xvi: the string

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  Andromeda was surprised that the light of the sun woke her up. Usually, it was Ramona— who was now Pandora, her resurrected ancestor— who was rummaging around in her wardrobe to find something pretty for her to wear that woke her up. She remembered everything from last night, and realized that she probably wasn't going to help her with those trivial matters anymore.

    Andromeda walked to her own closet and picked her things out for the day, the day where she would be fulfilling her promise of last night. She smiled as she thought of the things they would do with each other before he had to leave. She picked out a dark blue dress, one that matched her banners and that wouldn't fly up in the wind due to its design. She slid it on slowly, expecting help but remembering that Ramona, the girl that had helped her put her dresses on, was a queen. And now that Andromeda knew, she would not be anything close to a handmaiden anymore.

    She opened her door and greeted the two guards there, and they bid theirs back with deep bows. She walked with a light bounce in her step, looking upwards so much that she didn't realize that Tyrion was right in front of her until she felt him bump into her middle. "I'm sorry, Tyrion!"

   He only laughed as he stood again. "It's no problem at all, Andromeda." They had been on a first name basis for a while. "But I want to know what Jon said to you to make you so happy."

   "Why do you assume he made me happy?" She couldn't resist smiling, even when she realized that Jon obviously hadn't told them what was going on between them.

   "Because he came and talked to me last night for about an hour and gave me a speech about how we're leaving tomorrow and not today. Not to mention, he had the same pep in his step as you do now." Tyrion smiled. "And he's not too far behind me."

  Jon came around the bend not too long after, as Tyrion had promised, and he smiled softly upon seeing her and Tyrion. "Are you ready?" The King of Westeros asked the Queen of Ilta, and she nodded at him.

   "I'll see you later, Tyrion." She said reassuringly before turning in the other direction with Jon. They walked for some time before she spoke first. "Do you have any ideas of what we're doing?"

   He blushed and cleared his throat. "I figured you would,"

   She laughed. "It's alright," she walked with him as she scanned for things to do. "Let's break our fast, and then we can think."

   They ate an intimate breakfast together, one that seemed oddly domestic for the two. They were immersed in each other's presence. So much so that they didn't even notice her subjects, who were whispering happily to each other about how happy and calm she seemed around the foreign king. She hadn't smiled for real at someone other than Pandora in such a long time, nonetheless a man. She was a kind woman, and all they really wanted was the best for a woman who welcomed them all like a mother with opened arms.

   After their breakfast was done, she insisted on something she called 'water walking'. "What on earth is that?" He asked her, already smiling at her own contagious expression.

   "We are going to walk on water." She said determinedly. "I've never done this with two people before, so you'll be the first."

   "How do you walk on water?" He asked as he stood up, his brows furrowing. No one could walk on water. Then again, he also thought that no one could change the skies.

"Come outside and I'll show you," she walked outside, missing his outstretched hand entirely. He put it down and caught up to walk beside her. Once they reached the shores, she took her shoes off and walked into the water. "Watch." Her head tilted up towards the skies, which were partly cloudy. Little wisps of clouds came down in an almost invisible state, floating and twirling on their descent to meet her feet, raising her up and over the water, to where she was barely hovering over it. She looked back to Jon, who was awestruck in the very least. "Come on,"

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