xxix: commander and the queen

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Odda didn't come see her off, and maybe that's why Andromeda was in a bad mood. Not to mention that, but on the rare occasion that she got on a large boat, she got seasick. Every time. But they had started to sail North two months ago, and they still weren't there. She was throwing up every morning once she felt the rocking of the boat, and there was nothing that Jon could do for her besides holding up her hair. Overall, she was just... off.

   "Boats." She groaned, leaning forward, so far forward that Jon was getting nervous that she might accidentally pitch herself forwards. "How do the Greyjoys do it?"

   "It's alright," Jon coaxed. "Why don't you just sit down, get your strength up?"

   "Queens don't rest, Jon." She said, smirking at him lightly. "And it's breakfast, I want something hot to drink."

  "Are you demanding me?" He asked teasingly, his brow raising up, a sweet smile on his face. "Anything you want, love." He cast one last look at her before walking away, not too long returning with hot tea in a medium sized mug. It was steaming when he handed it to her by the handle, his pinky finger as far from the hot mug as possible. "Please be careful, it's straight out of the-" he gasped when she took it right from his hands and gulped it all down, not showing one sign of pain.

   "That was good." She breathed out, holding in a burp. "Who made that?"

"Your tongue isn't burning off?" He waved it off, not willing to think much about it anymore. "Just blow on it next time, love."

   She nodded, not really listening. "When do you think we'll arrive in the North? I've always wanted to see the North, especially where you grew up. Where was that, again?"

  "Winterfell." He said, a smile coming across his lips, and it slightly dropping when he thought harder. "I suppose at Castle Black, as well."

  "Will I see Castle Black?"

"Maybe," he responded, lost in his own train of thought now. He couldn't be absent from Kings Landing for too long, as he already had been, and now she wanted to see where he grew up. There was almost no doubt in his mind that he wouldn't attempt to stay in the North after seeing the places that meant so much to him, but he had a duty. A duty that he never asked for, once again.

    "I would like to see these places of course, but now I want to make sure that Queen Sansa has her kingdom back."

  Jon looked at her from the corner of his eye before turning his full body her way. "Did you really meant what you said in the dungeons?" She furrowed her brows, trying to remember. She had said a lot of things in the dungeon. "When you said that you were helping because the girls are your family?"

   "They are my family." She stated strongly. "Even if Sansa hated my being at first."

   Jon chuckled. "She told me. She doesn't really take to anyone who isn't a Stark, or at least one of her own. From the North."

   "I used to be that way, until I realized I had no one left and no other choice but to let other people in. It was either that, I would have even less than nothing. That's why Ilta is so diverse." She said right before throwing up again, this time too fast for Jon to catch her hair. She waved him off anyways as she caught her breath, dry heaving twice before standing again. "Would you mind getting me more of that tea?"


The mood that she was in left once she realized that her duty was less than minutes away. The Dornish usurpers stood not too far away as she stood at her own frontline, next to Arya, Jon, and Ser Davos. Gendry stayed with Sansa, who was more than happy to play her role upon realizing how serious and important it was.

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