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Dinah walks into the kitchen where Camila is getting a drink of water

"The tour is back up, tickets are back on sale you just need to post about it" Dinah said, Camila nodded and started to make a video for Instagram and Twitter

"Text Lauren to come over" Camila said, Dinah nodded and did just that

"Hey Lauren" Camila said as she opened the door to her

"Hi" Lauren said, Camila smiles and lets her in

"So, the tour is back on and we need you to know the songs and all that stuff" Camila said, Lauren nods and runs her hand through her hair

"So...where's your guitar?" Camila Asked, Lauren looks and giggles

"I didn't know I needed it" Lauren giggles, Camila looks at Lauren's eyes and frowns

"Are you high?" Camila Asked, Lauren nod still giggling

"Umm...are able to concentrate?" Camila Asked, Lauren nods and stops giggling Camila tell Lauren everything she needs to know, Dinah got Camila guitar to see if Lauren could play the songs, Of cause she could. After that they was done but Camila Asked Lauren to stay, Camila sat with Lauren getting to know her, she realised that when Lauren is high she gets into more deep conversations. Camila got to know about Lauren's fucked up childhood her friends, well everything Camila told Lauren stuff about her past and all as well, Lauren and Camila got really close and Camila realised that Lauren is amazing, she was smart, talented, very fucking educated with what's going on in the world and every beautiful both inside and out

"I need to pee..." Lauren said, Camila nods and tells her where the bathroom sis

"I've got food-wheres Lauren?" Dinah asked

"She's just in the toilet" Camila said, Dinah nods and they start to put the food out, when Lauren comes back out she has her shirt pulled up, holding it up by her mouth and was doing her belt up, Camila couldn't help but stare at the girls abs, they was incredible

"Umm..Lauren, foods here" Camila said, she finally looks away from her abs and to her eyes, Lauren smiles and nods

"Okay, Thanks" she said, Camila nods licking her lips

They all sit on the couch watching a movie and eating, Lauren yawns and is clearly falling asleep Camila looks at Dinah but Dinah shrugs

"Leave her be" she said, Camila nods and let Lauren fall asleep, Lauren's head falls onto Camila's shoulder and she's passed out, she grabs her food from her hands and puts it on the table. She picks her up bridle style and Carries her to the guest room, she takes her shoes off and stares at her skinny jeans, she shook her head and just puts her in bed and walks out

"I put her in the guest room" Camila said, Dinah nods and she helps her clean up

"She seems cool" Dinah said, Camila nods

"Yeh, we had a pretty deep conversation when you was gone, she told me a lot about herself not only is she a better guitarist than Shawn, she's a better person too" Camila said, Dinah nods and they talk for a while then go to bed themselves

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