vi: a martell

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    It had been four years since she had knocked Tyene Sand on her ass, but today was finally the day. Andromeda fought with a spear, and she had fought her cousin hard.

   Life hadn't been easy. In the past four years, Westeros had seen a new king, and he had died, leaving his younger brother to rule. Myrcella Baratheon had been sent to Dorne to marry one of her cousins and murdered on the way back, and Oberon had sailed to Kings Landing after forbidding her to leave with him (something she wasn't so used to. Dorne was the most similar kingdom with the way women were treated to back in Ilta, but in Ilta, there was no chance in the seven hells that he would have been able to stop her) and had gotten himself killed by the very man he had started his revenge quest with. It seemed to hurt Andromeda more than it did his own children, but the Sands has always been hardcore. For Andromeda, she was losing her father all over again.

    "Damn,"  Tyene said as she dusted the sand off of her. "You knocked me. You. How did you manage to do it after so long?"

    "I've been training with the best soldiers in Westeros for four years now, Tyene." Andromeda responded. "If I haven't gotten better, you guys would have killed me by now." She pointed her flat palm out as a gesture towards Tyene's sisters, Obara and Nymeria.

   "But," Obara said stepping forward and pushing  Tyene out of her way. "Will you be able to knock me down?"

   Andromeda smirked. "I sure could try," she said, trailing off and losing her smirk of pseudo confidence when she saw guards rushing towards the four girls.

   "Lady Andromeda!" The first man shouted, and she tried to hide her flinch. After Oberon died, she stopped being called 'Queen Andromeda' and 'Princess Andromeda', and what scared her was that she had to admit to herself that she didn't like it. She wasn't born to be a lady, she was never going to be anything less than a princess. But she was.  "Prince Doran was not too keen on telling you, but Ellaria was. Ilta has been captured by the Lannisters."

    Andromeda dropped her weapon, and her cousins began to pay attention. "What?"

   "Ilta is less than a wasteland, as we all thought." The guard explained. "There are people alive, people to rule over. And they are the Lannister's, now. They have captured Ilta. In retaliation of killing Myrcella."

    "Iltans had nothing to do with Myrcella Baratheon's death!" She shouted, and then lowered her voice. "They had absolutely nothing to do with it. Why in retaliation?"

   "They know that Dorne is housing a Vela," Obara said, even though she wasn't very keen on politics. In fact, none of the three were. "And Cersei doesn't plan on giving it back."

    "She will." The lone star said, more to herself than any others.

  "Why do you want it back now?" Tyene asked, seriously curious. "You could stay in Dorne for the rest of your life, protected from all of the Westerosi bullshit."

   "I can't be protected from Westeros when my home is being infiltrated by Westeros." She our her hand through her dark hair. "I must take Ilta back. I made a promise, a promise to everyone after they died. I am the one true queen of Ilta. I must go back."

   "Woah!" Tyene Sand laughed somewhat nervously. "You can't do that!"

    "You don't understand." She shook her head. "When there are people living in Ilta, they must be under a woman of House Vela, or the kingdom will fall again! It's prophecy. I must go back, that's why I haven't been back this whole time."

   "You have no army." Obara spoke up, watching as the guards listened in silently, obviously wanting them to leave. Andromeda waved them off and away. "There is no one who can fight for you. The only allies you have are us, and even then, not many Dornish would fight for someone else's home, even if you are a Martell. Or half of one."

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