Camila's pov

We made it to the hotel and we all got off, Lauren hand some of my bags and some of hers, since we didn't need all of them, she was also holding my hand which is really fucking impressive, it looks like she's doing it with no trouble

We go into the hotel and fans where there who was going crazy, my body guard told me I wasn't aloud to take pics with them, but Lauren walked me over to some and got into trouble for it, she also gave me a pen to sign stuff she's amazing

"Lauren over here need to talk" the body guard said, I look at her with a light smile

"Down worry, I'll sign you in and I'll get us a room" I said, she smiles and let's go of my hand walking to him, I could hear some words they was saying

"Don't do that again! I said no, fans she isn't aloud, I don't care fans or not don't do it, fucking do what I want and if she wants fan I'll let her see her fucking fans, that's why they're hear after all to see her" Lauren walks back over to me and I smile

"I got us a queen sized bed so we can cuddle" I say, she giggles with a smile and nods

"Ma'am please allow me" my other body guard said, he takes the bags off Lauren and she smiles and thanks him, I then wrap my arms around her neck and cuddle into her chest, she smiles wrapping her arms around my waist and playing with the end of my shirt

"Camila, Come on" Ally said, I look back to see them all stood by the elevator, I nod and take Lauren's hand and we walk to there just in time for it to open

When we get to our room the person who took our bags put them in our room neatly and left we thanked him, I wrap my arms around Lauren's waist from behind and rubbed her abs, she looks at me and smiles

"Do you want to go out and eat?" I Ask her, she smiles and nods

"But, I need to get changed" she said, I giggle and nod, she goes and grabs a t-shirt and some other shorts and strips off and gets changed, I stare at her biting my lower lip

"Oh god sake Camila!" She said, I giggle and she walks over to me and undoes her shorts, i laugh and get on my knees in front of her joking around opening my mouth sticking my tongue out, She giggles and as she was undoing her zipper as a joke the door opens, Ally normani and Dinah come in lauren jumps back and I stand up wide eyed

"It's not what it looks like!" Lauren said, I nod

"What she said" I say, I look back to see Lauren's shorts still undone, I give her a look and she looks down and does them up

"Umm...we'll, let you two be" Ally said, I nod and they leave and Dinah gives us a smirk

"I need to stop that joke" Lauren said, I giggle and shook my head 'please don't I like your crouch in my face' 'What the fuck Camila that's the weirdest shit ever'

"Yeh" I mumble, she smiles and takes my hand walking us out

We go to a restaurant with a body guard because apparently they have to go everywhere with me, he waits outside though and me and Lauren sit and eat, we talk and joke around and then I see someone take picture of us, I look back to see someone at a table doing it, I smile lightly and go back to Lauren she had her hand on the table and I take it mindlessly playing with her fingers, she smiles at our hands and i smile at her

After dinner we go back to the hotel

Lauren and I was getting ready for bed and she turns to me

"Umm...I usually sleep naked" she said, I smile lightly and nod 'you can be naked all the time, I won't mind'

"Okay..." I say, more as a question

"I don't really know what to do...your here" she said running her hand through her hair 'right, don't be a creep camila'

"Just sleep in boxers and a sports bra" I say, she nods and strips off and I take my clothes off and put a big shirt on

"Come on" I say, she smiles and climbs into bed next to me, I cuddle up to her and she wraps her arm around me

"Netflix?" I Ask, she nods and I smile and put my head on her shoulder

"What do you want to watch?" I Ask looking at her, she looks at me and smiles

"You chose" she said, I smile and put a Disney movie on, after the movie we lay down and I put my head on Lauren's chest

"You look so cute" she said, I blush and smile

" look hot" I say, she smiles and I stare into her eyes as she stares back at mine

"I love your eyes" I say, she smiles showing off her amazing teeth

"And your smile" I say, she blushes and rubs my back

"Well, their not half as good as your eyes and smile, your perfect" she said, I smile and blush, I hide away in her neck and hear the lamp go off

"Night Camila" she said, I smile and peck her neck

"Night Lauren"I say and feel a kiss on my head

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