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"Lauren come on get up!" Her roommate Lucy said throwing a pillow at her

"Fine I'm up!" Lauren groans, she sits up and rubs her face

"Today you're meeting with Camila cabello!" She yells, Lauren smiles and nods

"Your Favourite singer and your celebrity crush!" Lucy said excitedly, Lauren gets up and goes showered, she then gets changed in her usual clothing because Dinah her best friend and assistant said to be casual

"Omg!" Lucy said, Lauren looks at her weird

"What?" Lauren asked putting her guitar in the case

"You're going like that?" Lucy asked, Lauren nods putting the guitar case over her shoulder

"No, no you can't" Lucy said, lauren sighs

"Lucy, I need to leave I don't care how I dress they said to be casual" she said, lucy sighs

"You have a white T-shirt on, black ripped skinny jeans, a leather jacket and a beanie" Lucy said, Lauren shrugs

"I'm going to be playing the guitar Lucy, it's not a date" Lauren said, she grabs her keys and wallet and walks out the door

"Well, good luck" she said, Lauren nods and gets in her car and drives to the address she was given

When she gets there she double checks and knocks the door, it was opened by Dinah Jane and she smiles

"Hi Dinah, is Lauren...the guitar person thing...yeh" Lauren said awkwardly, Dinah giggles with a smile

"Come in" She said, Lauren smiles and walks in thanking her

"Camila will be here in a second she's just on the toilet" Dinah said, Lauren nods and takes out her acoustic guitar because that is what she was told to bring

"So, tell me about yourself" Dinah said, Lauren looks at her and thinks

"Umm..I'm 19, I don't go to college, I work at Starbucks so I'm pretty good at making coffee, I live with my roommate Lucy, I've been playing guitar for 13 years and yeh...I'm pretty boring" Lauren said, Dinah shook her head

"Sorry...13 years?!" Dinah asked, Lauren giggles and nods

"Since I was 6 yes" Lauren said, just then Camila comes and Lauren checks her out and gulps

"Hey, you must be Lauren" Camila said, Lauren nods and takes a deep breath

'Just be cool, you've got this'

"Yep, that's me..." Lauren said, she cringes but let's it pass as Camila giggles

"Awesome, so how long have you been playing?" Camila Asked grabbing her notebook

"13 years...since I was 6" Lauren said, Camila nods and writes it down

"Okay, how old are you?" She asked

"19..." dinah said, Lauren nods and Camila smiles

"Okay, I'm guessing Dinah got to know you" Camila giggles, Lauren nods with a smile

"Well, I'll do the getting to know you thing after you play" Camila said, Lauren nods and picks her guitar up and puts the strap over her shoulder

"Umm...What do you want me to play?" Lauren asked, Camila smiles

"Anything" she said, Lauren bites her lip and looks around but sighs as she sees nothing to give her any ideas as to what she should play

"I'll just play one of your songs" Lauren said, Camila smiles and nods

Lauren starts to play never be the same, then Havana, after that she plays she loves control, and finally real friends

"Wow..." Camila said, Dinah smiles and winks at Lauren

"Okay..you're amazing" Camila said, Lauren smiles

"Thanks" she said, she takes her guitar off and puts it back in the case

"So, I guess now I'll ask you some questions" Camila said, Lauren nods and Camila got to know Lauren

"Well, I guess since I need a new guitarist ASAP...you're hired" Camila said, Lauren goes wide eye

"Just like that?" She asked, Camila nods

"So, quit your job" Camila giggles

"But...I need money" Lauren said, Camila giggles so did dinah

"You get payed" Dinah said, Lauren looks shocked

"Wait, really?" She asked, Camila nods

"So, heres a contract read it, sign it and give me your number so I can call you when I have to" Camila said, Lauren nods and does all that

"Umm...thanks" Lauren said, Camila smiles and Lauren left

"So?! How did it go?!" Lucy asked, Lauren smiles

"I've got the job" Lauren said, Lucy smiles and hugs Lauren

"God I knew you could do it!" She said, Lauren smiles and pulls back

"I'm going to bed" Lauren said, Lucy nods and kisses her cheek

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