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Lauren pov

I wake up to talking I wrap my arms around Camz some more and she puts her head in the crook of my neck, I feel the blanket fall off us or well pulled off us camz climbs on top of my and I rub her back

"Hmm lo cold" she mumbled, I rub her back and kiss her cheek still half asleep, I then go down to the side of me and grab the covers and put them over camila

"Thank you" she mumbled, I kiss her head and yawn

"Go back sleep" I say, she nods and wraps the blanket around us and I pull the big shirt she's wearing up and slip my hands onto her bear back

"No, don't you dare go back to sleep" I hear someone say, I groan and Camila whines

"Wake up!" They say again

"Oh fuck off" I say, I hear gasps and Camz giggling into my neck, I roll over with her in my arms so she's led next to me, I pull her closer and she throws her leg over me and comes impossibly closer hiding in the front of my neck

"Wake up!" The same person said, I feel Camz playing with the waist band of my boxers with her on hand but ignore it, the blankets once again be ripped off us and then Camila's hand slips into my boxers, I was half asleep so I ignore it, I feel her fingertips running across it, I fall back asleep

"Wake the fuck up! And Camila get your hand out of Lauren's boxers! Dirty whore!" I hear, I groan and grab a spare pillow and put it over Camila and i's head I feel her hand leave my underwear leaving me hard, I feel her kiss my jaw and I smile and then the pillow was pulled off us, revealing Camila kissing my jaw and my goofy smile that pillow hits my head hard

"Owww! The fuck! You dumb cunt!" I yell, that woke me up and Camila

"Wow...so laurens not a morning person" Ally said, Dinah stood there with the pillow a little scared

"Hey lo, Calm down" Camz said, I look at her and grab the blanket and pull it over myself and then push her back down, I pull it over her and cuddle back into her, she smiles and rubs my back and I kiss her cheek

"No! You need to wake up" Ally said

"Go away, I'm not in the mood today" I say, Camz kisses my head and I smile

"We have rehearsals well you two do" normani said

"Fuck them" I say

"Hey babe tell me what's wrong" Camz said, I pull her closer and shook my head

"Just to early" I say

"It's 11am" Dinah said

"Exactly it's before 1 it's too early, remember I'm still a teenager I'm lazy" I mumble into Camila's neck, Camz giggles and kisses my head

"Let's go take a shower" she said, I yawn and just hold her not replying

"Together?" Dinah said

"Shut up d" she said, I grab the end of her shirt and go to her ear

"Are you wearing a bra?" I whisper, she nods and I giggle and pull the shirt over her head, I throw it in dinahs face and pull Camila's bra straps down to make it seem like she's naked down, the covers where over her chest anyway, I then take my boxers off and throw them at them

"Leave" I say, they nod and do, I giggle and Camz bites her lip

"You hard" she said, I frown and put my hand down and sigh

"Great" I mumble, she smiles and licks her lips she grabs the end of my sports bra and pulls it up I smile and take it off, she takes hers off then her underwear

"Don't talk about this to anyone...it's just two friends who are single and horny okay" She said, I nod and she pulls the blanket off us, she then looks at me straddling me

"Do you have a condom?" She asked, I think then nod

"In my back pack" I say, she nods and goes in it and giggles

"Lube, a sex toy, condoms, weed, chips, your laptop, it's charger and a book" she giggles, I smiles she giggled and grabs the box of condoms and puts them on the bed side table, she grabs one and puts it on for me using her mouth, I go wide eye and she comes back up

"We have to be quick" she said, I nod and she straddles me and slips my cock in her

"Fuck! You're so big" she moans, I smile and nod

"Okay, we need to shower" she said, I smile and get up she gets up and groans

"Are you okay?" I ask, she nods and I pick her up

"Just a little sore...I didn't realise how hard you was going" she said, I frown

"I'm sorry" I say, she shook her head

"No, I liked it...and I did ask for it, you never once hurt me, I'm just going to be sore for a while" she said, I nod and kiss her naked shoulder and we go shower

"I have a show tomorrow" she said, I nod and wrap my arms around her from behind

"Since we just had sex...does that mean we can fuck more often?" I ask, she giggles and nods

"100% you're fucking amazing at it" she said, I smile and peck her lips

"Thanks" I say, she giggles and we go downstairs and see the girls

"No talking about it" she said, I nod and she takes my hand and I smile

"Camila! Camila!" People yell, Camz looks up and sees fans at the door which is blocked by her guards

"Do you want to go see them?" I Ask, she nods and I take her there

"No, Camila stay back" the guy said

"Move" I say to him

"No lauren" he said, I push him back and stand in front of everyone, I let one person in take a pic talk get stuff singed and they leave then the next

"You're incredible" Camz said to me, I smile and she takes my hand and we go to the others

"Okay, the van is outside" Dinah said

"Wait what about food?" Camz Asked, they all giggle

"We've done that, you two where to busy doing...whatever it was you was doing" Ally said, we blush and nod

"Are you dating?" Normani Asked, I shook my head

"No, we're just friends" I say, she nods and I go to Camila's ear

"With benefits" I whisper, she giggles and nods we go to the van and sit next to each other and we go to where ever the fuck it was we where going

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