ix: the queen of the night

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   Ramona was patiently awaiting for Jon Targaryen's arrival. Andromeda was not. She was sitting on her throne, waiting for word of their arrival. Ramona stood in front of her, ready to do introductions. Any moment now, the King of Westeros would be in their presence.

Andromeda wore her family colors proudly. Dark blue and white complemented her currently unblemished and uncut skin (usually she had some type of cut from sparring), little stars on the bottom of her dress. In her hair he wore a trademark pin, one with a single star on it. Her bracelet had orange and yellow that slightly clashed with her dress, but she didn't care. She would represent every color within her until the day she died.

   "This is going to make history, Andromeda." She said, taking her hand. "Your parents are so proud of you." The look on her face suggested that Ramona knew something Andromeda didn't, but the Queen didn't have time for that in that moment. She turned forward again, towards the doors that would soon open to see the King of Westeros.


   Jon stepped off of the boat, and was greeted by various people. They were all soldiers, but unlike Daenerys's soldiers, they could not be pinned to one place. One man looked to be from Dorne, the other looked to be from somewhere like Kings Landing, and one had the face of a northern man. He was confused. And he knew that this scene looked familiar.

   The stone castle was huge, but the mountains on the other side were bigger. One of the mountains was blocking the sun, but the sky was exceptionally clear today. He looked up at them in awe, amazed at what a beautiful place Ilta was. He had always imagined it as a bland and boring keep that people were constantly fighting to take control of just for the sake of it. But now he understood why people wanted it. It was an army's playground, a fort.

   "My King," Tyrion said, snapping him out of his awe. Tyrion always got formal around other people. "It's time to meet Andromed-"

   "That's Queen Andromeda." One of the men said, and now it was even more obvious that he was northern, even though he was wearing night blue and white. "And you are to meet her now. She isn't very patient." Jon's head bobbed to the side and came back up. Tyrion Lannister was right, as always.

   Ser Davos, Gendry Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, and Jon Targaryen walked up steps and pathways to get to the entrance of the castle, and from there, they were taken down halls and to a room, a room that was heavily guarded. There were even two women guarding the door, and they pushed the heavy door open to reveal a clearly Dornish lady standing next to a throne, and the woman sitting in it.

    Jon felt fucked all over again.

She was gorgeous. She had dark hair, and dark brown eyes, eyes so intense that he couldn't look away from them for a moment. She wore a dress, a dark blue dress and a crown on top of her head that looked like it had nearly a thousand stars on it that all stopped to make one big star at the front. She was looking right back at him, and he almost felt like she was staring into him until she looked to the next man. He could not deny his immediate attraction.

  The woman beside her started speaking. "You  stand in the presence of Andromeda of the Houses Vela and Martell, the first of her name, the Queen of Ilta, the last surviving Vela, bringer of the Storm of Seven nights, bringer of the Light of Eight Days, and the fourth Queen of the Night."

   Tyrion stepped forward. "This is Jon Targaryen, King of Westeros." That was all that needed to be said. Jon was brought to think again about the parallels of this woman and Daenerys Targaryen. Already, there were echoes of his past here. It was quiet for a moment while the Queen of Ilta looked at who stood before her. It was an intimidating silence.

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