Camila's pov

We was at rehearsals even though Lauren didn't have to be here I wanted her to be, we talked about lodes of different stuff and I was sat on her lap, I slyly grind my ass against her crouch and she moans quietly in my ear, I smile and she opens the palm of her hands and I smile and lace my fingers with hers, she pulls me closer and on an angle where I can't grind into her

"Why do that?" I whisper, she smiles and shrugs

"I didn't want to be hard in front of everyone" she whispers back, I smile and she tickles me causing me to burst out laughing, everyone looks at us and lo kept tickling me

"Stop!" I laugh, she smiles and carries on

"Lolo Stop!" I laugh, I see her giggling as well

"Baby please stop!" I laugh, she smiles but doesn't, after a while she did

"I hate you" I say, she giggles and I cuddle into her chest, she wraps her arms around me as I wrap mine around her

After the talk we was aloud to leave I try to stand up but wince, everyone looks at me concerned and I look at Lauren sadly, she smiles and picks me up and carries me on her hip

"What's up mila?" Dinah asked, I shook my head

"Just got a bad leg" I say, she nods and ally looks at me

"Will you be okay for tomorrow?" She asked, I look at Lauren and she shrugs

"Probably if I don't fall out of bed again" I say looking at Lauren, she giggles and kisses my cheek

"Sorry but you was asking for it babe" she said, I giggle with a blush and hide in her neck

"Camz! You literally threw everything from my bag on the floor!" Lauren said putting me down as we enter the room

"I know, but! I did put the lube on the side" I say, she giggles and puts everything away except the condoms and lube

"Let's go eat with the girls" she said, I nod and stand up but wince

"Or we can order room service" she said, I nod and she sits next to me and calls them

"Yep and also can I have an ice pack please? Thank you, yep that's all bye" she said, I smile and kiss her neck

"Aww are you getting me an ice pack?" I coo, she giggles and kisses me and I smile

After a while room service came and Lauren got the food and the ice pack, she puts the food down then grabs the ice pack and puts it on my crouch, I giggle and smile and she pecks my lips but I deepen it, she smiles and kisses me back

"Hmmm, is that helping?" She asked pulling back slightly, I nod and she smiles and sits down next to me, she grabs the food and puts Netflix on and hands me the remote, I smile and put a movie on I cuddle up to her and we eat watching the movie, after a while the door knocked, I pull the blanket over my legs and lo giggles lightly

"Who is it?! I'm comfy!" Lauren yells, I laugh and the door opens

"Girl we have a key ain't no need to yell!" Dinah said, I giggle as they walk in, I was cuddled up to Lauren who had her arm around me, the food was in between our legs and the movie was playing

"You two are so dating" Normani said, lo and I blush looking at each other then back to them

"No we're not" we say in sync, we giggle and I peck her lips then pull back fast

"Hmmm your not dating?" Ally smirked, lo shook her head with a massive blush and I hide into her side

"Sowwy" I say in a baby voice, she coos and I realise I've just found her weakness

"Mila it's so hot, why the fuck do you have blanket over you?" Mani Asked, I blush as lo giggles and bites her lip

"I'm cold" I say, Dinah rises an eyebrow and pulls the blanket off me, everyone sees the ice pack on my crouch and I blush, Mani then looks next to Lauren and goes wide eye

"Umm...did you get kicked there or something?" Ally asked, Mani giggles and I blush

"Fall? Stretch something?" Dinah asked, I hide my face in Lauren's neck

"Lube, condoms, ice pack" Mani said, they all look on the bedside table and Dinah yells

"Lauren took your v card?!" Lauren looks at me weird

"Wait what?" She asked, Mani and ally give Dinah a look aka death glare

"Wait... Camz, sit up a sec" she said, I do with a huge blush

"Tell me shes kidding" she said, I stare at her eyes and shake my head lightly

"I-I was your, first?" She asked, I nod and she nods

"Oh..." she mumbled looking away from me

"Why, Why didn't you tell me?" She asked looking back at me

"Lo, how would I of said that?" I Ask, she shrugs

"Oh and by the way, this is my first time having sex...then I wouldn't of been so rude while doing it, I would of been nicer and not made it all about myself" Lauren said, I frown

"Baby no, it was amazing" I say, I get on my knees and straddle her putting my hands on her cheeks

"You didn't make it all about yourself" I say, she rests her head on my shoulder wrapping her arms around me

"Hey, who came twice before you did and came after you?" I say, she giggles and smiles

"You" She whispers, I nod and kiss her head

"Exactly it was amazing babe, I wouldn't have it any other way or with anyone else" I say, she smiles putting her hands up the back of my shirt and caressing the skin there

"I would of made it more special though" she said, I smile and kiss her cheek

"As cute as you are right now, it was perfect okay, it was special...don't worry about it okay, You was even thoughtful enough to get room Service and get me an ice pack" she giggled and kisses me

"Calm down about it okay" I say, she nods and I kiss her again

"So...wanna day you're not dating anymore?" Mani Asked, lo and I look at them

"We are not dating" we say, they roll their eyes and get up

"Shows up when we come in" ally said, we nod and they leave Lauren and I cuddle some more and soon fall asleep

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