richie had an idea. He set down the comic he was reading and nudged Eddie's shoulder with his foot. Eddie looked up from his own comic and looked at Richie in question. "What's up Rich?" Richie, too tired to try, forgoed using his voice and instead used sign language to propose his idea. "You-you want, you wanna go on the roof? Rich it's like 1am, it's gonna be freezing out there." He just shrugged his shoulders in return and rather than wait for another rebuttal, he got up from the hammock they shared and threw on a hoodie, tossed another to Eddie, and held out a hand. Eddie looked at his hand, and sighed in resignation. "Oh why the fuck not. Let's go." Eddie grabbed Richie's outstretched hand, got up, threw on Richie's sweater and turned towards the window where he climbed with ease onto the roof that was only a foot above the second floor window. Richie grinned and followed suit.


Hours Of random conversation later, Eddie yawned and rubbed his eyes that were beginning to droop with exhaustion. Richie snickered and teased Eddie in a low tone, once again just barely above a whisper. "Getting tired Eds? It's okay, don't worry, I know that my hot bod and sexy voice are hard to ignore." Richie grinned evilly. Eddie rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Oh please, Greta Bowie has more sex appeal than you do." Eddie said, punctuating his sentence with a light shove at Richie's shoulder. Richie, much too fast for Eddie's reflexes, caught his wrist in a tight grip and pulled Eddie away from his spot where he was laying on the roof and instead pulled him close so that his head rested on Richie's shoulder. "Hey- let me go you asshole, I was comfy there!" Richie just shook his head no and looped his arms around Eddie's torso and held him tight and close, nuzzling his cheek into the top of Eddie's soft hair. Eddie struggled for only a bit longer before giving up and just letting himself relax and sink into Richie and the hold he had on him. He began to doze off, the cool of the night that had turned into early morning perfectly contrasting with the sweater he was wearing and Richie's arms around him, warming him from the inside out. Just as he was about to fully sink into sleep, he was awakened from some simple words from Richie, spoken at full volume. "Thank you for loving me for who I am Eds. Thank you for helping me grow. Thank you for letting me love you." Eddie turned around in Richie's arms so that they were face to face and reached an arm up to place a soft and gentle hand on his cheek. "No, thank you Richie for letting me in and be apart of your life and learn who you really are. Thank you for letting me in and being your best friend, you're someone I could never forget. Not ever." Richie smiled softly, unspilled tears pooled in his eyes, refracting light like diamonds and stars. He leaned forward and kissed Eddie slow and soft, taking the time to pour in every single feeling Eddie had ever made him feel, hoping he could get the message. After a moment Eddie pulled back to gather his breath, tears of his own already cascading down his cheeks, overjoyed with adoration and love for the boy whose arms he was entrapped in. He smiled and gently returned the favor before speaking again. "Let's-let's watch the sunrise, yeah?" Eddie had asked while trying to wipe the tears of happiness off his face, a smile still painted on. Richie smiled softly and nodded before pressing a kiss to Eddie's forehead and let his boy turn around to face the sky. They couldn't have asked for anything better, just smiling softly and not speaking, just laying together on the roof of Richie's home, watching a silent dawn.

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