v : dorne

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The trip to Dorne in darkness was not fun. Ramona refused to let Andromeda row, and Andromeda refused to sing. All the girl had to do was to look at constellations. Ramona revealed to her that she had been asleep for six nights before she woke again, and that she had assumed she had died from fright. And that they would be in Dorne by the next day.

It was the eighth day. Andromeda was very reluctant to let the darkness go, because it had become her friend along with every star in the sky. She expelled the night until its rightful time on the eighth morning, deciding that if she kept it going that the first seven days would've been meaningless. Besides, Ramona rowed much faster in the daylight.

When they arrived in Dorne, people dressed in expensive cloths of orange and yellow were standing in the sand, waiting for her. They looked like guards for the lords and ladies of Dorne, and she knew that they had arrived in the right place. Ramona paddled to the sand, and she stepped from the boat first as the men approached the two. She extended a hand for the queen, which she subtly ignored.

"This," Ramona said once they were close enough. "Is Andromeda Vela. Daughter of Otieno Martell." The men barely listened before they grabbed the two by their arms, and Ramona started shouting. "Stop! She looks just like her father, just like him! She's Dornish, can't you tell?" The Dornish woman herself exclaimed. Andromeda barely struggled, her will deteriorated.

"Her father cannot be Otineo Martell." One of the men said in a thick accent. "Every Vela is dead."

"Who do you think caused the storms?" Ramona said, and her head turned to her queen as much as the man behind her allowed her to. "This is the last child of your Prince."

"I am the daughter of Otineo Martell and Shirina Vela. And my uncle is Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne." She said blandly, looking at the sand between her bare toes.

"We will take you to Oberyn Martell, and he will be able to speak for you on this."


"You stand in the presence of Prince Doran Martell and Prince Oberyn Martell." A man said, his voice deep and important sounding. They were forced to kneel, even though Ramona first tried to discourage it for both her and Andromeda, seeing that Andromeda was her queen, and queens kneeled for no one but their own people. "Why have you come?"

The guards forced them to stand. "The tall one claims that she had brought with her Prince Otineo's child."

The guard on Andromeda's back pushed her towards the men who were undoubtedly Oberyn and Doran Martell. "She claims that this one is the last child of Prince Otineo."

The younger man shrugged. "She looks more than half Dornish."

Ramona spoke up again. "She took after her father." She said. "She was the only one of them who truly took after her father."

"Come closer, girl." The older one, Doran, said to the young, lost girl. Andromeda obeyed as she shuffled closer rather tiredly and timidly. She looked up, and saw that he wasn't convinced easily. "I doubt this is her. They were all massacred, every single one of them dead."

"Then how do you explain the Storm of Seven Nights?" Oberyn spoke up from beside his brother. "Never has day turned to night in all of the world from Winterfell to Dorne. Thunder was heard on all corners of the earth, yet there is none of them left? Brother, we should hear them out."

Doran leaned forward. "How can you prove to me that you are half a Martell, girl?"

She breathed in and looked into Doran's eyes, seeing some of her father in them. "I caused the Storm of Seven Nights." The Vela girl answered. "I watched my mother be shot down from the top of the castle. I heard from one sister as she died in my arms that the other had been killed before her. The brother that saved me told me that the twins had been killed. He died saving me, and I watched and held onto Otineo Martell's hand as he pushed the small boat away from Ilta, hoping that I'd make it to Dorne. He always told me to come here if I was in trouble, if any of us were in trouble. He knew his brothers would help us, and I am the last of us." She looked at Oberyn before he spoke, and she was in shock.

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