xxi: the lightning queen

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Jon's men had already loaded off of the ship, that was very apparent. The amount of black and red was nearly unbelievable. Black and red battled yellow and orange, something she never thought she would see in her lifetime. Andromeda walked into the chaos again, this time with a slight limp. She was still a warrior all the same, even more so now that she had on a little blood to decorate her nightgown.

   "Do not attack Targaryen men!" She yelled in vain. She knew they would never hear her. The people assumed, seeing that the Targaryen forces were only going for the Dornish people. They fought alongside the Targaryen men and women, and she couldn't have been more proud. Pandora.

   She flew around over head, searching for Pandora or even Jon. She found him first, and instantly the pull brought her back to the ground. She dove into the ground and killed the man that was coming up onto Jon's back, and as if he could sense her, he turned.

  "Andromeda." He said, his eyes filling fondly for a moment. It didn't take him long before he remembered the setting. "What are you doing here? You need to be safe, up in a tower or something!" He never was very articulate, even for a king.

   He looked handsome in his black and red, in his touches of gray here and there. She could barely focus on his face, but she didn't need to. She had memorized everything about his face, from his eyebrows to his mouth and chin. She wanted to stay and commit his year older face to memory, but she couldn't. They were ducking and dodging and sending their own blows towards enemies, but there wasn't much more in their area. They weren't in the thick of it yet. "I need to find Pandora."

  "I can find her." He insisted. "You, go back."

"You want me to leave after a year of not seeing you? More than that, even."

   "I just want you safe." He said, breathing heavily. "Go back, please. Stay with my sisters." He pushed her in the direction before fighting off a straggler.

   "I need to find he-" she stopped when she heard a scream. It was a very specific scream, one that she would know from anywhere. It was from the woman who had been screaming her name as if she was her mother for so many years, the woman who had been her main system of support since the Baratheon raid. Andromeda stopped breathing as she heard it again, this time much closer. Footsteps and clanking armor came, and Andromeda identified Pandora's head faster than she ever thought she could. And she identified the way the man was chasing her towards her.

    "Andromeda!" She yelled, locking eyes with her. Jon grabbed her tightly, but she simply punched him right in the jaw, running right towards her friend. She saw the terror in her face, in her eyes as they ran closer to each other. The man was catching up, and before they could touch hands, Pandora's neck met the sharp blade of a sword. Her head flew in the air dramatically, the scream she had cut short.

    Andromeda stopped in her tracks, her mouth banging open slightly out of shock. She put her hand to her mouth and dropped her weapon, her body hunching over in a way she didn't think it could. Her crown was tilting as she bent over and let out a wretched scream. She couldn't hear the way Jon was yelling, and she couldn't see the way the man was smirking at her. Her back straightened and he tears turned into streaks of anger. Her mouth set determinedly, and she raised her hands to the sky. The man simply laughed at her antics, but he wasn't laughing when the storm came.

   Thunder was booming louder than a thousand drums. Rain was pouring. It was coming down like it was the Storm of Seven Nights all over again, reflecting her anger completely as Jon stood back from her, not entirely knowing what she would do. She crossed her arms against her chest, harnessing all the energy in the world in reaction to the man bringing out the worst in her. He had beheaded Pandora, and she had seen it with her own eyes. She decided that then and there that Pandora would be the last of hers to fall.

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