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Camila's pov

I wake up once again the cameras where here, I see Lauren woke up before me I go into the kitchen them following me. I smile as I see Lauren cooking, I lean up kissing her cheek

"Morning Babe" I say, she smiles

"Morning Camz" She said, I smile and make myself a coffee, when it was done i sit at the table with the girls and we talk as the cameras record

"Ally, when is rehearsals?" I Ask, Lauren's sets the food down and I smile thanking her, she sits next to me and I rest my head on her shoulder

"11, the photo shoot is at 12,30, then the interview at 3" she said, I nod and eat

When we was done eating we got ready and then we got to where we needed to be

"We have 1hour until rehearsals, so let's explore the place" Dinah said, we walk agree and I take Lauren's hand and we walk out, the cameras follow me and Lauren as the others went somewhere else

"Baby! Puppies!" I say and pull her to the window

"Awww and kittens" i say, she wraps her arm around my waist

"Camz, when tour is over, you know you can't have a pet on the tour buss" she said, I sigh and wrap my arms around her waist hiding into her side

"But look how cute" I say, I look at her with a pout, she smiles kissing me and i smile kissing her back

"When. Tour. Is. Over. I'll. buy. You. One" she said as we kissed, she pulls back and I nod

"Okay" I whisper, I look at them one last time and then lo and I walk off

"Camila!" I hear, I look and see 3 girls run over to us, we stop and I say hello and stuff

"Can we take picture?" One asked, I smile and nod Lauren grabs the phone she handed to me and takes the pic, she does this with everyone

We talk for a while as Lauren cuddled me from behind with our hands laced together, I wrap her arms around me some more and she smiles and kisses my cheek making me blush lightly

"You two are a cute couple" another one said, I smile and thank her, Lauren's phone goes off and she grabs it and then shows me

"But, she said 11" I whine

"And its only...11" I mumble, she girls giggle and say bye as Lauren and I rush back

"God this is why you two can never go anywhere" Ally said

"We was-" she cut me off

"No save it" she said, she always gets like this when I'm late, I sigh and take my bag off and shirt then go by the mirror and follow my coach's lead

"Lo" I whine as I'm led on the floor, she laughs at me and I pout

"I'm tired" I say, she walks over and pics me up, I smile wrapping my arms around her but she stands me on my feet

"Still got half hour baby" she said, I whine

"You do it with me?" I Ask, she looks at the coach who nods, she shrugs and nods taking her shirt off, I smile and kiss her abs but she pushes my head away

"You're being mean" I say, she giggles and nods

"Oh yeh, I'm a monster" she said, I giggle and we start

"Wow Lauren, was you a dancer before?" He asked, I look up at Lauren from cuddling into her side

"Uhhh..Yeh" she mumbled

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