Camila's pov

It's been a couple of weeks since tour has been announced again, right now lauren was helping me put my bags on the buss, I couldn't help but stare at her abs. It's been getting hotter and hotter lately so Lauren in a sports bra and some shorts, of cause with shoes in this case vans. She grabs one last bag and puts it on, she then turns to me and takes my hand helping me get on the buss, since it was steps and I gladly took her hand with a smile and climbed on

"So, What do we do now?" She asked, I smile and take her hand and we walk to the front room, it will just be dinah lauren and I with some people from the band, normani and ally also, ally is my boss and normani is her assistant

"We can watch a movie" I say, she smiles and nods, over these past few weeks Lauren and I have grew incredibly close, I put the movie in and sit next to her she wraps her arm around me as I cuddle into her

"Hey mila" Ally said, she sits down and I smile

"Hey ally" I say, I play with Lauren's hand that's around my waist as she watches the movie

"Well, everyone is on now so we'll be on the road soon, we should work out the bunks" she said, I nod and rest my head on Lauren's shoulder, everyone comes in after ally calls them, I stretch over Lauren and grab the tv remote and pause the movie, Lauren looks at everyone else and I smile at her

"So, bunks 1st section" Ally said

"Top!" Mani and dj said, they high five each other

"Middle? I'm having one" Ally said, the drive then said no one can have the other middle bed because its broke or something

"Me and lo can have bottom" I say, lo nods and I hide away in her neck with a smile, I can't lie I have been growing a bit of a crush on Lauren, but I'm sure it'll pass she's one of my best friends

Then the band sort out who is have the 2nd section bunks

We all talk lauren getting to know the others and the band also talked to her about music and shit, she got along great with everyone

"Oh, I'm brad by the way" the drummer said, Lauren smiles and nods I could tell she's getting awkward and it's adorable, I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder

"Stop being so awkward, you're with these for a long time now" I whisper in her ear, she giggles and the buss driver stops abruptly, I pull back from Lauren and we all look out the widow to see what happens

"Mila?!" I hear, I still have my arms around lauren and I sigh

"Their in the back" the driver said, Shawn comes in and looks at me

"Mila..I'm sorry" he said, I nod and sit my head in the crook of laurens neck

"I want back in on the band" he said, I giggle and look at him still cuddling Lauren

"No, I've already got a new guitarist" I say, he frowns

"Come on, you even said no one could be better than me" he said, i giggle

"I love you Shawn" I say, he smiles

"Really?" He asked, I roll my eyes

"See I lie a lot" I say, Lauren giggles and I smile kissing her forehead making her blush

"Oh, I guess that's the guitarist then" he said, I nod and he nods

"But, you said you'd never have a relationship with someone in the band" he said

"No shawn, I said I'd never have a relationship with you..." I say, he nods and walks out but stops by the door

"Tell me when your ready, I'm waiting, even five years from now if you haven't found somebody, I promise I'll be around, just tell me when your ready, I'll be waiting" he said, I smile lightly and nod he walks out and shook my head

"Wow...that was, kinda cute" I say, I shook my head and rest it on Lauren's shoulder

For the rest of the ride to the first hotel room we all just talked and messed around

The guitarist- CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now