xxviii: make us both forget

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  It was the night before they sailed for the Kingdom of the North, and everyone was ready. One Onion Knight, one Baratheon, two and a half Starks, half a Targaryen, and a Vela were all getting ready in their own ways. Andromeda has no intention to stay in the North for long, but while she was gone, she appointed Odda in charge of Ilta.  The people would obey her.

  Odda was having a hard time saying her goodbyes, and it was making it even harder for her Queen. Odda Hughes Andromeda tightly and held her face to her bosom, nearly crying at the thought of her leaving. And not just leaving, but for war. "Please, don't go."

Andromeda sighed. Odda knew better than to plead for her to stay, for she knew that she would do whatever needed to be done, and whatever she wanted. "You know I can't. I have more family now, and they need me. I won't watch a woman's kingdom be taken from her and do nothing."

"Send men," Odda blurted, causing Andromeda to narrow her eyes.

"I can't put them up against the Dornish twice, you know that." She shook her head and backed away a few paces. "Don't cry for me, I'll see you at the send off tomorrow. And I will be back before you know it." She stepped forward again, this time wiping tears from her friend's cheeks. "Don't cry, please."


She was a patient woman as she sat on the bed, waiting for Jon to arrive to the chambers they had shared. Jon was probably speaking with his sisters and Gendry and Ser Davos, but she couldn't help her jitteriness. She couldn't think of anything but the traveling to come and what awaited her. She could only think about what the taste of the final victory would be like, what it would be like to see Sansa happy when she got her home land back. She couldn't wait to end the fighting.

The door opened, and a curly head of black hair waltzed in, barely any energy in his step. "My love," he said softly, walking over to the bed and sitting down, not plopping how he usually would if she wasn't there.

"You miss the North." She stated, not looking at him. She could never look at him when she asked of the North, his true home. "Are you excited to see it?"

"No doubt the Dornish have already ruined it, Jenny." He sighed. "But I am ready to win it back for the Starks."

She poked him chest, sending a slight smile to Grace his lips. "You are a Stark."

"Then so are you."

"Your father was a Targaryen, and that's the name you carry." She said, rubbing her hand over his clothed chest and to his shoulders that had his trademark fur all over it, even though Ilta was nowhere near cold. "And we married. So I am a Targaryen, and you are a Vela."

He laughed. "That's not how it works," he laughed again, a sound that made her heart flutter and sing. "You take my name."

"In my kingdom, the kingdom we are in," she emphasized. "The King takes the Queen's name."

He leaned in closer her her, foreheads close to touching as his eyes bore into hers, his dark brown ones smiling more than his mouth ever could. "Then I will take yours, and you will take mine."

"You'll take mine, and our children will have my name and Targaryen hair." The words slipped out from her subconscious like it was nothing, and her breath hitched at what she had said. "I didn't mean to say that."

"How do you know they will be blonde?" Was all he asked, uncaring about the mention of their children. Did he not notice how awkward it made her feel?

"Something tells me." She whispered, looking away briefly before flickering her eyes back up to his. "I love you, Jon."

He didn't look away like she thought he would have, but instead, he stared at her with such yearning and adoration that she could have melted to his feet. Her heart truly belonged to him. "I love you." His wholehearted tone almost made her blink with how emotional it was, and all she could do to calm her racing heart was to rest her forehead on his.

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