fin: your hair, my name

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  Queen Andromeda Vela of Ilta was days away from having the child, but she was still glowing in her wedding gown. Her stomach had grown a bit more, but not so much that she couldn't fit. Odda and Sansa fussed over getting her perfect for her walk which was to happen in only minutes, while Arya spoke to Jon before the ceremony began.

  The ceremony wasn't to be big or too grand, it was just two lovers being married, for the second time. Andromeda didn't have her crown on her head, because neither would Jon when she arrived at the altar. They would be crowned together, bound again. Only this time, everyone important to them would be there. All but Pandora.

   "I'm not nervous, I think that's you, Sansa." She teased the red headed Queen of the North, who had once again left home to support her brother.

   "Trust me, there is no other person in the world that I would rather Jon marry." Sansa smiled. "I'm just happy that you two will finally be happy. And then this little bundle of joy you have that's ready to make its appearance any day will only make you stronger."

   "You'll be here to see it, Sansa." Andromeda assured. "What do you think it is?"

   "No baby talk!" Odda hushed playfully. "This day is about you and Jon, let the babe's birth date be his day." She paused, looking at the two women. "It's definitely a girl."


    "And who gives this woman away?"

"I do." Odda said, stepping forward and putting her arm into Andromeda's. She was going to shut her eyes, but a spherical shape flicked right past her and hovered by her side for a few moments, on her right side. Andromeda almost cried as she watched it leave, as she went to watch from above with the rest.

    Andromeda let out a solid breath before she began her walk. Her dress, dark blue and gray, strangely complemented the bright Targaryen red pin that she had in her hair. She was to be a Targaryen and a Vela. She entered the scene, a scene of flowers and trees and sand, something not uncommon in Ilta. They could hardly be seen in the dark of the night, but she didn't care. The stars were looking down upon them, and if they approved, they would shed their light upon them all. The moon was giving enough light for now.

     She could barely see Jon, but she knew where she was going. She could feel him, she could feel everything about him as she walked in his direction. She felt his excitement and his nervousness, but she couldn't feel any uncertainty. She felt the same.

    She made it to the altar, where the Septon and Jon stood waiting for her. She looked out into the very small crowd and saw the some of the people she loved the most, and she looked to the sky and saw the ones she loved even more. They were all there, all there for her and him.

    She barely even listened to the vows, barely even felt anything but Jon's hands and her racing heart. Before the Septon could ask for them to say the words, a sudden bright light exploded from the sky, and it was almost as if it were light already. Gasps and shouts of shock drown out the Septon, who looked about ready to die from the surprise. When Andromeda looked away from Jon and to the sky, she saw the brightness of the stars.

    All of their constellations were bright. Every single one of them, lighting the sky like their own little suns. They all approved, and what was even more meaningful to her was that they were all watching. She kept looking in awe and joy, her eyes tearing up more and more as she watched them burn even brighter. She smiled and nodded slowly, thanking their acceptance. She sniffled and brought her attention back to Jon, who had been looking at her almost the whole time.

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