xx: dorne and ilta

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  By the time Jon had gotten all the help he could for the foreign cause, he heard that the Dornish were already only a day out from Ilta. He immediately sent another raven to his far off Queen, warning her that the determined Dornish were coming much faster than everyone thought.

  "On the boat!" A man shouted while everyone got on their respective boats. Jon stood there on top of the middle one, the one that flew the Targaryen and Vela banner. Tyrion stayed in Kings Landing to hold down the fort and act as King for as long as he needed, but he was accompanied by Gendry Baratheon, who contributed a few men and Ser Davos, who was forever by Jon's side.

   The boat started moving after not too long, and Ser Davos started to talk, trying to make everyone else's nerves lessen. "So, Your Grace." He set up room for a question as Jon glanced at him sideways. "Are you excited to see the Queen?"

Jon couldn't help his smile. "I feel elated." He admitted easily. "But I'm terrified that the people who either want to marry her or kill her will get there before I will."

    Gendry shook his head at his worrisome king. "Your Grace, she can hold her own. And if the Dornish army is too much for her miraculously, because there's no way she'll get beat by the Dornish, there are so many people ready to cross swords for her and her cause. We are not the only ones that want Andromeda alive."

   "Queen." Jon correctly softly yet instantly, making Gendry and Davos share a confused look.

"Well, she is a queen." Ser Davos said, his eyes prying into Jon. "You made that happen." They would have let the conversation go, if it wasn't for the guilty look on Jon's face. He was keeping something from them, something he rarely did. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

"Yes," Jon sighed. "What I say cannot leave the spaces that we are in. They can't leave your lips ever, until it's time. You have to promise me that you won't tell a single soul. Not in Westeros, not in Essos, not anywhere."

"Yes, of course, Your Grace."

"Andromeda is my Queen." They looked at him with a strange expression, one that made him feel stupid. "No, my actual queen. And I am her king."

Davos seemed to catch on first. He smiled, a small smile that grew gradually as he pieced it together. "You didn't..."

"Queen Andromeda and I took vows." Gendry still looked lost. "Andromeda is my wife now, Gendry. And I am her husband."

Gendry gasped, a loud gasp that would have attracted everyone if they were near people. "You married her? When?"

"The night before we left, we took our vows in front of a septon." Jon confessed, looking out towards the moving sea.

"Queen Andromeda is our Queen," Gendry breathed out. "She's the Queen of Westeros."

Jon cleared his throat awkwardly. "The eclipse is supposed to be coming soon." He said randomly.

"She's your wife." Ser Davos pointed out. "That's makes this even more important. We have to get there now, we have to protect the queen."

He would not lose another love of his to war, or to the aftermath of it. Especially not this one, not this love, not the one that is so sweet and pure and so fast, the one that makes him feel like he's on top of the world and that everything he had ever done in his life didn't matter. He loved her, he loved Andromeda with all of his heart. He loved their love, and he cherished it more than anything he could ever physically receive. "Yes," he responded. "If her kin has turned on her, who else will?"


She awoke to horns blowing. She shot up out of bed, knowing exactly what that meant. Her door slammed open, women soldiers already at her door, all scrambling to take her to a place where it would be safe, or safer.

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