xiv: soulbond

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Andromeda knew that she had fallen for him way too deep when she simply sat down at the dinner table with the others for the last time, and she realized that he was going to sail for home tomorrow. She faked most of the smiles, but it was hard to fake smiles when Davos Seaworth was giving you real reason to smile.

After dinner, Andromeda sat in her room by herself, sharpening her sword and spear from Dorne that had grown too full for comfort. She kicked out Ramona to deal with the painful thought of Jon going home, something she thought she would never have to feel. How could she allow herself to get attached to a man of Westeros, the king of the goddamn place at that? She had to be the dumbest Vela, but she was arguably the most vulnerable one as well.

There was a knock on her door. She waited for the knocking to stop, and then it got louder. "Queen Andromeda, I must talk to you." It was Ramona, but someone was with her. She would never call her the queen unless it was something serious, or if someone was with her.

"I asked for a second to myself, Ramona." Andromeda complained softly, still swiveling her legs around to put her feet on the cold floor after laying her sword on the table next to her bed, her yellow tunic flowing as she stepped and dark blue pants that hung too low sweeping across the floor with each shift of her foot. "But of course, you can always come in." She swept the door open, and who stood there was certainly not Ramona. It was Jon, with his eyes down and his hair in a bun. He smiled awkwardly at her, almost painfully so. Her heart ached and her lip twitched slightly upon seeing the man she was so upset about.

"Lady Ramona insisted upon me coming here with her," he explained lamely when he finally looked into those intense eyes that he adored. He was almost grimacing as she just stared at him without an expression on her face. Ramona shoved him out of the way and walked into her lady's room, sitting on Andromeda's larger than life sized bed. She made herself at home, and waved the two of them in.

"We three have much to talk about." She pointed towards the two chairs in the corners of the room, and she gestured for them to pull them closer to the bed. Once Ramona had everything set up the way she wanted it, she sighed. "Andromeda, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."

"Then why is he here?" Andromeda sat down again after she began sharpening her spear, listening to Ramona. She set her spear down at her feet.

Ramona rolled her eyes. "Some of it has to do with him, child." Andromeda nodded, her eyes glancing upon the handsome man, who did his best not to look back at her and initiate the most intense staring contest of his life. "I am not who I say I am."

Jon looked towards Andromeda, a look on her face that he couldn't quite describe. Ramona eyed her somewhat wearily, waiting for her to do something. "Hm," was all Andromeda said at first. "And who is that?"

"I go by Ramona of Dorne." The supposedly Dornish woman spoke. "I say I am twenty seven years of age, but in reality I am much older."

"Don't stall," Andromeda said, clearly on edge.

"I am hundreds of years old." Andromeda's eyes widened. "I am your ancestor, I'm Pandora."

   Before Ramona—Pandora— could even register it, the Queen of Ilta was flying across the room, spear in her hands. Ramona quickly grabbed the sword and blocked it, but the impact sent her onto her back as Andromeda sat above her, spear at her throat. "Don't lie to me."

   "I'm not lying." She said. "I am Queen Pandora."

"Imposter." Andromeda snarled, her eyes dangerously narrowed as her spear drew blood. "You are either delusional or you tell idiotic jokes, you can pick."

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