xxv: give you love

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   Jon had no idea what he was going to do. He had no time frame in which he thought he was going to sail back 'home', and he really didn't want to at all. He wanted to spend his days away from Westeros, the world that had practically turned their backs to them for a time. He wanted to stay with the one person he knew that would never betray him, that would always love him the same way he loved her. Andromeda was his love, and it was like she was what he had been subconsciously waiting for, always.

   Ilta was still being cleaned up about a week after the battle, and all three of the Westerosi men were still present, drinking and talking and socializing with the people of the island. Jon, however, had taken his leave with Andromeda, where they sat in her large rooms, memories coming back like a flood bursting down a damn. The levee of memories broke upon seeing each other in the room again, thinking of the wedding and that happy, joyous time of their lives that lasted only a few hours. Jon was nervous, Andromeda had brought him to tell him something.

   "My love," She said softly, sitting down next to him on her even softer bed, her body making an indent in the nice cushion. "There's something I have to tell you." He hummed and nodded, bracing himself for the worst possible thing. He really didn't want any of his conclusions to be true, and with how wild they were, he honestly doubted that they even could be true. "There was something my family told me, before I came back."

   "I'm sure they did," was all he could say through his nervousness. Andromeda would have scolded him if he wasn't so anxious about revealing what her family had told her. She would be telling him that the future of her family line rested upon his shoulders and his alone, and that's a huge responsibility. She was scared to tell him.

   "In order for my family to see me, they had to trade something to the Sisters." She said slowly, as if processing it herself. "Something of mine."

   His eyes widened. "Your soul?"

She almost laughed at how his voice sounded. "No, not my soul. My family would have never done that, ever. But they took my reproductive system."

   He sighed out, more like a huff of air, as he leaned back onto the bed. He shot up again as he realized the seriousness of what she had said. "Wait, what?"

   "I can't really have kids," she said, grimacing. The tone of his words and look on his face didn't make anything seem much better for her, and she was scared to tell him the rest.

  "What..." He muttered to himself. "This is the end of your line."

  "It's not," she said, gripping his shoulder softly. He wasn't listening anyways, and he could barely feel the way his skin tingled against hers.

  He couldn't even look her in the eyes, hiding his own dissappointment that he knew was shallow, and even somewhat selfish. "Jenny, I'm so sorry."

  "No, it's not the end of my line." She couldn't even smile the way she wanted to. "The condition is that I can't get pregnant unless it's with you, Jon."

   "I don't understand," Jon said, shaking his head slowly as the gears turned in his head even slower.

"I can only have children with you, Jon. The gods wanted us this way." She smiled, trying to get his own lips to tug upwards, but his look of bewilderment stayed instead of one of joy, the face she hoped that he would take on.

    "Jenny," he breathed out, looking into her eyes. He looked as if it were the last image his eyes would ever see.

  "I may not be able to give you dragons," she started, to which he pursed his lips slightly. "I may not be able to give you the freedom that you get beyond the Wall that I know you love and crave. I can't give you good brothers and sisters as you can with me, and I can't give you the Six Kingdoms."


"But I can give you love. I have all of the love in my heart and the world for you. I can give you one kingdom, one that is mighty and loyal enough to be twelve. I can give you children who will have their own brothers and sisters, and I can give you your own kind of freedom here." She was breathless as she ended, her eyes looking up at him and as pleading as her words. Their eyes clashed softly, weakly, and he crashed and burned.

   He brought her to him, their lips coming together in a passionate kiss. He loved her so much, and he knew it was reciprocated. The fire in his heart burned stronger and wilder than anything he had ever felt before, and even the flames of a dragon couldn't compete with the passion he had for Andromeda.

   "Don't," he said, before she could even apologize for the situation that was just sprung upon him. "I'd be honored to, Andromeda." She his her face in his neck, not exactly wanting him to see her eyes water with relief.

   They sat there in each other's arms for a moment, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. Her face grew into a smile, and he could feel her lips stretch across his neck. It was a peaceful moment, a moment that they both needed more than anything in the world at that moment. They didn't need to think about the horrifying casualties, they didn't need to think of Camorra Martell, and they didn't need or even want to think about tomorrow. What mattered was what was going on right then, and that was it.

  "You know," Jon said, her eyes opening again at his divine voice. "Since you... died, we aren't technically married anymore."

  "What do you mean by that?" She asked, pulling back a little bit, offended by his words.

   "It means that we can do it all again," he said, looking at her with adoration and stroking her dark hair. "I would get to say my vows to you a second time, though I said them to you every night we were apart."

   "You said them every night?"

"I did," he confirmed. "Every night that I was away from you, I spoke my vows. And I would love to say them to you again, officially."

   "You want everyone to be there this time, don't you?" She asked, a smirk on her face.

   "I just want everyone to know that you're My Queen, Jenny," he said teasingly. "Truly, I do want to marry you again. I want to make it official."

   "Don't say it like it wasn't," she laughed, putting her head on his shoulder again.

   "I just want my sisters and everyone there, that's all." He said, all to realizing of the pain that flashed into her eyes at the mention of family. "Andromeda..."

    "It's okay, Jon." She assured him, her voice soothing him like no other. "As long as we have the wedding at night, where there are no clouds, and where the stars can see clearly." The Honoring was coming soon again in less than a fortnight, and it would be Saros and Leonardo's turn to go into the stars, her last set of duty before her constellation making for her fallen family would come to an end. He was sure that this last Honoring would hit her the hardest, and he was even more sure that he was going to be there. "And it has to be after the Honoring."

"Anything for you, my love." He said candidly, hugging her again. "Anything at all."

this was short, but i really felt like we needed a chapter just for the two of them. i thought about adding the next chapter to this, but the romance needed to be rekindled in our hearts if even a little bit, ya know? :,)

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