Breathless Flight

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Beverly and Ben were the last ones to leave the quarry, not long after Mike left claiming he was "sick of 3rd-wheeling you lovesick puppies." Bev rolled her eyes at Mike and stuck her tongue out while Ben just blushed. After Mike left it got kinda boring with just the two of them and not much else to do, so they just got dressed and packed up to head to the library, which was now their designated hang-out spot for just the two of them. As they walked, Beverly thought of something rather intriguing. "I wonder what Mike must feel like, being the only one." Ben turned and looked at Beverly quizzically. "What? What do you mean Mike's the only one?" Bev sighed and shook her head. "Oh it's nothing. Hey look! The library is just ahead, meet you there!" Bev ran off to the front steps of the library, leaving Ben lost and confused in the dust of her running at a speed Ben could never fathom achieving himself. "Hey-hey wait up Bev! You know I can't run!" Ben huffed and moved to speed up and make his way to Bev who sat waiting for him on the last stair of those leading to the front doors of the library.

Bev giggled as she ran around the big shelf filled with books in an effort to try to hide from Ben who was trying to persuade her to maybe stop smoking, or at least take a break. This, of course, was all fueled by the fact that Beverly had the bravery to light a cigarette in the back of the library, where it was hidden away from the librarian, and where Ben and Bev had taken residence while visiting. Ben made a comment on how she looked funny with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, and Bev, well being Bev, had decided to make a joke out of the whole thing. "Oh so I look funny huh Benny? Do I look funny while running around like a chicken?" And with that she took off running around the book shelves playing a game of both hide-and-seek and tag. Ben sighed to himself with a smile and got up from his spot. "Come on Bev. It's not even allowed here, plus I think those make you sick or something. They don't even look good." Ben made a half-hearted attempt to chase after Bev, but knew he would ultimately fail. Beverly just laughed at what he said. "Oh Benny. It's not about looking good, it's about feeling good. Yeah I'm sure sometime in the long run it won't be good for me, but now? Oh good Benny, it's like a drug to me. It calms my nerves and makes me feel all warm and tingly inside, it's like inhaling pure fuel. I'd have you try it, but I don't want you to get addicted like I am." She sighed and looked at the half-gone flame stick and shrugged, ultimately deciding to throw it out. "Bev, I- I don't want you getting sick because of these, now or in the future. Plus, well uh, they stink and sometimes my mom gets mad at me because I come home smelling like you and she thinks I smoke too." Beverly deflated at the confession he'd just made. "She-she gets mad at you? Because of me?" Bev asked a little hurt. Ben was looking at his feet and nodded. "Um, yeah. Not all the time though. But when she does, I'll come home and hug her, and I guess she smells me or something, but she'll let go and give me this stern look and say something like 'Benjamin have you been smoking? You better not be, I did not raise my boy to be a smoker.' And you know, I'll say no, but she never believes me. She'll just frown and say 'I don't like the boy you're growing into Ben.' And I don't know, it just-just makes me sad sometimes that my mom thinks of me that way." Bev was almost crying and had to sit down. She loved Ben's mom, she was angel to all, including Bev, whom she never judged or believed the rumors that flew around town. "That-that stuff really happens Ben? She really says that kinda stuff?" Bev's voice warbled in her efforts to not actually cry. Ben noticed and immediately began to feel bad. "Oh-no please don't cry Bev, it's nothing really. I'll get used to it I swe-" "No Ben! No. I'll try to stop. I'll make an effort to cut down the addiction. I don't ever want to make your momma mad at you. Not ever. I'm sorry Benny." Bev stood up from where she was sitting and flung her arms around Ben as part of her apology. Ben put his arms around her in return. "It's okay Bev, really. Please don't get so worked up over it. I hate seeing you cry."Ben said softly. Bev laughed a little and pulled away to wipe at the tears that had managed to fall when she was hugging Ben. Bev grabbed one of Ben's hands and looked at him a bit shyly. "Sorry. I just care about you a lot and I don't wanna ruin things for you. I'll cut down the smoking and try to stop. Really. But only for you Benny." She smiled at him and grabbed his other hand, so that she had both his hands in hers. She was looking Ben right in the eyes. "I'd do alot for you Ben. Only you." Ben smiled in return. "There's alot I'd do for you too, Bev. Only you." Ben took an apprehensive step towards Beverly, and she seemed to get the hint so she took the lead and leaned forward, let go of Ben's hands in exchange for his face and kissed him softly. Her cool fingertips almost burning into Ben's face, his gentle hands holding her down to Earth. Kissing each other felt incredible, magical actually. Beverly felt like she was flying. Ben felt like the whole ordeal was merely a dream and he'd wake up any minute now back at the quarry with the others. But he didn't. He was kissing Beverly and it was real. It was the realest thing Ben had ever experienced. Everything beforehand felt like some odd fever dream to Ben. Beverly felt like she could cry from pure happiness. She couldn't wait to go home and tell her mama that she'd finally understood what love felt like. They only broke apart to catch their breaths. Bev looked at Ben, slightly breathless. "Wow. That-that was amazing. I didn't know that kissing could feel that good." She had wrapped her arms around Ben's shoulders in the process. Ben laughed and agreed. "Yeah. That was really something Bev. You're good at this kinda stuff." Bev smiled wider, if possible. "You know you're my one and only Ben. Actually I have a question." "Shoot." Bev cleared her throat. "Will, uh, will you go out with me Benny? Be my boyfriend?" Ben laughed and hugged her tightly. "Oh my god yes! I've been waiting for this since forever! Yes Beverly I will gladly be your boyfriend." And with that, Ben leaned in and kissed Beverly with just a bit more fervor than Beverly had. She kissed back. Here they were, in their favorite place to be, finally kissing, and finally together.

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