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Camila's pov

Dinah went over to her friends house and I was at home on my own, I go into the living room and see Lauren left her jacket, I frown and go to my notebook and got her address. I grab her jacket and go to my car diving to her house, when I get there I knock on the door and it's opened by another girl who's mouth hung open

"Hey does Lauren live here?" I Ask, she nods and I smile as she called her

"What?" Lauren asked, she comes from the living room and I smile at her

"What do you want?" She asked me, the girl slapped the back of her head

"Hay!" She said

"That's Camila cabello, be fucking nice" the girl said

"Fuck off Lucy" Lauren said, the girl named Lucy did and Lauren invited me in, I pass her jacket to her and she Thanks me

"Lucy! Never wear my jacket again!" Lauren yells

"Sorry! It was cold and none of mine went with my outfit!" She yelled back, Lauren rolled her eyes and sat on the couch and I saw weed all over the table

"Ummm..." I say, she grabs my hand and pulls me down into the couch

"Are you okay?" I ask, she nods not talking and rolls a blunt

"Yep" She mumbled, she puts it in her mouth then looks at me, she takes it out and puts it on the table

"Why are you here?" She asked, I point to her jacket and she nods

"And...about earlier" I say, she sighed and took her shirt off, I go wide eyed and my mouth hung open

"Sorry, I got hot" she said, I nod and she lays down on the couch with her feet over me, I stare at her abs

"So...What about earlier, Yeh I have a dick so what?" She asked, I nod and my eyes trail to her crouch where she had a nice bulge, I lick my lips and look back at her face

"Are you high?" I Ask, she nods

"Yep, very high" she said and started to clean the table, I nod and bite my lip as she lays back down properly and I look back at her crouch

"Stop staring...or do you want to do what my shirt says?" She asked and points to the second picture, I giggle and look at her and shake my head, she takes her belt off then un does her pants, I look at her weird as she takes them off and is in just her Calvin Klein and a bra

"What? I told you I'm hot" she said, I nod and I get up

"I think I should go" I say, she nods and I look back down at her bulge, it's 1000% bigger than Shawn's

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say, she nods and I leave, god damn that woman has a big dick

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