Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Cassie’s POV
            “No problem,” I said, smiling into the phone even though they couldn’t see me. Twirling the phone cord in my hand I continued to talk to the lady. “I’m glad I could answer your questions.” I laughed at what the lady said next. “Oh no you didn’t have too many, I assure you that’s what I’m here for.” Pause. “Yup, no problem. Bye.”
            I hung up the phone, my smile dropping as I leaned back into my swivel chair, exhausted. I had been working here for two months and within the first week I had gotten a promotion and continued to get them. Mr. Osborn had seen how well I was able to handle everything and eventually I got bumped up so much that I was his 3rd most important secretary. I loved the job but it was a lot of work and very time consuming.
            For, what seemed like, the hundredth time today, the phone rang again and I couldn’t help but groan and lean back to pick up the phone. Once I picked it up, I completely changed my mood so that I could help the costumer. A smile came on my face and my mood became happy and cheerful as well as my posture so I could give the best service.
            “Thank you for calling Oscorp Industries, this is Cassie how may I help you?”
            “Cassie? This is Norman,” My eyebrows furrowed hearing his voice. He sounded drained and his voice was slightly raspy. “I was wondering if you could do something for me?” He asked.
            “Of course sir,” I answered.
            Mr. Osborn was going to correct me and tell me not to call him sir but he sighed and instead said, “I need a coffee. My work is piling up and I have a feeling I’m going to be here for a long time.” He took another deep tired sigh and I could almost imagine him rubbing his temples from stress. “Would you be willing to do that for me? I know that you’ve been here for a long time and it’s not your job description but I had to fire my personal assistant and almost no one is here. I really need this from you.” He started to break into a fit of coughs and I waited until he was done to speak, my face growing concerned.
            “I’d be more than willing to get that for you. Do you have a specific place that you want me to get it from?”
            “Cassie you’re too kind,” I smiled and took a notepad, writing down his order. “Feel free to get yourself something too, Cassie.”
            “Oh I uh actually don’t have any money with me.”
            “I’ll be paying for you Cassie.”
            “No, I can’t-”
            “Honestly Cassie, it’s the least I can do for how hard you work. Just use the credit card that I gave you.”
            “Mr. Osborn-” I tried to protest.
            “Ms. Skipper,” he told me, his voice stern “I will go and buy you something myself if you won’t use my card to buy something for yourself. And if you don’t buy anything, I’ll go buy you something.”
            I laughed, “If you say so, Mr. Osborn.”
            “Thank you so much Cassie.”
            “No problem. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hung up the phone and sighed, sitting in my chair for a moment letting things sink in before shutting my laptop, grabbing my phone and purse then making the long trip outside. It was slightly chilly outside because it was so late at night but the coffee shop was just two blocks from Oscorp so I wouldn’t be outside too long.
            Suddenly I stopped walking. My head tilted as I got the feeling I was being watched by someone. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around but no one was looking at me. Confused, I looked around again but shook it off, thinking it was just my imagination. Sirens blared in the distance as well as the usual sounds of New York but I continued on.
            When I left the shop and was walking back, a coffee in one hand and a hot chocolate for me in the other, I got the feeling again. New York wasn’t exactly the best place to feel like someone was watching you, yet every time that I worked late, I always had the feeling.
            Quickly, I switched my pace to speed walking, nervous that my feeling could be right. When I walked into the building I sighed relieved because I knew I was safe here. When I walked into the elevator, I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here so when the doors closed, when a man stepped out, I gave a small yelp.
            The man had dark chocolate skin, a horrible comb over with thick glasses and crooked teeth and, just like me, he was surprised to see me and dropped all of his blueprints, shocked to step out and almost run into someone. “Sorry. Sorry.” He muttered and bent down to pick up the four blueprints.
            “Here let me help.” I offered, feeling like it was partially my fault. I set the coffee and hot chocolate on the floor and helped pick up his blueprints.
            “T-thank you. Thank you.” The man said, his voice sounding as if he had no confidence. He took the papers from me and tried to balance them in his hands.
            “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I apologized, bending down in my dress pants and picking up the drinks. “I didn’t know that people were still here.”
            The man nodded, but wouldn’t really make eye contact with me.
            I gave him a friendly smile, trying to boost his confidence. My face turned into confusion as I looked him over again, “I don’t think I’ve seen you before. My names Cassie by the way, Cassie Skippers.”
            “Max.” The guys said softly nodding to me rather than shaking my hand since both of our hands were full. “My job isn’t really that important.”  
            “Sure it is.” I said then glanced at my watch, “Oh sorry I have to go and get this to Mr. Osborn.” I walked quickly towards the elevator and pressed the floor number with my pinkie. Before the doors were about to close, I smiled at the man, “Bye Max.”
            When the elevator dinged I stepped out and walked to Mr. Osborn’s office. Juggling two of the drinks in one hand, the coffee in my left and the hot chocolate resting between my body and forearm, I knocked on the door with my right hand.
            “Come on in, Cassie.” Mr. Osborn said, his voice sounding distracted but I opened the door quickly then switched the hot chocolate back into my right hand.
            I walking into the large office and down the stairs towards his master desk. When I walked over to him, he didn’t even look up from what he was working on, too absorbed in his work. His hands flew across the long computer desk. He continued to work until he looked up at me. I blinked in shock when I saw him, he looked awful. “Thank you Cassie.” He softly and took the coffee from me and drank some before breaking into a cough.
            Mr. Osborn didn’t look good at all and that concerned me. Not only did he look like he hadn’t slept, but he looked a little green and kept grabbing at his neck like something was hurting him.
            “Are you alright, Mr. Osborn?” I asked.
            He looked up at me and nodded wearily. “I’m fine.”
            I looked at him skeptically, knowing that he really wasn’t fine. “Are you sure sir? You don’t look alright. You look rather green on your neck.”
            Norman’s hand flew to his neck, covering-what I thought was a bruise- quickly. “I’m fine.” He denied.
            Deciding not to press him any further, I nodded. “If it’s okay with you,” I said, “I think I’m going to lock up and go home.”
            “Of course Cassie.” Mr. Osborn said, “I’m so sorry that I kept you for so long. You are truly one of my best workers.” I smiled in pride as he continued, “Cassie, I just want you to know how much I really do appreciate you. You’re always looking out for me, doing things without being asked, doing things that aren’t even in your job description, everything. And I really appreciate you being such a good friend to Harry when he was here.” I stiffened upon hearing his name. Although I knew the truth behind everything now, it still hurt to hear his name. “He used to ask about you a lot when he was still here. After he left, he sent me emails and asked about how you were doing,”
            “He did?” I asked, my voice cracking from emotion.
            Mr. Osborn nodded slowly, “He did. I could never respond to him, because I was still trying to keep the act of being cold to him, but he asked nearly every moment he could. Eventually, he despised me so much for taking him away from the both of you and he stopped writing. He was angry with me, as he had a right to, but I didn’t have the heart to ever write back to him. I was a coward.”
            I didn’t know what to say so I looked down at my hot chocolate cup.
            “You truly don’t know how much I regret sending him away and from taking him from you.” I blinked back tears, “I know how much it hurt you and I don’t know if you can ever forgive me for that, but I am deeply sorry.”
            Giving him a small smile, I nodded. “I understand why you did it, and I do forgive you. When I first said that, I really did mean it. I still miss him like crazy, but I understand.”
            A small smile of relief came on his face. “Thank you Cassie, even though I know that you forgave me the last time we talked about this, it’s nice to know that and I can finally make peace with myself. I just wanted to be sure.” He gave me another soft smile, “Now go on home, you deserve it. And you don’t have to come in tomorrow. You’ve earned a break.”
            “T-thank you, sir. But are you sur-” he gave me a look telling me not to argue with him. “Thank you.” I finally said before wishing him a good night and leaving his office, my thoughts to myself as I exited the building. I finished my drink on the way out and threw it away at the entrance before walking out of Oscorp.
            After walking for only a few short steps, I felt it again; someone watching me. Turning around in a circle, I scanned my eyes, thoroughly searching for someone, my heart pumping quickly.
            “What are you doing out here?” A familiar voice said but I screamed, startled by it. When I turned around, I saw Peter dressed up in his costume and scowled at him, mad that he was the one that was freaking me out this whole time when I thought it could be someone that would seriously hurt me.
            “Thinking I was going to get mugged.” I responded coldly to him, upset that he scared me so bad. I walked past him harshly, walking quickly down the sidewalk.
        “Woah!” Peter said, jogging to catch up with me. “I was the one that saved you for a mugger.”
        My eyes met his face, hidden behind the mask. “What?”
        “If it wasn’t for me, you would have been mugged. Not today, but a few days ago. When you were walking to the bus, a guy went to follow you but you were lucky that I was there to stop him. You could have got hurt Cassie. You now that I don’t like you staying out so late at night.”
        “I know,” I sighed, “But I can’t help it. Mr. Osborn likes me to stay really late at night. I have to follow what he says. Thanks for keeping me safe.”
        He nodded, “Sorry to creep you out by watching you. It’s just,” He rubbed his neck, “A while back I went over to your house around this time, to see if you were home but your mom said that you were still at work and I got really worried, New York isn’t safe at night.” Peter continued, “After that night, I started following you there and when you left, keeping you safe.”
        A small blush came on my cheeks and a smile spread on my face upon hearing that he was worried for me.  “Thank you Peter.” I said softly.
        “What would I do without you?” He asked and slung an arm around my shoulder.
        “You know,” I whispered to him, “It’s going to look weird with Spiderman’s arm over my shoulder.”
        “People should just mind their own business, Spiderman can have friends.”
        I laughed and rolled my eyes, “This is New York Peter, everything here is apparently other people’s business.”
        “True.” He  admitted then quickly turned his head to the streets where loud sirens could be heard.
        I could sense that he was getting worried so I said something, “Don’t worry Peter, there are always sirens in New York.”
        “Yeah but there aren’t pretty girls walking home alone at night.” Peter muttered and I felt my heart leap into my throat. He thought I was pretty?
        “Screw this.” Peter said then turned to me, taking my shoulders. “I’m going to get you home the safe way.”
        I looked at him skeptically, “How…?”
        Even with the mask, I knew Peter smirked. He slung his arm over my shoulder again and moved his other hand across in front of us. “Why soaring through the skies with my trusty web shooters.” 
        Quickly I got out of his grip, “No, no, no. I don’t like heights. Ever since, Vulture-” My voice cracked, remembering everything. After the day that I fell from the building, I had a horrible fear of heights. I couldn’t even stand outside on our fire escape in our apartment.
        “Cassie, I know you’re scared but I won’t let go of you.”
        I turned away and rubbed my arms, close to tears as the memories started to overwhelm me.
        Gently, I felt myself be turned around and face Peter. “Hey,” he said softly, “I won’t let go of you, I promise.”
        My gaze looked away from him but he took my chin and made me look up at him. “Do you trust me?”
        “Of course I do,” I told him, “But-”
        “I won’t drop you Cassie. As long as I’m here, I’m never going to let anything bad happen to you again.” My heart fluttered in my chest but I continued to listen. “That’s why I need to take you home this way. I don’t want you getting hurt. This will be faster, just trust me Cassie.”
        Closing my eyes at his words I let out a breath, “Alright.” I said, “I trust you.”
        Peter hugged me, “Thank you.” He pulled away, “Now just wrap your arms around me and your legs around my waist.”
        My stomach fluttered at the last one but I nodded, biting my lip and grateful that I wore dress pants instead of a pencil skirt today. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him, moving my head so it rested in-between his shoulder and his neck. He put his hands on my thighs, telling me to jump and I did, his strong arms catching me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held tighter to him, wishing I would have said no.
        “Ready?” He asked.
        “Cassie.” He told me sternly, telling me I shouldn’t be scared.
        “Alright, I-I’m ready.”
        “Hold on tight then.” Peter whispered then stared running before jumping and swinging on a web that he made. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut while Peter held me tighter with his left arm, telling me it would be fine.
        We swung through the streets of New York holding me tightly with the hand that wasn’t shooting out web fluid, switching every swing.         Eventually, I began to slowly open my eyes, my arms and legs still clinging onto Peter. Soon, I became used to the feeling of swinging through the air and move my head off of his shoulder. I began to relax and un-tensed my muscles, my grip not as tight on him, as if I was about to die any moment, letting myself trust Peter. As I watched New York whoosh past us, it was almost peaceful and a small smile came on my face, enjoying myself and laying my head on his shoulders lightly, learning to love flying through the air.
        “How are you doing?” Peter asked over the wind, switching his left arm to rest on me so he could swing with his right.
        “I’m fine.” I smiled.
        “Alright we’re almost home.”
        I nodded my head even though he wouldn’t be able to see it.
        When we finally landed in front of our apartment, I almost felt disappointed. I released my legs from around his waist, Peter helping me down. When my feet touched the ground I looked up at him, my arms still wrapped around his neck.
        “So?” Peter asked.
        “Maybe it wasn’t so bad.” I teased, smiling.
        Peter’s chest rumbled as he laughed and I didn’t notice that we were so close that our chests were touching. I looked up at him and smiled before kissing his cheek that was still hidden under his mask. “Thank you Peter. That was actually really enjoyable, but don’t expect me to start going on the ferris wheel again.”
        “Why not?”
        My cheeks tinted pink, “Because you won’t be there to protect me.”
        “I’ll always be there to protect you.” Peter said sweetly, pressing his forehead against mine for a few moments while I closed my eyes and wished I would feel this way every day. He finally pulling away. “I need to go take off the suit, I’ll be right back.”
        He ran off and when he was out of sight I sighed. The way that Peter and I acted was almost like a boyfriend and girlfriend because we were just so close as friends. People thought that we were together a lot but we always explained that we were just friends and that it didn’t mean anything, however much I wished it did. At first, it was just a funny thing that we did, being best friend with a boy, these things came naturally and didn’t mean that we loved each other or anything but as more time went on and we got older, things that we used to do, like hug, watch a movie, rest our foreheads against each other, it meant something to me. I wished that it was like that for real, and that we could be boyfriend and girlfriend, and hug not as friends, but as something more. I hated explaining that we were just friends, I hated that word. Of course, I knew that I could tell Peter how I felt, but I knew that he thought of me as only a friend and I dind’t want to risk anything by making things awkward between us and ruining our friendship.
        Peter came back, his normal clothes on and I faked a smile.
        “Ready to go inside?” he asked.
        “Uh, yeah.” I said, trying not to look so down.
        Peter didn’t notice and slung his arm around my shoulder, another thing that killed me. He kissed my temple and I tried not to cringe in despise that it was only a friendly gesture. “Then let us depart.” He joked, walking forwards towards the apartment doors.
        As we walked I couldn’t help but feel the aching in my heart that this could happen between us but it actually meant something. But I knew that it could never happen, however much I wished that it did.
A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who is reading and leaving such sweet comments!! I decided that I just had to update from all the amazing comments I'm getting! If I get lots of comments from other people, I'm more likely to update so keep that in mind! Again thank you everyone! I am completely BLOWN AWAY with how many hearts this story has and there are only 10 chapter!! Thank you so much!!!

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