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Lauren's pov

"Camren!" I hear, I groan and put my face in Camila's neck

"Hmm, baby as much as I would love to stay here, the camera crew will be here in a minute" Camila said, I sigh but nod and pull back she smiles rubbing my abs

"Put a shirt on please" she said, I giggle lightly and grab one of her shirts and put it on

"I though you liked my abs, I guess I was wrong" I say, she giggles and kisses me

"I love them more than anything, so much that I don't want anyone else to see them" she said, I smile pecking her lips and we get out the bunk, the camera crew was already here

"Oh, I thought you guys would be here later" Camila said

"It's like a day in the life on the tour buss type thing, so we came early" he said, Camila nods

"I'm sorry I'm not even ready" she said, he smiles and shakes his head

"No that's okay, kind of the point" he said, Camila giggles and smiles, I walk behind her and kiss her cheek

"I'll go start to make breakfast, what do you want?" I Ask, she looks at me and smiles

"Just some cereal" she said, I nod and she kisses me and I kiss her back

I walk out into the kitchen when Camila talks to the camera

"This is Lauren, she's amazing, she's making us both some breakfast" she said, I look back and smile she introduced everyone else, I put our bowls down and made us both a cup of coffee, she smiles and thanks me as I set them down as well, we sit and eat the camera man still recording, I look at the camera awkwardly as he puts it on me, I look at Camila and stand up washing my stuff, I grab her stuff and she Thanks me and I smile and nod

"Now is the time I would get ready, you can't see that bit, I'll see you when I'm all dressed and looking my best" she said, I smile at her and the camera gets put down, she walks over to me wrapping her arms around me, I smile and so the same she kisses me and i smile and kiss her back

"Hmmm...let's go take a shower" she said, I nod and we go shower

After we are showered we get changed and she puts one of my shirts on and I smile kissing her neck

"It's so hot out" I mumble, she nods and I lace our fingers together, she was in shorts and my t-shirt

I was in Nike shorts and a sports bra

"I don't know you're really not camera dressed" she giggles, she puts her hands on my abs and I smile as she starts to caress them

"Well, it's all about you and a day in your life" I say, she smiles and kisses me

"And you're apart of my life" she said, I smile and she kisses my neck giving me a hickey

"Mmmm let's go" she said, I nod and we leave the bathroom and Camila goes back to the camera crew, I smile at her as she's talking about new music, I grab my acoustic guitar and walk into the back, Camila smiles at me and I smile back and close the door, I start to play and sing lightly

•Camila's pov•

"What's back there?" The guy asked, I look to see the place Lauren just went

"Oh, that's like the place we go to get away from everything in here, it's like the chill out area, it's just a couch and kind of blocks out all the sound, most of it, not all" I say, he smiles

"Can we go back there?" He asked, I look back at the camera

"Lauren has closed the door I think she might want to be alone" I say, ally gives me a look I sigh and walk over telling him to stay and he does, I knock on the door and open it then close it, Lauren stops playing and I smile

"I'm sorry, it's just that the guy wants to see back here" I say, she nods and also close a notebook, I straddle her and kiss all over her face making her giggle

"I'm sorry, as soon as they done back here, you can do what ever you want, but masturbate that's what I'm here for" I say, she giggles and wraps her arms around me

"You're here for a lot more than to fuck me baby" she said, I smile and she kisses my chest where the shirt dips down

"Now go get the annoying ass camera crew" she said, I giggle and kiss her and do, they come back and look around, they point to camera at Lauren's guitar notebook then to Lauren who's on her phone

"You're Lauren right?" The guy said, she puts her phone down and looks up slowly, she nods lightly then looks at me, I smile at her and nod she takes a deep breath then looks at the guy not the camera Lens

"Was you playing guitar before we came in?" He asked

"Y-Yeh" she mumbled, I sit next to her and she grabs my hand nervously, I smile and rest my head on her shoulder and kiss her jawline

"Calm down" I say the camera goes back so both of us was in shot

"Is she scared?" He asked

"She's camera Shy" I say, he nods

"So, can you play us a song, one for your notebook?" He asked, Lauren shook her head quickly

"Hey, you're the best guitar player I know, you can do this" I say, she squeezes my hand and looks at the book

"N-Not from the b-book though" she said, I nod and ally grabbed the book but Lauren quickly took it out of her hands, she frowns and so do I she put the book under her leg and looked down

"Cameras off please" I say, they do

"Could you give us all a moment please" I say, he nods and walks out, I look at Lauren

"Hey, what's wrong?" I Ask, she just shook her head

"Nothing, it's just I'm not going to play what's in my book" she mumbled, I nod and put my legs over hers so she would hold me and look at me

"That's okay, but why did you take the book from ally?" I asked, she looks at ally apologetically

"Sorry, and I don't want anyone to know what's in there" she said, I smile wrapping my arms around her neck, I put my nose against hers Eskimo kissing her

"Can I?" I Ask, she looks at me contemplating it

"I-I don't know" she mumbled, I pout

"Please" I whisper, I was that close to her that I cou feel every breath she was taking

"Camz I don't know" she whispers, I move closer to her

"For me? You know I won't say anything" I whisper, she sighed and I kiss her

"Fine" she mumbled against my kiss, I smile kiss her still

"Thanks" I mumble, she smiles and I pull back and peck her cheek, she grabs the book and hands it to me, ally calls the gut back in and Lauren plays the guitar, I sit back and read the book. These are songs, I think to my self, really good songs, I think again, I look at Lauren then the camera crew, I close the book and put it under her leg again, she smiles and puts her guitar back down, the camera guy said she's great and all that stuff

Later on the crew leaves and we was all in the living room type bit, I was cuddled up to Lauren and she was cuddling me back

"Lo, the stuff in your book is great, like really good" I say, she smiles and thanks me

"Are they songs?" I Ask, she nods and I kiss her because she's just so cute and hot at the same time

"You should think about singing them on tour" I say, she shook her head, I nod and kiss her neck

"If you don't want to, you don't have to" I say, she Thanks me and we watch the movie

After a while we all go to bed, Lauren back in
My bunk, the crew said they would record me waking up, I'm guessing it's going to be faked

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