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Camila's pov

We are waiting in the waiting room of the doctors, Lauren was holding my hand and I look at her

"What if the tests are right?" I ask her, she shook her head

"We're going to be parents then" she said, I nod and hold her hand a bit tighter as we was called

"Cabello" We Stand up and follow him into a room

"What's the problem?" He asked as we sit down

"I-I think I might be pregnant" I say, he nods

"Have you taken any tests?" He asked, I nod

"3" I say, he nods getting up putting some gloves on

"Okay, What did they come back as?" He asked, I watch as he grabs a few other things and I hold onto Lauren's hand tighter

"They all came back positive" I say, he nods

"So I'm guessing you just want to make sure" he said, I nod

"Okay, could you Stand up for me?" He asked, I look at Lauren and she nods, I stand up and he walks over

"Could you hold your shirt up please?" He asked, I did and he poked at my belly for a bit

"Okay, if you could pee in this cup and bring it back to me, that would be great" he said, I frown

"But I don't need to pee" I say, he giggles and passes me some water, I sigh and drink it and Lauren takes my hand me to the bathroom

"Lo...I'm scared" I whisper, she smiles lightly

"It's okay, I'm always going to be here for you" she said, i smile and nod I let go of her hand and go pee in a cup

I come out and she giggles and takes it as I wash my hands, she takes my hand and we walk back into the room. Lauren gives him the cup and we wait for a while and he nods

"The tests where right. You're pregnant" he said, I sigh and nod looking at Lauren, she smiles and kisses my cheek

"It's okay" she said, I nod and we get up and leave

On the drive back I was pretty quiet, at every stop Lauren would look at me kissing my cheek or hand telling me everything was okay

When she gets out I look up and see we're not at home but at a pizza place, I smile lightly and she takes my hand as I'm in the car, she has opened my door and I smile getting out, she takes us in and orders our pizzas, she wraps her arms around me I smile cuddling into her

"I've got you Okay, I'm here everything is going to be okay" she said, I smile and kiss her

"I love you" I say, she smiles and kisses me again

"I love you too" she said, I rest my head on her shoulders and play with her fingers as we wait for our food

When it gets here we eat and talk cuddling, I had a really nice time just sitting and messing around with her, I really do love her and in that moment I knew I didn't ever want to lose her, or anything to happen to her, I know she's going to be a great mom, she's going to keep me safe and happy, i really love her

"Do you want to move in with me?" I Ask, she looks at me confused

"Seriously?" She asked, I nod she smiles

"I-I guess, Yeh" she said, I smile and kiss her

"We'll Get your stuff on the way" I say, she nods lightly

"I have to let Lucy know" she said, I nod and she texts her, she texts her for a while and when she was done our food was done

When we get to her house I walk in and help her pack, she was grabbing all of her clothes when I realise something

"Where is Lucy?" I Ask, she looks at me putting some clothes in a bag

"She's with her boyfriend" she said, I nod and she stands up grabbing her bags

"He's probably going to move in" she said, I smile with a giggle and nod, I grab a few bags she couldn't carry and we go to her car, we put all the bags in and she drives us to my-our house she drives us home

When we get there I help with her bags again and we walk in, Dinah was wide eyed and I smile taking Lauren to my room, she put the bags down and she smiles at me and I smile back

"I mean, when the baby comes we can get our own place, but for now..this will be great" I say, she smiles and nods

"Yeh, everything is great with you" she said, I smile wrapping my arms around her and kiss her

"Let's go back out" I say, she nods and we walk out and that when I see ally and normani

"Oh hey" I say, we sit down and I cuddle up to Lauren

"Does Lauren live here now?" Dinah asked, I nod with a smile, she smiles and nods back

"Cool, What about Lucy?" She asked, Lauren shook her head

"She's cool with it, she said she'll ask her boyfriend or move in with her" she said, Dinah nods and we all talk, we talk for hours and the other two girls said they'll stay, after a while Lauren and I shower then head to bed, we cuddle up and she kisses my neck and I know where she's going with this

"Lauren, no stop" I say, she pulls back confused

"I don't want to" I say, she nods and pecks my cheek

"Sorry" she whispered, I shook my head and put it on her chest

"Don't be, I've just found out I'm pregnant, I don't want to have sex just after...I don't really know if I want the baby" I say, she frowns and sits up

"What?" She asked, I sit up with her confused

"No, you can't kill it" she said, oh she doesn't like abortion

"No, it's not right! You're not even giving it a chance at life!" She said raising her voice

"Hey, Hey shhh calm down" I say, she seemed panicked and kind of hurt

"Hey, I won't kill it okay, just calm down for me" I say, she does and I see the others come in I was in Lauren's lay with my hands on her cheeks

"...this isn't the first time is it?" I Ask, she looks down shaking her head lightly

"Who was the other?" I Ask, she looks at me quickly then back to the bed

"Lucy..." she said, I nod I always had the feeling they had something

"She killed it?" I Ask, she nods

"That's why we're so distant from each other" she said, I nod and kiss her

"I'm not going to kill it okay...but I'm not sure if I want it or not" I say, she frowns

"I might put it up for adoption" I say, she shakes her head

"I'll take care of it" she said, i frown but then smile

"You want to be a mom" I whisper, she blushes then nods

"Babe, Why didn't you just say?" I Ask, she shrugs

"I didn't mean to get you pregnant though" she said, I giggle and nod

"I know, you're the one who wanted to use a stupid condom, but then I realise that your pul-" I stop mid sentence

"Did the doctor tell me how long I've been pregnant for?" I Ask, she shakes her head I frown

"Lo..I think I'm 2 months" I say, she nods

"Okay" she said, she shook my head

"You remember when I said one time wouldn't hurt?" I Ask, she nods

"Well it did" we both say, I giggle lightly

"Let's go sleep" she said, I nod and we lay back down and fall asleep, I had my head on her chest and she was playing with my hair with her arms wrapped tightly around me

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